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  1. ChickDancer


    Wait, we have someone that works at my usual TSC?? Too bad I no longer own chickens. It's SO weird coming here without being a chicken owner anymore! But I do still have feathered friends. They live indoors though. I miss my chickens!
  2. ChickDancer


    Yep, from a black copper Marans!
  3. ChickDancer


    Robo, I found you a new bed!
  4. ChickDancer

    Looking for baldness/pluck answers for Macaw

    Okay, feathers are coming back in and no serious skin issues. But now I have a new question - and a vet appointment for Monday. We've named her Bazinga, and she has adopted my mom more than me. But she'll be playing around on my mom's bed and then suddenly stop and stare at the surface she is...
  5. ChickDancer

    Looking for baldness/pluck answers for Macaw

    Yesterday, I received a rescued B&G Macaw. It is an assumed female, who was abandoned. Tenants moved out of a rental house and left her behind - locked in her cage for several weeks alone. I've owned parrots before, but not one in this horrible shape! I'll start looking for a good avian vet...
  6. ChickDancer

    Cockatiel breeding questions

    I recently received four cockatiels, all housed in one cage together. One pair is about 14 years old, so I wasn't expecting much from them. The other is about 7 years old. Or so I've been told, anyway. I wanted to split up the pairs because the cage wasn't all that big, and the younger female...
  7. ChickDancer

    6+ Narragansett Turkey Eggs

    Typically, turkeys only lay eggs in late spring or early summer (May/June). But I am sure she'll have more in 2015.
  8. ChickDancer


    Or that the person is offering to sleep with you if you'll take the lizard?
  9. ChickDancer


    @Roboduck, this is for you:
  10. ChickDancer


    I was gone so long, my cat Max hasn't bothered to go outside since I brought him in. He just meows and follows me around, but won't budge out of the door UNLESS I go outside!
  11. ChickDancer


    I have been in hell. To put it short, my sister took her issues with me WAY too far!!
  12. ChickDancer


    OMG these past 7 weeks have been hell! I MISSED YOU GUYS!!!!
  13. ChickDancer


    Good news: the friend of the lady keeping my chickens, took the two swedish ducks. So all five remaining ducks are pekins - three males, two females. Feel free to turn one or two drakes into dinner.
  14. ChickDancer


    There is a problem if they said "expect half of them to die". But I find it a bigger problem that their solution is to buy MORE from them! If that doesn't sound like one hell of a cheesy business ploy, then nothing does!
  15. ChickDancer


    Two of the ducks are gone. I'm HOPING the person who got them took males. I had five males, two females. Gam, the rest are going to abmaddox's bunch for you to pick up this weekend.
  16. ChickDancer


    Abmaddox already got dibs on the poults.
  17. ChickDancer


    After talking with my mom and brother, and dealing with my sister and the woman who is loaning me space to keep my birds right now, I have decided to get rid of my chickens, geese, ducks, and even the baby turkeys. I may get back into them later. But right now, I'm just in a bad position with...
  18. ChickDancer


    I might have just lost a cat... right after he stole two chicks from my brooder. When I was at my sister's house, he never touched them. I even have a photo of a lone baby bantam sitting on his back, as he snoozes in the sun. I can't believe he came in and took one this past weekend. But he...
  19. ChickDancer


    Trying to upload a photo and it's just not cooperating today. I picked up another box turtle, although this one was a VERY unfortunate victim of careless "owners"...
  20. ChickDancer


    I had two 2x4's (although mine were 8 feet long) sticking straight up from the ground to hold mine up. The tension and weight of the net held it in place, so I didn't need to attach it. I just installed the net, and then went underneath and pushed it up with the boards.
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