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  1. Sparkle110

    Welsummer Hen Brought in for Puss in Right Eye, Head is now Either Stuck to it's Back or Drooping on The Floor

    and for a TLDR 1) What type of bird , age and weight (does the chicken seem or feel lighter or thinner than the others.) Welsummer, Age 2-3 Years old 2) What is the behavior, exactly. Droopy head, flailing backwards, walking on hocks 3) How long has the bird been exhibiting symptoms? 3 days 4)...
  2. Sparkle110

    Welsummer Hen Brought in for Puss in Right Eye, Head is now Either Stuck to it's Back or Drooping on The Floor

    3 days ago when doing my regular maintenance I noticed one of my chickens (Welsummer hen, about 2-3 years old) had a large amount of puss under the eyelid of it's right eye. I immediately brought it in and carefully cleaned out it's eye with bottled spring water and tweezers, I wanted to keep an...
  3. Sparkle110

    Same Here!

    Same Here!
  4. Sparkle110

    Animator/Artist Chat Thread

    Heya! I've got some art and I wanted some opinoins on them, is anyone on?
  5. Sparkle110

    Animator/Artist Chat Thread

    I think the person I know set about 20
  6. Sparkle110

    Animator/Artist Chat Thread

    @Feather Hearts You're doing the Hatch-A-Long?! I know someone who's doing it too!
  7. Sparkle110

    Animator/Artist Chat Thread

    I did that too! They were so bad that if I saw them now, I'm pretty sure my eyes would fall out!
  8. Sparkle110

    Animator/Artist Chat Thread

    SWEEET! (and sorry I don't drink coffe, but tea is OK!) Sorry I have not posted any art, I'm working on some hard projcets, and any quick sketches are no good, when I finish a project, I'll post it :)
  9. Sparkle110

    Animator/Artist Chat Thread

    I would post some stuff, but all of my work is incomplete :barnie BTW style has gooten way more real, but that also means it takes forever
  10. Sparkle110

    Animator/Artist Chat Thread

    hey Thanks! I'm working on a big project right now (I can't say fully why it's big, but I'm drawing from a picture of someone I know) I've been drawing it for 3 days now, and I'm not all that far in, as soon as I have darker lineart, I will post
  11. Sparkle110

    Animator/Artist Chat Thread

    Well so am I :barnie
  12. Sparkle110

    Animator/Artist Chat Thread

    Does anyone have any tips on how to draw folds/bunching in clothing? I'm horrible at it and I want to learn
  13. Sparkle110

    Animator/Artist Chat Thread

    OK, sweet!
  14. Sparkle110

    Animator/Artist Chat Thread

    Done, lineart's not bad, shading's bad :hmm darn
  15. Sparkle110

    Animator/Artist Chat Thread

    :hmm um...OK?
  16. Sparkle110

    Animator/Artist Chat Thread

    I'm just gonna thorw some art together, this is not gonna be my best...
  17. Sparkle110

    Animator/Artist Chat Thread

    Wow all around, I will need to make more art soon (i'm doign art, I'm just shading other people's lineart, I ned to make my own soon!)
  18. Sparkle110

    Animator/Artist Chat Thread

    I do have 1 drawing, but it's a qoute from a book and there's at least 2 mojor things wrong with it, so I'mma going to try again later, I have a comic course starting in 10 days, so that will be fun!
  19. Sparkle110

    Animator/Artist Chat Thread

    I don't think any of us have drawn anything (I'm too busy trying to learn new stuff to actually try it XP)
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