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  1. bnb2108

    Lethargic hen with weak leg

    Oh, I'm so sorry. It's a hard call to make when you're only guessing at the problem.
  2. bnb2108

    White bump on chicken comb, any ideas?

    Well, I've been traveling for work and haven't had a chance to snap a picture. The bump doesn't appear to be getting any larger, and she's behaving normally. I guess I'm going to assume it's fine and leave it alone. I'll still post a pick if I can grab her this weekend.
  3. bnb2108

    Lethargic hen with weak leg

    Oh, I'm so sorry to hear. Were you able to figure out the cause?
  4. bnb2108

    Lethargic hen with weak leg

    Good luck!! I hope it works. Keep me posted.
  5. bnb2108

    White bump on chicken comb, any ideas?

    It honestly just appeared. My first thought was that it was a sting or a bite, but it's been around for severa days now. Maybe it's gotten slightly bigger, but not a whole lot? I can definitely grab her later and get a better shot. She won't be happy about it, but there are worse things in the...
  6. bnb2108

    White bump on chicken comb, any ideas?

    So this bumb showed up on my orp's comb a few days ago. Any idea what it is or what I should do? It looks a bit like a big pimple to me, which has me tempted to pop it. I've got some liquid wound care and thought about daubing some on, but I honestly have no idea what's right here. Sorry it was...
  7. bnb2108

    Lethargic hen with weak leg

    I had a chicken with similar symptoms (about four months old) who was diagnosed with coccidosis. I would recommend treating with corid as soon as possible. You may need to syringe feed the first dose or two, if that's what she has she probably won't want to eat or drink at this point. I'd also...
  8. bnb2108

    Not Sure If You've Got A Pullet Or Cockerel? Click Here! Thread 2

    Thank god. I've already got to rehome one cockerel, and I really didn't want to deal with another.
  9. bnb2108

    Not Sure If You've Got A Pullet Or Cockerel? Click Here! Thread 2

    I posted photos of my silver laced Wyandotte awhile back, but I still am not certain about gender. Any thoughts?? He/she is 16 weeks.
  10. bnb2108

    Silver laced Wyandotte-- pullet or cockerel?

    @summerb123 Sorry, the top to photos are at 13 weeks, bottom two are 6 weeks. Sizing is hard to tell at 6 weeks, since I'm holding her, but she was pretty average size, though slightly larger than some of my other confirmed pullets. I agree the comb was pretty pink, which is not typical, but...
  11. bnb2108

    Silver laced Wyandotte-- pullet or cockerel?

    Thanks! I think she might be a pullet as well. I noticed today that her waddles have gotten a bit bigger (but still not remotely as big as the definite barred rock roo's) so I'm not feeling confident. Guess I'll just wait it out a bit longer and rehome if necessary.
  12. bnb2108

    Not Sure If You've Got A Pullet Or Cockerel? Click Here! Thread 2

    Whoops, just started a new thread, then saw this. 13 week SLW: Thanks!
  13. bnb2108

    Silver laced Wyandotte-- pullet or cockerel?

    Hi all, I posted here awhile ago and folks seemed to think my SLW, pickles, was a roo. I'm not convinced. He/she is about 13 weeks now. Any thoughts? What are the distinguishing features I should be looking for now? Thanks. 13 weeks: 6 weeks (comb had some convinced she's a he):
  14. bnb2108

    Silver Laced Wyandotte sexing

    Hi all-- any idea if this is a pullet or a cockerel? He/she is about 6 weeks old. Thanks!
  15. bnb2108

    Mixed bag of chicks, need help sorting them out!

    Ok, thanks. I felt pretty confident the barred rock was a cockerel. The last rock I tried to get was also a roo, and he looked just the same. I'm crossing my fingers about the SLW. I guess time will tell!
  16. bnb2108

    Mixed bag of chicks, need help sorting them out!

    A friend and I split an order of 15 chicks from Murray McMurray that was supposed to include Aracaunas, Barred Rocks, Cuckoo Marans, Black Polish, Samon Faverolles, Silver Laced Wyandottes, and Speckled Sussex. A total of 18 chicks showed up, and we're not sure which is which or whether we...
  17. bnb2108

    Comment by 'bnb2108' in article 'Little Barnyard Coop'

    @ChickenObseser9 Thanks, the door is my favorite part of the coop! I don't have any recent pictures, but I mounted a lock to that little block of wood on the left-hand side of the door. Also, I know that raccoons are pretty crafty, but the door is really heavy. I imagine it would be hard for...
  18. Little Barnyard Coop

    Little Barnyard Coop

    This is the luxury coop I built for our 5 chickens about 6 months ago. Now that the weather has finally thawed, I thought I'd post some pictures. (Bonnie checking out her new pad) The coop itself is 4x4 and it sits over a 4x8 run. My dad helped me build it, and the whole process took the two...
  19. bnb2108

    Broken/Infected Toe?! Help please!

    About two months ago my little silkie roo decided to feebly attack a friend who was over, and as a result ended up breaking one of his toenails off. At the time, I soaked him, cleaned it up really good and separated him from the others for about 3-4 days. Two weekends ago, my significant...
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