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  1. critterkeeper25

    5 yr old Dominique hen cannot walk, teeter-totters front to back(head to tail)

    Thank you! My daughter and I were looking into building a sling for her. Would she stay in that 24 hours a day, or only part of the day?
  2. critterkeeper25

    5 yr old Dominique hen cannot walk, teeter-totters front to back(head to tail)

    UPDATE::: She laid an egg 3 days ago. Poop is normal. No discharge from eyes or nose. No gasping for breath. Eats what is put in front of her. Drinking. She still cannot stand for more than a few seconds at a time. Daughter thought that one of her feet had a swollen area at the webbing between...
  3. critterkeeper25

    5 yr old Dominique hen cannot walk, teeter-totters front to back(head to tail)

    I wouldn't cull just for her age, as she and her friends are our pets. My concern is that maybe there may be an internal injury. I'm curious as to how she injured that spur. If she got it caught some how, on the chicken wire around the pen, could she have struggled enough to tear or break...
  4. critterkeeper25

    5 yr old Dominique hen cannot walk, teeter-totters front to back(head to tail)

    Hello, We need your help. We have a 5yr old Dominique hen that is not acting normally. I noticed last night that she was having difficulty walking (was staggering) and was standing with her tail bent down. All other hens are fine. She is approximately 4 lbs. There are no outward signs of...
  5. critterkeeper25

    Sour crop

    Sour crop......ugh! I have dealt with more than my share of this. Two Crows saved my hen from this. Said hen lived for a year after being pulled back from deaths door twice while I was treating her. She developed it again this fall. Sadly I couldn't save her this time and had to euthanize. I...
  6. critterkeeper25

    Chicken seems to be vomiting piles of wet feed.

    I understand the feed in the bottom of the waterer pan, but it's the large floppy piles of wet feed on the floor that concerns me. It's not poop. Has no odor. Quantity is about 1/4 cup volume. Also the large volume of water consumed. How do you make/apply a crop bra? I have heard about some...
  7. critterkeeper25

    Chicken seems to be vomiting piles of wet feed.

    HI all! Been a while since I've been on here. Working 2 jobs to support car insurance, etc..... Have been treating a 4.5 year old Rhode Island Red hen, approx weight NOW is 2lbs. She's emaciated to the point where no muscle at all can be felt along the keel bone. Been treating her for past...
  8. critterkeeper25

    The EMERGENCY Thread!!!

    This hen is well now. It turned out that she had a 7 inch rope of hay that we put in the run, impacted in her gut somewhere. I managed to get her to pass the blockage after dosing her 2x a day with Dulcolax for about 3 or 4 days. After passing the blockage, she developed a serious internal yeast...
  9. critterkeeper25

    New Jersey

    HI! You have come to a great place for information about chicken ownership! I cannot stress enough (from experience, or lack of) that it is extremely important to do your research before venturing into chicken keeping. We thought we were knowledgeable enough . Ha! Don't get me wrong, I love...
  10. critterkeeper25

    Trying to identify what killed my hen. Graphic puc.

    Monday evening, at dusk, I was tending the animals outside, and as I rounded the corner of the back side of our house facing the woods, I heard a scream that I thought was from a rabbit meeting it's demise. Which was scary in itself.Then my husband came home, and said that he heard a fox in the...
  11. critterkeeper25

    Oregano oil adied to diet.

    Thank you very much!
  12. critterkeeper25

    Oregano oil adied to diet.

    Has anyone used Oregano oil as a supplement in their chicken's diet? I have a hen with EYP that I think could benefit from its antibacterial properties, but I have no idea what the dosage would be.
  13. critterkeeper25

    Trying to identify what killed my hen. Graphic puc.

    Actually, to me, it looked like the neck was completely picked clean, all the way to her beak. I could see all of the vertebrae. Her head was intact, but all tissue around and under beak was missing. Eyes were still there. One side of head was covered in dirt. All skin was missing except for one...
  14. critterkeeper25

    Trying to identify what killed my hen. Graphic puc.

    Thanks everyone. Those were my thoughts. I'm figuring that she was attacked, managed to wedge herself under some debris, and then was pulled into the open by a skunk I saw running from that direction back into the woods. We have Coopers hawks that I see at least once a month, plus a resident...
  15. critterkeeper25

    Trying to identify what killed my hen. Graphic puc.

    One of our hens went missing Monday. I searched for her everyday. This afternoon I found her out in the open, where I looked several times before. I don't know if she went off, hid, and died, and an animal found her, or if she was a victim of an attack. There was no blood, that I could see...
  16. critterkeeper25

    Sick Hen

    Maybe I should dose her with Corid again, just to be safe.
  17. critterkeeper25

    Sick Hen

    The whole flock was treated with Corid, and Safeguard for worms in November. Could it still be cocci or worms?
  18. critterkeeper25

    Sick Hen

    I have a 3 yr old RIR hen. She was ill about a week ago. Listless, not eating, standing alone, tail up however it appears as though saggy bottom? We treated her with penicillin injections last week. After a couple of days she perked up and began eating, however she never ate enough to enlarge...
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