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  1. MeepBeep

    Light color in coop and temp. makes a differance or not

    In regards to X-mas lights and rope lights they can work, but they might not be optimal in all cases, especially in larger coops... The threshold for photo-stimulation in chickens is about 0.15 foot candles, but maximum egg production is not achieved until about 0.5 - 1.0 foot candles or...
  2. MeepBeep

    Light color in coop and temp. makes a differance or not

    Red wave length light has the best ability to penetrate the feathers, skin and skull and stimulate the chickens light sensitive glands, but that doesn't equate to red light being best as the glands react to other wavelengths as well... From the one study I read 'warm white' light (2700K -...
  3. MeepBeep

    Cayenne Pepper It Really Gets Those Hens Laying

    There is a 'Subscribe' button under the title at the top of each thread...
  4. MeepBeep

    post your chicken coop pictures here!

    We have already had overnight frost in Northern IL...
  5. MeepBeep

    Nipple watering

    They should be mounted several inches below eye level, so that the bird is pecking downward when they use them like they are drinking from open water or a bowl... Unlike vertical nipples where you want the bird to peck upwards to use them you want the opposite with horizontal nipples, the bird...
  6. MeepBeep


    Yep, tis' season the season, I just had to take care of a possum that attempted to breach the coop through the dog door that accesses another sectioned off part of the same building, the dog caught it in the act and drove it up the tree next to the building, I did the rest... I like the dog...
  7. MeepBeep

    Winter Egglaying

    As said it takes more than a few days to see any changes, more like weeks and any more than about 30 minutes of increase in light a 24 hour period can stress the birds out and have a negative effect, ideally you should really ramp up their supplemental light slowly in 30 minute increments each...
  8. MeepBeep

    Homeschooling - SUPPORT GROUP

    I know the source is not the best, but it's actually a pretty good overview... To me the are simply well written literature that goes well beyond the surface of story and actually create and tell a much bigger story beyond the text... I know...
  9. MeepBeep

    Oh Craigslist, You Amuse Me So!

    A lot of people spell it out, as it stops it from being automatically 'hidden' by Craigslist and also makes it harder for automated phone number harvesting bots to grab... People do the same with email addresses, but spelling out 'at' and 'dot'
  10. MeepBeep

    SAW RATS IN MY COOP! Will Mint harm chickens

    Be aware that these sound systems effectiveness diminishes with use as the animals become accustomed to it, kind of like people that live next to train tracks or near airports tune out the noise that would drive many others crazy... I have never had an issue like that, and this is not all that...
  11. MeepBeep

    Oh Craigslist, You Amuse Me So!

    Yep, I agree and it irks me to no end when people list a 'free' pet on Craigslist with a $100 or whatever re-homing fee, what part of free involves payment in these peoples minds? Also, I believe a lot of these people really need to accept that once you sell or give something away like a pet or...
  12. MeepBeep

    Disinfecting portable run?

    After cleaning with a hose and or power sprayer, set it on the driveway and fill up a bleach friendly 1 or 2 gallon pump sprayer (or a cheap one that is immediately flushed and cleaned with fresh water) and spray it down, no need to rinse, after 24 hours the bleach will have evaporated and left...
  13. MeepBeep

    100% Urban Predator proof Chicken Run

    Although there is some kinetic heat created by the movement of water slightly lowing it's freezing point the difference in freezing points is minimal at best... Moving water still freezes it just takes longer because the heat drop is 'mixed' and more uniform, unlike stationary water that...
  14. MeepBeep

    100% Urban Predator proof Chicken Run

    Yeah, if you really want to nail it down and know for sure... As I said though for me even if it's running 24/7 (it's not) it's worth the cost to not have to worry or deal with frozen water... A smaller water container for me simply is not practical, my birds will drink between 5 and 10...
  15. MeepBeep


    Yeah, the other night I had the windows open and just outside my fenced yard area (maybe a few hundred yards from the house) a group of coyotes let loose into song the other night, must have been celebrating a kill... So although I have seen single coyotes around the property, it's clear there...
  16. MeepBeep

    100% Urban Predator proof Chicken Run

    Well I have no idea of the actual duty cycle of a heater, that is bound to vary drastically by ambient temps... But, we can work some quick math using a 250W heater if the heater cycles on for a total of 12 hours a day to keep the 55 gallons liquid, it would cost about $10 a month, but I...
  17. MeepBeep

    100% Urban Predator proof Chicken Run

    ;) No problem putting them in at all, drilled and tapped (threaded) the holes and they screw right in and seal up with no problem... The side walls on a 55 gallon drum depending on where you drill can be 1/4" thick or more so IMO it's best to tap them vs forcing them as they will shear off...
  18. MeepBeep

    Nipple watering

    Vertical nipples tended to always develop a leak for me due to my hard water, but I have had zero problems since I switched to horizontal nipples...
  19. MeepBeep

    Chickens sound like they have Colds

    In addition to the above about quarantine, just in case it's viral or bacterial, what size coop do you have and how much 24/7 ventilation do you have in said coop? As the weather shifts and birds tend to spend more time in the coops and people sometimes start to 'de-vent' the coops or bundle...
  20. MeepBeep

    Separating feed for mixed age flock

    Birds that don't need the extra calcium will simply sample the oyster and mostly ignore it, they won't consume it unless they need it as they are very in tune with their bodies calcium needs... Chickens can literally process consumed calcium and have it ready for creating an egg within minutes...
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