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  1. nkeaton

    Official BYC Poll - Which aspect of keeping chickens do you enjoy the most?

    I love the way they all run to the gate when they see me coming to let them out to free range. What fun to watch them flit about the yard then make a mad dash for the coop when it starts getting dark...they are just funny and who doesn't like a good laugh everyday?!?!
  2. nkeaton


    Welcome to BYC! I'm a newbie myself (2 months into this) :) The people here are great and so far I have been able to find answers to all of my questions. Good luck on this journey, it has been a positive experience for me. I have 2 Partridge Brown Rocks, 1 Silver Spangled Hamburg and a Silver...
  3. nkeaton

    Simple PVC Feeder (PICS)

    Is the nipple on the gatorade bottle the same as the one in this ebay link? Looks different but it's also not in use in the ebay pic. No idea how my post...
  4. nkeaton

    newbie with 50 lb bag 15% protien layer pellets.

    And I used the measurements I did bc it's what I have left from my initial 50 lb bag but I think I have figured out the calculations so we r good. Thx all!!
  5. nkeaton

    newbie with 50 lb bag 15% protien layer pellets.

    So I got it right? 20% is where I want to be. :)
  6. nkeaton

    newbie with 50 lb bag 15% protien layer pellets.

    The fish pellet thing was a bust . The guy didnt understand calculating the % when you add all factors. So I left with 24% Stater crumbles . If Im doing the math right , I will mix 20 lbs of 15% to 25 lbs of 24% which should put me at or near 20% Right?
  7. nkeaton

    newbie with 50 lb bag 15% protien layer pellets.

    Thank you!! That was my concern as well (pulling it down) bc they get the pellets, oat and corn scratch along with scraps of fruit and veggies and 15% is cutting it close to begin with. They are 2 yrs old and I recently adopted them. I think they were only getting oats and a scratch mix plus...
  8. nkeaton

    newbie with 50 lb bag 15% protien layer pellets.

    Next go around i will buy higher protien but until then what can I add to help increase it?
  9. nkeaton

    2 Questions-Supplementing layer pellets and the composte bin

    1-I use a store bought layer feed that's 15% protien. What can I supplement with for more protien? 2-I'm getting ready to move the girls to a new run where my composte bin is. From what I've read it will benefit all of us but should I stop putting avocado peels and coffee grinds etc., or will...
  10. nkeaton

    2 Questions-Supplementing layer pellets and the composte bin

    1-I use a store bought layer feed that's 15% protien. What can I supplement with for more protien? 2-I'm getting ready to move the girls to a new run where my composte bin is. From what I've read it will benefit all of us but should I stop putting avocado peels and coffee grinds etc., or...
  11. nkeaton

    do silver Laced Wyandotte have feathers on legs/feet?

    Here are some better pics [/IMG]
  12. nkeaton

    Hoping to turn a huge unused dog pen into chicken coop, maybe??

    Wow! Looks awesome, kudoos to you and dad!!! Your chicks will love their new digs![/IMG]
  13. nkeaton

    do silver Laced Wyandotte have feathers on legs/feet?

    I posted this pic (she's bottom right box) and she was id'd as a SLW but I know her legs couldn't be seen in the pic.
  14. nkeaton

    Chicken poop as fertilizer

    Disregard my attempt to post :-/
  15. nkeaton

    Our Coop Is Finished!

    He did an excellent job!!!
  16. nkeaton

    Help with breed

    Thank you. There is also another partridge, she's smushed up in the back of the box ready to cuddle with the rest when I stop using that flash bulb in their faces :(
  17. nkeaton

    What are we?

    Your list is still a consideration for sure! Lets look at it this weekend :)
  18. nkeaton

    Help with breed

    She's at the bottom of pecking order. She always gets chased away from treats :( so I give her stashes in her hidy spots.
  19. nkeaton

    Help with breed

    Thank you! I thought she was the one ;)
  20. nkeaton

    What are we?

    Now we know what they are which helps give us some backstory to help name them :):)
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