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  1. Ah Lian

    Processing fee for Sheep

    Washing raw meat is a good idea. I read that simply rinsing it actually removes a lot of surface bacteria. I usually rinse and pat dry all the meat I cook (except for ground meat!)
  2. Ah Lian

    Anyone ever used the tricks in 'The Sneaky Chef' for picky eaters?

    Have you thought about making him smoothies? You can put quite a lot of healthy stuff inside such as silken tofu, fruit, honey, bananas, carrots etc. and it will still taste good. If the colour doesn't turn him off you can also add spinach or other greens, otherwise you can start off with more...
  3. Ah Lian

    Hatcheries grinding up live chicks? (warning: links to a graphic vid)

    I'm not sure whether this is the right section for this, so mods pls feel free to move, but I was SO sad to read this article, (and actually couldn't bear to watch the accompanying AP video). I've always wondered what hatcheries do with their excess male chicks, but never imagined they could be...
  4. Ah Lian

    My friend has secret fresh egg information...

    Interesting! In my own experience, I have rarely seen whole eggs pasteurized in the shell in the grocery store. They cost quite a bit more and were clearly advertised as "pasteurized in shell". I really doubt that the normal whole eggs in the store are pasteurized. Probably only the broken...
  5. Ah Lian

    Ikea coop

    Here are more pics if anyone is interested. I guess if it's made from a bunk bed it's bigger than I thought. Love the way the nesting boxes slide!
  6. Ah Lian

    Ikea coop

    I don't know whether anyone has seen this before, but I found this link to a home made coop made from old Ikea furniture. It looks a little small, but perhaps if you free range...
  7. Ah Lian

    HELP!!! Egg mysteriously dissapears!!!!

    Actually, this may sound incredible but some egg-eating snakes are able to crack the egg internally. I don't know how (or which snakes) do it, whether they use a specialized rib bone or contract their muscles, but I saw it on a nature documentary and the video was amazing. The snake swallows...
  8. Ah Lian

    Home Grown Eggs Taste Awful, Why?

    I think it is the fish. Many years ago my mother told me about a friend who fed her chickens fish meal, thinking it would be a good high protein feed. The eggs tasted very fishy and bad afterwards. I'm not sure that beef is a good idea either -- perhaps try just veggies and bugs, and other...
  9. Ah Lian

    Will I survive raising my 3 year old? Pics included

    Oh dear, I really sympathize with you, although the pictures are very cute! I have a 3 year old too and what we've been doing is taking him to pee at night before we go to sleep. He goes to bed around 8.30 or 9pm (he still takes a nap in the afternoon) and a few hours later around 11.30pm...
  10. Ah Lian

    ••• INTRODUCING: The New Advanced BYC Chicken Breed Database & System

    That is funny! I have not read many American Serama websites, but probably this is a bit of misinformation that has been passed on. Kelantan is one of the northern states in peninsular Malaysia (we have 13 states). It borders Thailand and is a bit more rural than states such as Selangor...
  11. Ah Lian

    ••• INTRODUCING: The New Advanced BYC Chicken Breed Database & System

    Hi, I was just looking at the database. It's really nice to get all the info and very interesting. I am from Malaysia and would like to point out however that contrary to the report on Serama, they are NOT the most popular house pet in Malaysia! I really can't imagine how this bit of...
  12. Ah Lian

    I know peat moss is the ethical evil of evils...

    Hello! I am from Malaysia and I was very interested in hearing about the use of coir. I am surprised that people think it isn't eco-friendly. As far as I know, it is a waste product from coconut husks and reusing it is indeed eco-friendly. Perhaps there are other practices that I'm not aware...
  13. Ah Lian

    Hello from San Francisco

    Hi there! I live in the peninsula -- where did you get your chickens from? Were they chicks or did you have to mail order them?
  14. Ah Lian

    Fois Gras

    I love foie gras. It's expensive, but once in a while on a very special occasion I will go into a restaurant and order foie gras. For those who have not tried it, it is incredible. When prepared well, it's crispy on the outside, silky on the inside. Doesn't taste like liver at all. So if...
  15. Ah Lian

    Selling egg business is kinda slow

    Wow, I wish you were all nearby! Here in the San Francisco Bay Area, at the farmer's market free range organic eggs go for $6-$7 a dozen. I haven't started my flock yet, so I bought 1/2 dozen from a few different places to try them. Sad to say that the quality seems worse than the organic...
  16. Ah Lian

    Serama crossed with Japanese Bantam

    Oh my, that is too exciting! And I don't even have a coop built yet (or my chicken permit for that matter...) In any case, I would love to see pictures of your chickens and eggs. I'm sure they are very beautiful. As for addiction - what addiction? Isn't it perfectly normal to spend hours...
  17. Ah Lian

    Serama crossed with Japanese Bantam

    Wow, BluegrassBantams, that is so kind of you! I will certainly keep it in mind if I manage to get set up for chickens. It looks like I may need to apply for a permit in this city. Btw, I am curious to know whether your Araucana bantams are much bigger than the Seramas, and whether the...
  18. Ah Lian


    Ooh! Lady Henevere please do post a review of the Eglu Cube when you get it! I'm so curious about it. I would love to know whether it's easy to move around (the wheeled part looks all right but I wonder about the run) and whether you have to disassemble it if you want to "chicken tractor" it...
  19. Ah Lian

    Serama crossed with Japanese Bantam

    Thank you for your welcome! When I was a child I had a pair of pet bantam chickens and both my grandmothers and my parents have at various times raised a few chickens for meat and eggs in their backyards. The aroma and taste of home-raised chicken is something I cannot forget. When I moved to...
  20. Ah Lian

    Serama crossed with Japanese Bantam

    Interesting. I am actually from Malaysia and just got back from a visit home. While I was there, there was a local newspaper article about Serama breeding since it is taking off as a hobby. There are lots of Serama chicken shows etc. now. In any case, according to the article the Japanese...
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