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  1. Broomfarms Chicken Coop

    Broomfarms Chicken Coop

    Broom's Farm Mooresville, Indiana Home of 6 Humans, 2 Dogs, 1 Cat & 8 New Chickens This is our starter coop. Still in progress will post pix when it is finished. This is our first time raising chickens. We wanted to do it as an experiment and for the eggs. We have what we think are 2 Barred...
  2. BroomFarm

    Double yolker!

    We got one of these as well. It was our 4th egg. It is pretty exciting. Do you get these because the chickens are very healthy or is it just something that happens once in a while?
  3. BroomFarm

    Crazy question??!!

    Ours started laying about a week ago and we're getting 1-3 eggs per day from 5 hens. So far, all of the eggs have been laid in the same nest, but it's not in ANY of the nest boxes, it's on the floor of the coop, under the boxes! We've tried stirring up the litter, placing a small board over...
  4. BroomFarm

    new run finished

    PolarBear, I never would have believed how relaxing and enjoyable it can be to simply sit and watch chickens. I think I may understand why, though, at least for me. So many things in life are very complicated and measuring success is not always easy. With chickens, what they ask of you and...
  5. BroomFarm

    Totally quiet rooster?

    So, maybe if this rooster (barred rock) stays real quiet, I'll try to rehome to someone who wants a quiet roo to fertilize eggs. Otherwise, it's time to find someone with a bad cold and serve up some SOUP! Longer, fluffy feathers around the neck indicate a rooster, right?
  6. BroomFarm

    What temp will fry the eggs?

    My post was entirely tongue-in-cheek...forgive me if it was not humorous, in any way.
  7. BroomFarm

    What temp will fry the eggs?

    Ok, at the risk of suffering endless castigation from many respondents... It requires 158 degrees, Fahrenheit, for an egg to solidify, but to actually "fry" an egg requires a bit more temperature than that. According to my (highly inaccurate) kitchen thermometer, the surface of the pan is...
  8. BroomFarm

    Release the chickens!

    We had the same worries you have, but quickly found that chickens LOVE to forage freely, so letting them out is a great idea. You will enrich their lives quite a bit by letting them out, as your coop and run sizes are close to minimum, from what most folks say. Now, the great thing about...
  9. BroomFarm

    Totally quiet rooster?

    What breed is your chicken? Do certain breeds take longer to start crowing than others? Does crowing indicate sexual maturity in a chicken or can they fertilize eggs even if they don't crow?
  10. BroomFarm

    Totally quiet rooster?

    We added two barred rock roosters to our flock a couple of months ago because a friend didn't want them. One was taken by a predator but the other is probably close to 16 weeks old and hasn't made a single attempt at crowing. Now, our 5 other birds are all hens and 3 to 4 weeks older than the...
  11. BroomFarm

    How long should the roost be for 4 chickens?

    I never thought of it before, but the birds are probably going to be better off huddling together, for warmth, during winter. We have two roosts, in a ladder configuration, about 30" wide. The plan was for 3 of our 6 birds to be on each roost, but the hens decided the lower roost is just not...
  12. BroomFarm

    When to expect eggs? Do I really have to teach them???

    SallyJ, Chickens like to have an elevated roost, where they will sleep, and a nesting box (2 sides, top, bottom and back) where they will lay eggs. Providing each of these, in a well-ventilated, but enclosed coop is ideal. When they do start laying, they might lay just about anywhere, but you...
  13. BroomFarm

    Egg Song! Egg Song! Egg Song!

    We've found eggs the last 3 days, for a total of 5 eggs, but I still haven't heard an egg-song. I'm excited to be getting eggs, but really wanted to hear a bGAWWK! out of the girls... I'm pretty sure it's our RSL hens dropping breakfast, but hopefully the EE's and SLW join in soon.
  14. BroomFarm

    In house predator

    So sorry to hear about the damage caused by just one little dog. Maybe this will make you feel better... We have the sweetest lab/rott mix you could ever want to own. He is great with the kids, never tears up anything and is my best fishing buddy. He killed three chickens this spring...
  15. BroomFarm

    Can chickens lay eggs at night !!

    This is sad to say, but maybe because of the conditions she was bred and raised in, your chicken is still not sure what "day time" is? I mean, those battery hens never see the light of day, unless it's maybe through a distant window. I didn't see where you are giving them oyster shell but that...
  16. BroomFarm

    need enclosure inside coop/run??

    You're up north of Lake Oroville...I used to fish tournaments there when I lived in the Bay Area. That is a very secure-looking run with lots of fun stuff for the chickens to play on, but if you want them to be happy and healthy during the winter, some kind of coop would be essential. You have...
  17. BroomFarm

    First egg! Now....who did it???

    I have no idea, but I'm hoping someone thinks they might know, because I have the same question!! We have 2 EE's, 2 RSL's, and a SLW. The Wyandotte has the most pronounced comb and wattles, but one of the RSL's is the only one that squats. They are almost 20 weeks old and we got three eggs...
  18. BroomFarm

    Redneck/thrifty chicken pen, latest pics post 46!

    We used leftover panels from the shed we built last summer for our chicken coop, but had to go buy one additional sheet for the front, since none of the scraps were big enough. Even with the recycled materials and stuff we had laying around, it still cost a little over $200 but the coop is...
  19. BroomFarm

    Playhouse into Coop -- Help for Newbie!

    Regardless of what methods you use to close off the coop from drafts, remember that you will need good ventilation. Fortunately, your coop has it built in! Just don't seal off the top 3-4" on 2 sides of the coop, leaving those open-spaced boards to allow moisture to escape the coop. (Even...
  20. BroomFarm

    Can chickens live in the woods

    Cool, nobody has posted my answer to this question, yet... "NOT FOR VERY LONG!" Woods are comprised of trees, which have holes in them, where raccoons nest, and they have branches, where hawks perch, and bushes, where foxes make dens. Woods may have been their original habitat, but...
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