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  1. greenacreshens

    I am looking for 4 young brown egg layers in Middle Georgia area

    I am looking to buy 4 brown egg laying young hens to replace some. Please email or call me if you have some for sale. Thank you! Cindy
  2. greenacreshens

    Georgia Brown egg layers

    Want to buy a couple of young brown egg laying hens in the middle Ga area..........Please email me if you have some [email protected]
  3. greenacreshens

    Looking to buy brown egg layers in Middle Georgia

    I am looking to buy 2 or 3 young hens or pullets (brown egg laying variety) I live in middle Ga. near Perry.
  4. greenacreshens

    RIR chicks just south of Atlanta.

    I would like to buy 3 RIR pullets or young hens if you have them, let me know. Thanks, cindy
  5. greenacreshens

    looking for brown egg layers in Middle Georgia

    Does anyone have any pullets or young laying hens of brown eggs? I am looking to buy 2 or 3. Please reply to [email protected]
  6. greenacreshens

    Free Georgia Rhode Island Red Roosters

    I will ask around. The problem with that is half the time you end up with more roos than pullets, thus my problem here!! Let me know if you can't find someone closer and I'll come up and get a couple. Thanks, Cindy
  7. greenacreshens

    Free Georgia Rhode Island Red Roosters

    I have 2 RIR roosters I need to give away, they are about 4 months old and too loud for my neighbors!! Middle Georgia Area Please email asap!!
  8. greenacreshens

    Free Rhode Island Red Cockerel in Middle Georgia

    I live near Perry, Ga not far from the Ga. National Fairgrounds.......
  9. greenacreshens

    Free Rhode Island Red Cockerel in Middle Georgia

    Free Rhode Island Red Cockerel about 90 days old, very loud!!I don't need any more boys so first one that shows up gets him for free!
  10. greenacreshens

    Five hens, one nest box?

    I have four hens and one box and they have no problem laying if there are already one, two or even three in there. They do however, fuss over the box loudly if someone is hogging it too long!! I would stick a second one in there just to make it easier on them!
  11. greenacreshens

    Is my head a roost??

    I have four 9 week old RIR babies. They are growing fast and have feathered up really nice. Problem is, I still am not sure if they are pullets or Roos as they all look different.........and I haven't heard sign of a pityful crow yet. The most recent problematic behavior is that one of them...
  12. greenacreshens

    Day 21....worry, worry *Pics added* What breed?

    I would take him out as soon as he is dry so he doesn't knock the other eggs over. The other chicks could possibly drown if he knocks them upside down. I just read a great idea on another thread on this site. They are now recommending when you take them out of the auto turner, put them air sac...
  13. greenacreshens

    Day 21....worry, worry *Pics added* What breed?

    I have been there before!! Bless your heart, good vibes are being sent your way.........I hope all turns out well. I was always told to keep those two holes closed until the last 3 days and keep temp. 101-102 in a still air incubator........however I know there are variences and people have...
  14. greenacreshens

    Young hens or pullets in Georgia

    Hello, I am looking for a couple of pullets or hens to add to my flock. Would prefer brown egg layers. Anyone got a couple for sale?
  15. greenacreshens

    Chickens have stopped laying completely

    I have replied so some others reporting the same thing. I was just wondering how wide spread it is? I live in Middle Ga. and many of my friend's chickens stopped laying at the exact same time mine did. They were laying fine until the second week of Dec. and then they just stopped. I have read...
  16. greenacreshens

    How do you reboot a chicken ?

    The chickens down here in Middle Georgia have done the same thing, and we didn't have an ice storm, but a cold snap. Many of my friends are reporting the same thing......they were all laying fine and then just stopped completely about the middle of December and not one egg since. We have tried...
  17. greenacreshens

    Does anyone know what kinds of chickens these are??

    Well I guess time will tell!! I appreciate your help on this, as it is really a mystery to me!! I Will keep you posted on any crowing that might show up one day. If you find a picture of yours I would love to see it! CS
  18. greenacreshens

    Does anyone know what kinds of chickens these are??

    You have a good point, I haven't heard any crowing. I promise you that every time I go out to check for eggs, if there is an egg that golden sebright is sitting on it. I didn't think a rooster would do that would they? I did look it up on the internet though and "she" sure looks like a "he". I...
  19. greenacreshens

    Does anyone know what kinds of chickens these are??

    Thank you for all of your help! I guess the golden Sebright cockerel has been claiming someone else's eggs!! If anyone out there is interested the cockerels will be given away for free since I don't need them in the hen house!! Thank you also for the comb info, I will have to go out there an...
  20. greenacreshens

    Does anyone know what kinds of chickens these are??

    Well now I am really confused!! The second one has been laying eggs so it can't be a boy?? I forgot to put their ages on there too, they are 4 months old.
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