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  1. hollyester

    Rooster Saved My Whole Flock

    I've had similar experiences, but no dead predator. It's hard to imagine loving and respecting a bird as much as we do, but that's what roosters do: take pride in caring for their flock.
  2. hollyester

    My maran seems sick

    It's been a while, but I thought I'd update you. We asked some folks that know more than we do about her and they said that it sounded like a bacterial infection (she had black droppings, which seemed to be the giveaway). We attempted to treat her, but started too late I think. We lost her about...
  3. hollyester

    My maran seems sick

    She hasn't been wormed recently. Upon physical inspection, she seems normal. I'm giving her electrolyte water and soft food and keeping her separate in our "sick chicken box". Thanks for the suggestions, i'll update you as teh situation progresses.
  4. hollyester

    My maran seems sick

    My maran is about 2 years old. Yesterday I noticed she had her beak open and wasn't interested in anything except sitting there. She ate a tiny bit yesterday morning and last night she roosted up high in the coop like normal, but wouldn't come out of the coop with the others this morning...she...
  5. hollyester

    Merging two flocks

    I have just merged my flocks! First time for me. It has been a little over two full days for them. My run is enclosed and connected to the fairly large (for the 9 birds residing in it) coop. I waited until the newbies (Ameraucanas) were pretty substantial in size. Definitely not full grown...
  6. hollyester

    How to Break a Broody Hen

    Thank you! I have two anconas who have gone broody once before (I kicked them out of the coop/run during the day and they layed after a couple of days). This time they are too determined for that trick to work. Sounds like the rabbit cage is the next step. Oh, the things we do for our flocks!
  7. hollyester

    Double yolk eggs?

    As hens keep laying, their eggs can get a little bigger. My hens all started laying pretty small eggs and now lay pretty regular sized eggs. No JUMBO size (unless they are double yolked), but who needs 'em?
  8. hollyester

    Double yolk eggs?

    I am getting a lot of double yolkers from my Freedom Ranger. After reading that it isn't so great for her, I think I'm going to separate her while the food is out so I can more closely monitor/control her food intake. I think she just likes eating, and I don'e blame her. Almost all of us people...
  9. hollyester

    When do Maran's typically lay?

    Here is her latest egg (and next to her first for comparison). That's Dexter in the shot. Camera hog.
  10. hollyester

    First time all 5 hens laid on the same day!

    The (first) Perfect Storm--All five of my hens laid on the same day! Three white eggs are from my three Ancona (all named Penny because it's tough to tell them apart) Pale brown is from my Freedom Ranger (shown, named Fanny) Deep, rich brown egg is from the Maran (Countess Chocula)...GORGEOUS!
  11. hollyester

    When do Maran's typically lay?

    My maran, Countess Chocula, JUST laid her first egg. It is small (like my other breeds' first eggs) and spotted! She is about 25 weeks old. It all began six months ago, and I am very much enjoying being a chicken lady!
  12. Plop is a messy eater. He has to wipe his beak on a board to get clean!

    Plop is a messy eater. He has to wipe his beak on a board to get clean!

  13. Fanny and two Pennies at the trough

    Fanny and two Pennies at the trough

  14. hollyester

    Freedom Rangers

    I am a first time chicken raiser, but friends got us into raising Freedom Rangers for meat. We got 12 birds (plus 4 other laying hens) and butchered all but one of the roosters (which I kept due to his beautiful tri color plumage) at around 14 weeks and got 5 4-5 pound birds. We lost one of the...
  15. hollyester

    New to BYC!

    I have 6 birds (1 rooster and 5 hens) of 3 breeds and am finding out that not only am I a crazy dog owner, but also a crazy chicken lady, too! I love my tri-colored freedom ranger rooster, Plop, and am glad we kept him as a pet, although, we've had to separate him from the flock due to his...
  16. Default


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