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  1. Lilorp14

    URGENT - Swollen abdomen, diarrhea, infection? Antibiotic dose?

    Liquid injectable 200mg/ml. From what I can tell the dose is 50mg/kg so 100mg for her.
  2. Lilorp14

    URGENT - Swollen abdomen, diarrhea, infection? Antibiotic dose?

    Can I give the duramycin orally? Or would that not work
  3. Lilorp14

    Please Welcome TudyBOT !!!

    4lb 11oz when I weighed her but I think a few oz of that is fluid
  4. Lilorp14

    Please Welcome TudyBOT !!!

    She has egg yolk peritonitis. She is not doing well, im trying anything at this point.. I don't know if she will survive the night.. I've never dealt with this disease or antibiotic before so I'm in the dark.
  5. Lilorp14

    URGENT - Swollen abdomen, diarrhea, infection? Antibiotic dose?

    I don't have anything injectable other than the dura and she won't eat or drink, at least not in front of me. I'm going to just go for it with the duramycin if I can find a dosage and hope it helps in some way. She's one of my oldest and favorite hens ☹.
  6. Lilorp14

    Please Welcome TudyBOT !!!

    So is it worth using if it will give her severe muscle necrosis? Can I do it SubQ to avoid that happening? TSC was sold out of penicillin which is what I usually use, she's got a bad infection and needs antibiotics asap.
  7. Lilorp14

    URGENT - Swollen abdomen, diarrhea, infection? Antibiotic dose?

    I went to TSC and they were out of all penicillin. They don't have amoxicillin. I did get a bottle of Duramycin 72-200 Oxytetracyclin, I've never used this type of antibiotic before. Do you know the dosage? Or if it's SubQ or IM? Thanks
  8. Lilorp14

    Please Welcome TudyBOT !!!

    Is 5-10mg/lb of body weight correct for injectable?
  9. Lilorp14

    Please Welcome TudyBOT !!!

    @TudyBOT What is the injection dosage for Duramycin 72-200 for a 4lb 11oz hen?
  10. Lilorp14

    Please Welcome TudyBOT !!!

    @TudyBOT What is the dosage for Duramycin 72-200 for a 4lb 11oz hen?
  11. Lilorp14

    Please Welcome TudyBOT !!!

    @tudy What is the dosage for Duramycin 72-200 for a 4lb 11oz hen?
  12. Lilorp14

    URGENT - Swollen abdomen, diarrhea, infection? Antibiotic dose?

    I've got a 5 year old BCM hen, i noticed yesterday she is very lethargic and not eating or drinking. She has yellowish white diarrhea around her vent, but pooping very little. Her bottom in between her legs and below her vent is swollen, squishy, hot, and bright red. She is pretty weak but can...
  13. Lilorp14

    Emergency! Very weak bird, underweight, green diarrhea

    Dumor Layer pellet and free range. 4-5 years idk when she last laid. Crop is pretty much empty and squishy. No Sign of ascites she's too underweight for that to be missed. She was doing terribly that night but yesterday improved somewhat and today is still ill but not on deaths door. I have been...
  14. Lilorp14

    Emergency! Very weak bird, underweight, green diarrhea

    Hello, I have a very weak rapidly declining hen. She's an English Orpington and usually is quite fat and heavy but I picked her up and she's 3lbs if that. I couldn't tell because of the fluff. She's very weak and has green smelly diarrhea. I suspect worms but I don't really know. Yesyerdau was...
  15. Lilorp14

    Pink Jelly Poop?

    It was about the size of a quarter. Intestinal lining seems more fleshy, this is literally just clearish pink goo. Like Ghostbusters goo. I am going to start corid treatment just in case though.
  16. Lilorp14

    Hen attacked by eagle, i scared it away but she’s injured. HELP PLEASE

    Shes handling things well then! When they're stressed they don't lay, if she lays again tomorrow she is definitely doing well.
  17. Lilorp14

    Hen attacked by eagle, i scared it away but she’s injured. HELP PLEASE

    I've had some of those too and there's really nothing you can do. If she's chipper she most likely doesn't have a serious one, and will fix it herself. I had a chick that was stepped on by her mother (a 16 lb lady with big dinosaur feet) the poor thing make a squishy squeak and looked dazed, but...
  18. Lilorp14

    Hen attacked by eagle, i scared it away but she’s injured. HELP PLEASE

    Yes, but research the dosage for a chicken and look into if it's a SubQ or Intramuscular. If it's Intramuscular inject into the breast muscle or thigh. Make sure you haven't put the needle in a vein. If it's too intimidating you can ask the vet to do it, but I've only ever used internal...
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