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  1. Toddrick

    Sour Crop Prognosis Help

    I just put her back with the flock. Her crop was empty this morning, and she was able to process dry food without it swelling up or any medicine involved. She seems mostly normal, and is a very happy bird. In summary, it took almost a whole week. Next time I will use Epsom salt in the water...
  2. Toddrick

    Sour Crop Prognosis Help

    Well that's weird. Her crop was small this morning but big and swollen again when I got home from work, even though I only gave her about a teaspoon of food this morning. Argh. This is frustrating because we already thought she was better. I guess I'll have to keep her inside and repeat the...
  3. Toddrick

    Sour Crop Prognosis Help

    Yup she's always had grit. The Dulcolax and Epsom seems to have done the trick! This morning her crop was back down to normal size. It feels like a hard marble at the moment. It's so weird because I vomitted her last night and her crop was almost the size of a baseball even when empty. I was...
  4. Toddrick

    Sour Crop Prognosis Help

    Very little improvement from the Dulcolax and Epsom salts so far. I'm going to keep her on liquids longer than a day this time, which is going to be messy because it starts coming out both ends. If she hasn't gotten better by Monday I'll take her to the vet to have her crop cleaned out. But if...
  5. Toddrick

    Sour Crop Prognosis Help

    I didn't see the link. That had a couple things I did not try. So I gave her a tiny bit of egg with Dulcolax and I put Epsom salt in her water. We'll see when I get home if that cleared her out.
  6. Toddrick

    Sour Crop Prognosis Help

    She is drinking plenty of water and has a good appetite. My question is what to expect. Will she always have a pendulous crop, or does it just take weeks to go away (and if so, when is it okay to return her to the flock)? I had her on liquids only for a whole day. Then I gave her starter feed...
  7. Toddrick

    Sour Crop Prognosis Help

    I had my first case of sour crop on my Buckeye chick who is about 12 weeks old. I check on them every day so I'm sure I noticed her enlarged crop right away. The day before we had let them in the yard and they were vigorously eating some leaves off of a small tree, so I'm guessing that was the...
  8. Toddrick

    Safe to put my chicks outside yet?

    My chicks are 5 weeks old and I put them outside in the coop last week. It's a bit colder here in Indiana, getting into the 40's at night. I have a heat lamp on a light sensor, and a second heat lamp on a thermostat that will kick on if it gets below like 65 degrees. The chicks seem quite happy...
  9. Toddrick

    2 dead... please help!

    Could be cocci or worms.
  10. Toddrick

    2 dead... please help!

    I never heard of chicken necks breaking that easily. Chickens are tough. I suspect they only appear broken because they are limp. Chicken heads can turn 180 degrees or more easily, so their flacid necks may appear quite contorted by human standards. Do they have proper ventilation? It is very...
  11. Toddrick

    Temp and Humidity WiFi sensor?

    As long as it doesn't stay hot for a long time then you shouldn't have any problems. I do not know of any app, but you probably don't need to monitor it that close IMO. The max heat and humidity for like 4 hours (I think) should be stored in most regular digital thermometers. If you check the...
  12. Toddrick

    Black comb and not eating

    Sure sounds like 'Blackhead Disease'.
  13. Toddrick

    A tragedy happened in my Coop

    Very sorry for your loss. It might be a good time to rethink your setup. A 5x8 is plenty big enough to hold food and water.
  14. Toddrick

    wifi enabled video viewing (aka a Chick Cam) - what do you use?

    I just ordered this one because the reviews were good and a lot of people were using it in their barns. My wifi signal is non existent at my coop, but hopefully the large external antenna will help.
  15. Toddrick

    How long?

    Don't worry, once they are grown you most likely won't be holding them quite as often. Their feet almost always have chicken poo on them so you'll want to always wash your hands for that reason alone.
  16. Toddrick

    two day old leghorn chicks dying

    Post a picture of your setup. Two heat lamps might be a problem if they are too close together. They should be able to escape the heat so usually the heat lamp is at one end only. Even at the farm stores where they sell chicks they have only one lamp and those bins are huge pig troughs.
  17. Toddrick

    First time chicken owner (looking for advice)

    For eggs and friendliness I'd suggest Red (RSL) and Black (BSL) Sex Links. It is reported specifically that ISA Browns are the friendliest RSL, and perhaps one of the friendliest chickens period. These are great choices for beginners and you have zero chance of getting a rooster. Just remember...
  18. Toddrick

    Roosting Bar in Coop and/or Run

    Yea you definitely need roosting bars inside the coop because that is where they sleep. You don't need roosting bars in the run and I'd be afraid they'd try and sleep there instead of the coop if given an oppurtunity.
  19. Toddrick

    Heating a in coop brooder?

    This is what I've had setup with my heating lamp in my coop for two years without a single incident: 1) I took a wire mesh waste basket from the house. It's just big enough to mount the lamp on the ledge and the rim contains the entire lighting fixture. If the clamp comes loose then the light...
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