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  1. RikkiMarie

    The neighbors dog

    You just stated that the dog wasn't aggressive. Obviously she just wanted somewhere to go and hang out to feel safe and you just up and killed it? That was someone's pet. I'm sorry but that is completely unfair and cruel to the dog and their owners.
  2. RikkiMarie

    Fox story -- happy ending

    I would still keep the appointment just in case. To the naked eye you might not see any damage, but you never know if there could be something going on that your eye can't see. Better play it safe! I know it might sound like a waste of money, but it doesn't hurt to check. Good luck!
  3. RikkiMarie

    Best guard animal against hawks (besides dogs)???

    Thank you for that information! I'll have to keep a note of that. I'm still terrified of having geese because I heard they can be so nasty. (Then again they say that about roosters and I have a very docile rooster; I got lucky for it being my first roo!)
  4. RikkiMarie

    Bobcat back from Taxidermist

    That is a gorgeous bobcat rug! Usually I'm not too big on taxidermy but I'm warming up to it. I wouldn't be surprised if your dog started sleeping on it! LOL
  5. RikkiMarie

    Dog Attack! How Long Will Chickens Stay Hidden?

    Don't give up! My pet Cornish X went into hiding for five days when a hawk was stalking her! I kept looking around her pen and the coop until one day she poked her head out from underneath the wood shed to let me know that she was stuck! If they are in hiding, they always seem to hide nearby or...
  6. RikkiMarie

    Best guard animal against hawks (besides dogs)???

    I heard that turkeys and geese are good guard animals - but I am absolutely terrified of geese. Haha. I have a rooster and he has been doing a pretty good job himself! :) Then again, I also have a protective netting over the entire run of the chicken pen and coop.
  7. RikkiMarie

    The neighbors dog

    The man was warned once and it seemed like he didn't even bat an eyelash so next time, get the police involved in the dog comes back or even call Animal Control. I'm so sorry to hear that your chickens were attacked! :( I'm glad they're okay!
  8. RikkiMarie

    Total devastation over night......

    I am so sorry to hear about your loss! :( I have to admit that predators are very bad this year - I have been having a battle with a hawk since October. It took five of my baby chickens and also the hen and kept stalking my coop and pen until I got a protective netting to hang over the chicken...
  9. RikkiMarie

    Egg bound or grumpy?!

    She could be just having one of those prissy days. Maybe she wants to mate. If she was egg bound, she would have either rapid breathing, her vent would be swollen, she wouldn't be going to be bathroom - or if she was it would be bloody. Typically you can feel if there is an egg and I had to do...
  10. RikkiMarie

    gagging motion?????

    She could be yawning or adjusting her crop like the others have said. Just make sure she has some water just in case she would happen to have something stuck in there, but typically they loosen it up and all is well. :)
  11. RikkiMarie

    HELP!! Why do my baby chicks all die right after I give them water???

    Wow that is scary! Do you have any updates about the water in your well? Did you get it tested?
  12. RikkiMarie

    cutest chicken names!

    I have a Cornish X named Butterball. She's actually more of a companion and wasn't going to be used for meat. She reminded me of a ball of butter when I finished giving her a bath and was using the hair dryer on her. So since then, her name has been Butterball!
  13. RikkiMarie

    Infected eye... Again

    I haven't had swollen eyes in my chickens but I have helped one of my friends who had this issue with her own. Before you do this however, check to make sure there isn't a foreign object in the eye. What I had did was wash her hen's eye with a saline solution. (The chicken won't like it, I'll...
  14. RikkiMarie

    stumped on this one

    I agree with pdirt, I would ask the person you ordered the eggs from and talk about the defects and if it is common around the flock that they are using for breeding. I do have to say though, she is an adorable little chicken and it's a shame that she has some defects but I heard that...
  15. RikkiMarie

    Sour Crop/breathing hard I found a blog that could help you treat sour crop naturally in chickens. I never had sour crop in my chickens - at least to my knowledge, but my Cornish X hen ate so much one time that her crop was so full she couldn't...
  16. RikkiMarie

    Help! I think my chicken is dying!

    I am so sorry to hear that. It does sound like the infection had gotten worse overnight. I was just about to say antibiotics and maybe a trip to the vet. I'm sorry to hear that you might have to put her down. :(
  17. RikkiMarie

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    Stick it on an ice cream cone. lol
  18. RikkiMarie

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    I kind of wondered that too because when I would go out to retrieve my eggs from the duck coop they are freezing!
  19. RikkiMarie

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    I'm not too sure about mine - I think I get mine in the early hours, but then again maybe they lay them during the night.
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