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  1. yoderfarms

    We have just moved in to our new place in Millersburg, IN and will be starting to build our new...

    We have just moved in to our new place in Millersburg, IN and will be starting to build our new coop.
  2. yoderfarms

    Ended Official BYC Coop Page Contest #8

    Thank y'all ! It's any honor. I'm looking forward to starting my new coop on or bigger property.
  3. yoderfarms

    Comment by 'yoderfarms' in article 'Urban Mother-in-law Suite'

    Right now we have 8. I just add a few chunnels that goes around the yard. It give them extra room for a small yard.
  4. yoderfarms

    Ended Official BYC Coop Page Contest #8

    Urban Mother-in-law Suite
  5. Urban Mother-in-law Suite

    Urban Mother-in-law Suite

    Urban Mother-in-law Suite Material List 4- 2x6 12ft 14- 2x4 12ft 2- 1x6 12ft 4- 1x4 12ft 3- 3/8 bc plywood 3- 7/16 osb 1- 3/4 bc drip edge, tar paper , shingles , 1/2 hardware cloth, nails , door hard ware, screws, and a Pocket hole joiner This project took me 4 weekends and...
  6. yoderfarms

    marek's vaccine in older birds

    Do anyone know if you can give the Marek's vaccine older birds? I have heard of people giving older birds marek's vac. The bottle says how to vaccine in day old chicks but, I want to see what the oldest age you can give it.
  7. yoderfarms

    Ended Official BYC Family & Fowl Photo Contest

    Clar and Ruby having girl time
  8. yoderfarms

    my 5 month cockerel is not eating and comb is droping turning a pink/ white color. please HELP

    just a update. he is eating again and he is getting his red back on his comb. the comb is still a little lop sided but it is looking better. thanks so much for the help Michael
  9. yoderfarms

    my 5 month cockerel is not eating and comb is droping turning a pink/ white color. please HELP

    ok, i'm going to pick some up. what should I do for the iron/vitamin B deficiency?
  10. yoderfarms

    my 5 month cockerel is not eating and comb is droping turning a pink/ white color. please HELP

    I'm using tetracycline powder. he is drinking, but not eating. his droping are watery and i did give his wormer 10 days appart. when I tryed different things, I didn't give them at the same time. just because I was worry they might not mix well
  11. yoderfarms

    my 5 month cockerel is not eating and comb is droping turning a pink/ white color. please HELP

    2 weeks ago I noticed my 5 month cockerel is not eating and comb is droping, turning a pink/ white color. I asked a few people. they had told me worn, vitamins and maybe heat exhortion. so, it been 2 week. I've used safe-guard and wazine wormer, nutri-drench and durvet vita and electrolytes...
  12. yoderfarms

    My 12 week wyandotte was scalped by my older birds and need advice. ***graphic pictures***

    2 Month update we are still hoping we can use her 4-H. we will see. she is looking great
  13. yoderfarms

    My 12 week wyandotte was scalped by my older birds and need advice. ***graphic pictures***

    I case anyone would like to see the update. we are on day 4 and she is healing up great. we are keeping it clean and putting on antibiotic ointment. she is getting probiotics in the morning, electrolyte, and antibiotic at night. we will stop putting on the ointment tonight and sunday we will...
  14. yoderfarms

    My 12 week wyandotte was scalped by my older birds and need advice. ***graphic pictures***

    does anyone think we did the right thing and is there anything else we can do to help it heal?
  15. yoderfarms

    My 12 week wyandotte was scalped by my older birds and need advice. ***graphic pictures***

    Yesterday after church we found our 12 week blue lace red wyandotte scalped by our older birds. We had her partitioned off in the coup in a place that only she could get in and out of. We're guessing she got out fine just didn't get back in in time to avoid getting her flesh ripped off. We...
  16. yoderfarms

    my ameraucana is laying jello like eggs? please help

    there's no injurys. she's a healthy pullet. we brought her in so we can watch her. we will give her some vitamins and some apple cider vinager in her water and see how see does tomorrow. thanks
  17. yoderfarms

    my ameraucana is laying jello like eggs? please help

    My ameraucana started laying eggs 9 days ago. For 3 days she layed normal eggs. after that I found 1 jello like egg in the nesting box and haven't found till today. I found her out back laying another jello like egg. before I could get to the egg the barred rocks I have got to it and ate it. so...
  18. yoderfarms

    My new hen aren't laying any eggs

    I bought 3 hen from a man a week ago. He said they where a year old and where laying eggs. we haven't got any eggs from them at all. they are 2 barred rock and 1 copper maran. Is there anything that I can do?
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