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  1. PekinDiaries

    Can anyone tell me what breed ducks I have?

    That's a mallard. Rouens so have 2 stripes on the eye.
  2. PekinDiaries

    First broody duck!

    Hello friends! Our female runner, May, has just gone broody. We left her with her eggs to pile up hoping that it would stop her from laying (she is less than a year old and she had quite a few softies even though she has free choice to a bucket full of oyster shell). Before she went broody, she...
  3. PekinDiaries

    Emergency!! Positioned wrong/Assisted hatching! Please help!

    The boy LOVES them! And they love everything! They even go and try to hug the dog, which makes him entirely too uncomfortable so he runs from them. (Some bird dog, eh?) And yeah, definitely the biggest birds I've ever seen! :P
  4. PekinDiaries

    Emergency!! Positioned wrong/Assisted hatching! Please help!

    You're tellin me! My phone is filled with pictures of them, and every now and then I go through and see their progress. They didn't stay little for long! HAHA! :D
  5. PekinDiaries

    Emergency!! Positioned wrong/Assisted hatching! Please help!

    Hello again friends! It's been almost 5 months since their huge ordeal, and I wanted to share a few things. The BOYS are the most amazing ducks that I've ever come in contact with. Their personalities are wonderfully unique! Genghis (the oldest) is our alpha drake and he knows it! Kublai is the...
  6. PekinDiaries

    Pekin Duck Club!

    Our babies are MOLTING! Yay! Here come the adult feathers! :D
  7. PekinDiaries

    Pekin Duck Club!

    Thank you! They are the highlight of my days. They are very much our best friends, always wanting hugs and lovins. <3
  8. PekinDiaries

    Pekin Duck Club!

    Just wanted to show of my kids. 7 weeks old today! I swear they are part goose. It seems like yesterday we were pulling them out of their eggs (both were assisted hatching). We werent sure if they were going to make it. But now they are happy, very healthy ducks! (She was watching a plane go by...
  9. PekinDiaries

    Pekin Duck Club!

    Mine are about that age and yes, it is QUITE normal. They may just be splashing it and spilling. My kids cant resist doing that, so we are constantly filling their water. I still use cedar with mine, but I mix it with straw. Cedar is good at absorbing, while the straw is an excellent insulator...
  10. PekinDiaries


    Thats wonderful! I'm so happy for you and her!
  11. PekinDiaries


    I would call a vet IMMEDIATELY! That is terrible I'm so sorry! I hope they can do something quickly. How is he acting?
  12. PekinDiaries

    Pekin Duck Club!

    Alright friends! We are officially starting the building of our coop and I was wondering: does anybody have Jumbo's? Ours are not yet full grown and I was wondering how tall they stand. Is it much taller than a normal Pekin or is it the same, just more body mass? My mother had a standard pekin...
  13. PekinDiaries

    Pekin Duck Club!

    I love it! The preening with mine gets a little out of control sometimes. I kiss their bills and they sometimes have a habit of going for my lip or nose. Even gave me a nice big spot on my bottom lip once. Its just a love bite though, and I cant be mad at that.
  14. PekinDiaries

    Pekin Duck Club!

    Supporting the legs does really help. Kublai (hopefully our girl) cries when shes separated from Genghis, but doesnt struggle as much as he does. (I always have to carry one of them to put them back in their tank because wherever one goes, the other follows.) I cant WAIT to see how pretty their...
  15. PekinDiaries

    Pekin Duck Club!

    Super precious! I LOVE his hair!
  16. PekinDiaries

    Pekin Duck Club!

    If you touch our kids from the crop up, they get super shaky. Especially when they are on your lap, getting a sun bath (I just came in from cuddle time. Heehee!). Do they preen you while they are doing it? The shaking had me worried when they first started it, but they had "happy eyes" and...
  17. PekinDiaries

    Pekin Duck Club!

    Thats absolutely it! Their terms. When I take mine out, I get a group hug and some lovin, then they have to run about and check everything out. Then its back to love time, when they decide. Hehe!
  18. PekinDiaries

    Pekin Duck Club!

    Oooo! We have noticed that too! The back is a no go! But neck, chest, belly, even beak/eye rubbies are the best ever! They do that weird shaky neck/ duck purr thing when you touch their face. Like they cant control their happiness so they vibrate.
  19. PekinDiaries

    Pekin Duck Club!

    When ours were freshly hatched, up until the time that it got a bit more difficult to hold them, they would fall asleep in our hands. They never minded being picked up or cuddled. They used to sit on my shoulder and nibble my hair. Now, they kick and scream like they're being carried off to...
  20. PekinDiaries

    Pekin Duck Club!

    Cuter is right! I much prefer the company of my ducks over people. Heehee!
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