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  1. KristinKH

    Are these worms or something else?

    Are her eggs unsafe to eat? She's not on antibiotics. If it's too late to treat the infection I don't see the point of stressing her out by giving her antibiotics.
  2. KristinKH

    Are these worms or something else?

    😥😥😥 That's the 3rd one of 5 Whiting chicks I got 2 years ago. One died from EYP last fall, one we put down yesterday, and now this one. You said this is lash material. I've read people saying that lash eggs have staph bacteria in/on them. Should I treat everything that's come in contact...
  3. KristinKH

    Maybe ascites or EYP - what do I do?

    Thank you everyone for your help. She started having to work harder to breathe yesterday and we ended her suffering. I miss her.
  4. KristinKH

    Are these worms or something else?

    I got these from the back end of a 2 year old Whiting True Blue. She's been acting off the last few days - sleeping apart from the rest of the flock, slow to come out of the coop in the mornings and slow to come for food and treats, and a very messy back end. Are these worms or something else...
  5. KristinKH

    Maybe ascites or EYP - what do I do?

    She's much worse today. She ignores treats. The bedding in the coop has yellow goop on it, like she's dribbling raw egg from her vent. The outer 1/3 (or so) of her comb is getting darker. On the plus side, she's not struggling to breathe. Is there anything else I can do to help her other...
  6. KristinKH

    Maybe ascites or EYP - what do I do?

    I have plenty of antibiotic still. I gave her 10 mg per pound, based on her weight before her belly was so swollen. I don't know if I should count the extra weight in my calculations or not. She was about 3 pounds normally, so I gave her .75 ml 2x/day. I based that on info I found on this...
  7. KristinKH

    Maybe ascites or EYP - what do I do?

    My attempt to draw out fluid was not successful. I used a 1" x 18 gauge needle and 60 cc syringe, as suggested in the video. I inserted the needle in the same spot as in the video. All I could get out was a tiny amount of thick, dark stuff. I tried a second time in a different spot and...
  8. KristinKH

    Maybe ascites or EYP - what do I do?

    The swelling is behind and maybe between the legs.
  9. KristinKH

    Maybe ascites or EYP - what do I do?

    BSL = Black Soldier fly Larva. Chickens love it!
  10. KristinKH

    Maybe ascites or EYP - what do I do?

    Thanks. Do you know where I can get a syringe that big?
  11. KristinKH

    Maybe ascites or EYP - what do I do?

    I have a hen with a very large, squishy abdomen. At first I thought she had EYP because there was a bit of yolk on the outside of the eggs she laid and because she'd had EYP before. The last time she had EYP she responded well to erythromycin. This time she didn't improve at all and has...
  12. KristinKH

    FERMENTED FEEDS...anyone using them?

    I think the first sign will be that your chickens won't eat it. They're pretty smart about not eating bad food. Another sign will be the smell. If it smells bad to you it probably is bad. Also, you'll see if it there's mold growing. Disclaimer - I'm speaking more from experience with...
  13. KristinKH

    2 3-year-old hens need new home

    Have you found them a home yet? I live just outside of Portland, just finished my coop and run, and have space to let them roam to their heart's content.
  14. KristinKH

    Three week old chicks extra, extra hungry

    I did some more research on Union Point feed and found quite a few businesses who use it for their flocks. These are people who are raising chickens for profit and are set on raising a quality product. They sell to some of the finer restaurants in the area. That kind of recommendation gives...
  15. KristinKH

    Three week old chicks extra, extra hungry

    The tag says 22% protein. Here's the URL for the company that makes it. Unfortunately, they don't list the ingredients or ratios online -
  16. KristinKH

    Three week old chicks extra, extra hungry

    First, some background - when I got the chicks I also got some feed that included soy because that's all the store had that was organically grown. I'm committed to OG. Shortly after that I found some feed that is OG and has no soy, which I very strongly prefer. The brand is Union Point. The...
  17. KristinKH

    FERMENTED FEEDS...anyone using them?

    Success! Taking away the other food didn't work, but mixing in some dry did the trick. I mixed in enough that it doesn't get their beaks wet, which seems to be what they had a problem with. I'll make it with less and less dry over time until they're eating all fermented. Thanks again for the...
  18. KristinKH

    FERMENTED FEEDS...anyone using them?

    Thanks! I'll give it a try and report back. K
  19. KristinKH

    FERMENTED FEEDS...anyone using them?

    I just gave my 2 week old chicks a small dish of fermented feed as a test. They just looked at it like they didn't know what it was. To entice them to try eating it I put a few dehydrated black soldier fly larvae on it. They love those. One or two chicks pecked at it then didn't like the wet...
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