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  1. Quilting Hen

    wet feet

    When my girls run got flooded out this winter, my husband found some pallets and put them in the run and then covered those with green outdoor carpet like stuff. It worked great and lengthened feet dry.
  2. Quilting Hen

    wet feet

    So glad I found this thread. We are having flooding here in Oregon and my poor girls run is a lake. They roam free most of the day, but I feel really bad they can't go in the run to get out of the downpour. They do not seem to like being in there at all when it is this wet. I was worried it...
  3. Quilting Hen

    Comprehensive list of poisonous plants and trees

    I just looked at the PoultryMD site. Great visual on toxic plants. Ferns are shown as toxic but my chickens eat on them all the time. Should I dig them all up? Many of the other plants shown they leave alone so not sure why they eat ferns.
  4. Quilting Hen

    First Egg!

    What an adventure these girls have been. I never knew they would be so much fun. We have been anxiously waiting for our first egg and yesterday I found such a treasure. I am not sure which one of our girls laid this egg but I suspect it is my Red Sex Link, Alice. S
  5. Quilting Hen

    Comment by 'Quilting Hen' in article 'How To Clip Trim The Feather Wings Of Your Chicken To Prevent Flight'

    My girls are flying all over the place so I need to clip them but kind of scared to. They have discovered they love the cherries that fall from the tree and are now trying to get up to the ones in the tree and then it is just a short flight over the fence. Thank you for all your help on this site.
  6. Quilting Hen

    What are Your Chickens Named?

    My chickens are named Alice, Clara and Evelyn. They are named after my mom, grandmother and great aunt. The three ladies all hung out together and were best friends. I think all three ladies would think it special that I named my chickens after them.l
  7. Quilting Hen

    Comment by 'Quilting Hen' in article 'Spring Greens for Your Flock (And You!)'

    What a great article. I have so many of these growing around my property. I especially like the photos you shared; it makes it so much easier to identify them. Thank you so much.
  8. Quilting Hen

    Comprehensive list of poisonous plants and trees

    we are getting ready to move our chickens out to their coop and run but it has a huge wisteria vine that crawls around 2 sides of where we were going to put them. Does this mean we have to rethink our spot? Help!
  9. Quilting Hen

    Comment by 'quilting hen' in album 'Default'

    The girls escaping to the outside. I can't believe how fast they have grown.
  10. Quilting Hen

    How close is too close to a wild bird feeder

    We are about to finish the coop. My question is, we want to put it at the end of the platform we have to catch the bird seed from the wild birds we feed, is this too close?
  11. Quilting Hen

    Can we put the bedding pellets directly into the garden

    We are very new to this whole chicken family thing and I am wondering if we can put the bedding pellets we clean out of the plastic tub directly onto the garden? I realize this is probably a silly question.
  12. Quilting Hen


    I am brand new to this adventure. We can only have 3 chickens in my town and no free range, They have to be enclosed. Now trying to figure out a coop and run and where to put it. I am surprised at how fast these little girls are growing. We have to keep a fence over top of their container...
  13. Quilting Hen


    Hello, I am in Gresham.
  14. Default


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