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  1. wlantry

    Coop/Garden/Greenhouse Combo Build

    You don't want trusses on either structure. Use gussets instead. You'll save a fortune in heating costs if you design a large inground pond under the greenhouse benches. That's usually wasted space. The bigger the greenhouse is, the easier it is to take care of. You'll use All the space before...
  2. wlantry

    Coop/Garden/Greenhouse Combo Build

    Match construction styles and materials. You don't need to pour concrete, that gets expensive right quick. The long wall of the greenhouse should face south, so the coop and run can share a solid north wall. Just run one utility trench for both structures.
  3. wlantry

    We're almost at Solstice. Is it time to add light?

    Hey, folks, I have 14 hens, all born right near the end of March: 5 Buff Orpingtons, 4 Easter Eggers (sold as Auracanas!), 3 Rhode Island Reds, and 2 Black Australorps. One easter egger has been laying olive colored eggs nearly every day for the last three weeks, and today I found a brown egg...
  4. wlantry

    Cedarcide: safe to use?
  5. wlantry

    IP Camera with Infrared lights, will it affect the chickens?

    I'm surprised no-one has answered your question. You can find lots of info by clicking around here: podcast here:
  6. wlantry

    Fermented Feed Questions

    You may wish to post to this thread: They've got all the info you'll ever need.
  7. wlantry

    Tropical air plants in the north

    A "tropical air plant" could be anything from spanish moss to an orchid. Can you send a picture, so we can see what you mean?
  8. wlantry

    Hens with bumblefoot

    This may help. But the photos are pretty yucky:
  9. wlantry

    Inherited Chickens

    You're in central Virginia. That's not very far from here. It means you have foxes, snakes, cats, dogs. Maybe the occasional coyote (don't laugh, I know their howls from where I grew up, and I've heard them here). Oh, and raccoons. They're the worst. They get into our garbage, they've even...
  10. wlantry

    Inherited Chickens

    Your chickens are fine. Things don't always go as planned when they first start laying, but it'll all work out. You'll need to build some nest boxes. What are you doing for predator protection? You should probably eat the rooster. They tend to annoy the neighbors... ;)
  11. wlantry

    Do they get any bigger?

    Hey, folks, So we've been waiting, waiting for our first eggs. Near the end of March, we got a bunch of baby chicks: 5 Buff Orpingtons, three Rhode Island Reds, two Black Australorps, and four Araucanas, which have since been re-identified as Easter Eggers. Waited and waited. Finally, one of...
  12. wlantry

    Do chickens eat oranges
  13. wlantry

    Looking for a food that doesn't make their poo stink

    Fermenting feed really helps with this.
  14. wlantry

    In need of some quick advice for keeping chickens cool

    I can't think of anything better than shade and mist in such a dry climate. With luck, it'll turn the run into a giant swamp cooler. Ice cubes in the water? Think how much they'd have to drink for it to have any effect! But I think electrolytes are a great idea, especially if you've been giving...
  15. wlantry

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    Interesting question. I'd only heard of Palm wine through Tutuola's novel. Never thought about using it for vinegar. Guess: it would help for pH issues, but might have to sit for a while to develop probiotic advantage. I know people do use it in various forms of cooking around the world, so it...
  16. wlantry

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    Thanks. Not much of that is practical, in my world. I'm in the MidAtlantic, so summers are warm. Odds of my wife allowing me to ferment feed in the newly finished basement are approximately zero percent... ;) The fermenting happens in a shed beside the coop. I use pellets or crumbles, so I...
  17. wlantry

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    Yes, the argument seems to be there's some yeast there, which (the speakers assert) can lead to alcohol. It's true that sometimes my mix turns a little yeasty. Never thought much about it. Should I be doing something to disfavor the yeast, and promote the lacto?
  18. wlantry

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    Hey, everybody, Are you a stirrer or a skimmer? The white stuff at the top of the bucket after a couple days: do you stir it back in or skim it off and discard it? I've been stirring, because I thought that's what we were supposed to do... but I heard a podcast yesterday advocating skimming...
  19. wlantry

    Greetings! From Rawalpindi, Pakistan

    Rawalpindi? That's way up north, near the mountains, isn't it? Hot in summer, mild in the winter... sounds like a good place to raise chickens!
  20. wlantry

    Please help! Urgent matter!

    Pigeons and doves are not like chickens. When chickens hatch, they're ready to go from day one. When pigeons and doves hatch, they're completely helpless. The success rate for trying to incubate a dove egg, and raise the resulting squab, would be well below one percent. I can't imagine even...
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