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  1. nickel chick

    worming my peacock

    When giving the second dose I change to a different kind of wormer do I not. thank you for your reply.
  2. nickel chick

    worming my peacock

  3. nickel chick

    worming my peacock

    Thank you again I have been away for awhile and need to get back at it. Off subject I was so sad to see about Dylansmoms passing she was a great help to me and I will miss her advice and humor.Very very sad.
  4. nickel chick

    worming my peacock

  5. nickel chick

    worming my peacock

    Can someone repeat the dose of safeguard for worming my peacock and does it really need to be done 4 times a year?
  6. nickel chick

    My peacocks in a tree.

    Yesterday when was cleaning my peacocks pen it was snowing as he went outside. He is out all the time so I didn't see the problem. next thing I knew he had flown up into a tree again I would just call him down by sh. I know he is shaking a food bucket and he would fly down. Well this time he has...
  7. nickel chick

    Is this really a Ayam Cerami???

    I bought them from a so called breeder not auction still what to do and who is Pyxis I paid 100.00 each.
  8. nickel chick

    Is this really a Ayam Cerami???

    If a Ayam chick looks perfect when you pick it out black tongue and black feet is there chance that it's tongue will then turn white. Mine did is this common? She is the only female I got out of the group got 5 roos 1 hen now with a white tongue the rest are perfect so what do I do now. I hate...
  9. nickel chick


    How long is it before females lay eggs? I only have one female and one male, I was told I had 2 females and male but one turned out to be male and a mutt somebody else got into the hen house. Body is different and has a lot of brown on him so he is in with mixed chickens. other 2 are lovely but...
  10. nickel chick

    My IB has lost all his tail feathers

    I only have the one male. no peahens sadly. maybe next year.
  11. nickel chick

    My IB has lost all his tail feathers

    Effect his health by the time of what.
  12. nickel chick

    My IB has lost all his tail feathers

    My IB has lost all his tail feathers and it is not even June. He is in very good health wormed, good poop,eating well and drinking his water and so on. Someone has asked if I had a heat lamp on him last winter which I did. But that's all I got. Why did that matter? Anyway why would this cause...
  13. nickel chick

    Yikes!!! My peacock is losing his tail feathers!!!

    I am kind coming in on this very late.But can you tell me why a heat lamp on last winter has my IB peacock losing all his feathers in May Will he start to get new ones and then molt again the fall or will he all out of whack for a while.
  14. nickel chick

    It is May is IB losing all his tail feathers? he won't have any left by June.

    What does having a warming light last winter have to do with my peacocks tail feathers falling out in May will he start growing new ones right away or will he be all out of whack in his molt.
  15. nickel chick

    It is May is IB losing all his tail feathers? he won't have any left by June.

    He does not have a female but the chickens keep him company. This is this first year he has been let roam he is 4yrs and i have only had him a year. I stay with him till he goes in at night to his pen. His wing have been trimmed so that is not an issue. He seems to want to just sit in the sun...
  16. nickel chick


    That's what I did and day after day with and squeegeeing till my arm just about fell off.As the days warmed it would run by itself. Picasso loved the little river going through his pen. When all the snow and ice melted I breathed a sigh of relief. And then we got another 5 inches and then...
  17. nickel chick

    Mama Heating Pad in the Brooder (Picture Heavy) - UPDATE

    I just bought 3 ayam cerami chicks and I am doing the mama brooder and so far they thermometer has only hit 80 degrees they are in there but chirping up a storm. They haven't come out to eat or drink yet should I worry. or just go back to the heat lamp . they are 2 days old. They were so...
  18. nickel chick

    Worming peacocks

    Great the older man down Rd has several and ask me last winter what used since I have so I am going down and start his they have never been done. Time to pay it forward. Thanks you pea fowl people are the best.
  19. nickel chick

    Worming peacocks

  20. nickel chick

    Worming peacocks

    last your you told how much to dose my peacock for worms. I used Safeguard for 5 days and Valbragzen for 1 day. now I am reading I should use something different so the worms don't build a tolerance to it. With just the one and only being able to keep a large bottle before it expires. I hate to...
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