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  1. Medievalmom

    Review by '' on item 'Mallard'

    We got our first mallard 4 years ago. Found him while fishing the day after a terrible storm at about 2 days old. There were no ducks or nests anywhere. Ended up taking him home and raising him with our goslings. When he grew up and tried mating with one of the geese we decided it was time to...
  2. Medievalmom

    Why do you have the breeds you do?

    We started out with 3 birds (my profile pic). Most of our birds we got for egg production, egg color, friendliness, appearance, and general hardiness/health. Currently we have leghorns, silver laced and gold laced wyandottes, delawares, gold necked game hens, barred rock, cuckoo marans...
  3. Medievalmom

    I am new, and so confused...

    Welcome to the wonderful world of raising chickens! I started out with just the 3 in my profile pic, but have since multiplied a little. I have 75 that are permanent fixtures, and about 30 on the sidelines being raised for others. We have chickens, geese, ducks, guineas, quail and pigeons. Our...
  4. Medievalmom

    Review by '' on item 'Golden Sex Link'

    All my sex links (gold and black) are now 3 years old and still laying 5 eggs a week. They are the first girls to greet visitors (checking to see if anyone brought treats!) and will gladly sit with us when we sit outside with our coffee. They've never been sick or had any health issues. Their...
  5. Medievalmom

    Bantam Rooster in need of home(s) (San Antonio, TX)

    Do you still have any of the cochin roosters left?
  6. Medievalmom

    taming your keets

    Our guinea is the same way. We raised him with the chicks, held him as much as we held them, but regardless he is not "cuddly" like the chickens are. My 15 year old is the only one that can catch him whenever she wants, and he actually sleeps in her arms. She strokes his chin under his wattles...
  7. Medievalmom

    Comment by 'medievalmom' in album 'Our flock'

    *Waves* hello mini-moo!! Nice looking birds you have there :D
  8. Medievalmom

    Chicken Shaming :D

    This is so awesome, it totally describes our guinea!!
  9. Medievalmom

    Chicken Breed Focus - Plymouth Rock

    Quote: Very pretty birds!
  10. Medievalmom

    Comment by 'Medievalmom' in article 'Quail Species and How To Pick The Right Bird For You'

    Just got a pair of button quail today. This was very informative! Glad its still posted
  11. Medievalmom

    Comment by 'Medievalmom' in article 'Getting Started With Guinea Fowl'

    I was totally unprepared for the very early flying part and had to learn the hard way. I currently clip my guineas wings as he would frequently fly into neighbors yards and we were afraid he was going to get attacked by the many dogs living around us. I would never suggest someone clips their...
  12. Medievalmom

    Chicken Breed Focus - Plymouth Rock

    YES!! Raven can hear the back door open and is just POSITIVE we have some tasty morsel for her to taste-test and has to inspect anything we are holding. They actually "knock" at the back door to be let in sometimes. The first time was a tad disturbing, hearing someone knocking at the back door...
  13. Medievalmom

    Chicken Breed Focus - Plymouth Rock

    Thank you so much!! She keeps me entertained every single day
  14. Medievalmom

    Chicken Breed Focus - Plymouth Rock

    I got Raven from the feed store and chose the breed simply because it was what was being offered, along with production reds and guinea keets. The label on the crates actually said they were all australorps, however once she started feathering out I knew what I had. I own my chickens first for...
  15. Medievalmom

    Danish Chicks, from Denmark of course

    Your pictures, and pets, are absolutely beautiful!
  16. Medievalmom

    taming your keets

    We held our guinea every single day, several times a day from day one, but he never stopped the running away thing. I clip his wings as he is very good at flying and tried claiming the neighbors yard as his own. He comes in the house every day with the girls (our hens) but my daughter is really...
  17. Medievalmom

    Danish Chicks, from Denmark of course

    Velkommen! Nice to meet you and your lovely chickens.
  18. Medievalmom

    Lone Star Mix

    When I first started my small flock last year, it was spur of the moment. Although we had planned on getting chickens, it wasnt supposed to be for a few more months. At least till my husband got a coop and run set up for me! The feed store had day old chicks and keets and my friend had snuck...
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