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  1. mcnichol

    How long should I wait?

    I have 3 broody hens. One hen (Lucy) successfully hatched 4 out of 5 babies on July 28-30th. Another broody hen, who was broody and sitting well before Lucy was on a clutch of 3 eggs, one of which got cracked early on. Today marks at least day 30. I had anticipated hatching August 9th. One...
  2. mcnichol

    Sudden illness ?

    Thank you. The nutrients I am giving him is called nutri drench, which has always been a wonder for ailments in our other chickens. Unfortunately it has no vitamin B. I'll look for that. I'll work on including a short video once I figure out how to attach. He doesn't act like a markes victim...
  3. mcnichol

    Sudden illness ?

    I have an almost 7 month old Columbian Wyandotte rooster who seems to have fallen to a sudden illness. To start, he had a difficult hatching, needing assistance. He hatched with a twisted toe, but seemed to do alright with it. When introducing him with his brother and sister to the other...
  4. mcnichol

    Intervention: Helping Your Chicks Hatch

    Thank yoy for your help. I took it out from under the hen yesterday with the other two since she was cracking the shell as soon as they pipped and casting them away. I found the first two under her care dead. Since it has been over 24 hours, I tried to help, doing exactly what the directions...
  5. mcnichol

    Intervention: Helping Your Chicks Hatch

    Please help. I don't have an incubator. I have this baby under a heat lamp and I have been trying to keep as much moister as possible. This is baby #3. The first two hatched on their own yesterday late afternoon. This one has been pipped since yesterday. What should I do? Also, mamma was...
  6. mcnichol

    Is this a roo???? If so what kind

    They look like Isa Brown chickens.
  7. mcnichol

    Mixed breeds

    I have several different breeds too and would love some help identifying. I first started with 7 straight run cross between Rhode Island Red and? Some look like Sussex and Americauna. No one really knows. Then I brought home a mix with Barred Rock and added White Rock and Red Comets. One of...
  8. mcnichol

    Ended Official BYC Mini Contest - Post Your Best Rooster Crowing Pic and Win!

    [/VIDEO] Charlie the rooster signing along with my daughter.
  9. mcnichol

    Egg hatching help

    One pic was the egg in question, which unfortunately didn't make it. So far three have hatched and the last has started to peck. The other pic is of the new babies!
  10. mcnichol

    Egg hatching help

    My hen has been laying on her eggs for quite some time. Tonight as I was checking them, I found one with half of its shell missing. It was covered with the thick white coating and was moving underneath. I don't know what to make of it. I hope the pic posts well. Any help is appreciated. Thanks.
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