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  1. KOTurkeyRanch


    Crazy, i found a nest of 13 in the woods, all 13 hatched but one died the day it hatched. All are tame, they seem even tamer then my domestics. Can you post more pictures?
  2. KOTurkeyRanch

    Medication in turkey starter

    Thank you, have you ever done it? Does it just protect against cocci?
  3. KOTurkeyRanch

    Medication in turkey starter

    What is it called? Im starting my 15 poults with unmedicated feed, i couldnt find any medicated feed anywhere. Can you buy the medication separate and add it in the water or something?
  4. KOTurkeyRanch


    Who has raised easterns? Are yours actually from the wild? Did they tame down? Post pics!!! I have 12 that i hatched out, straight from the wild. My bronze hen hatched them and they are completely OK with being near me. My last batch of completely wild ones they were deathly afraid but i didnt...
  5. KOTurkeyRanch

    Bourbon Red

    Please post pics of poults as they age if you have any
  6. KOTurkeyRanch

    Mallard Hen Question!

    Hmm. When she does it, its kind of subtle and is more like putting. Is what your talking about when they have sort of a whiny quack like 6 or 7 each time getting shorter?
  7. KOTurkeyRanch

    Mallard Hen Question!

    What does the call sound like? Shes been doing little putting quacks lately.
  8. KOTurkeyRanch

    Mallard Hen Question!

    I raised a wild mallard hen and shes very tame now and she goes into the coop every night. She usually flies for like 5 minutes straight but i can see where she goes, well today she went away for a long time, shes back now though. Do you think she got bred? It was the warmest day of the year so...
  9. KOTurkeyRanch

    What can I ask for my Royal Palm?

    Depending on turkey availablity in your area anywhere from 20-45 id say
  10. KOTurkeyRanch

    Alas, still no turkey eggs.

    I think the daylength is the most important factor. My hens first egg this year was on the coldest day
  11. KOTurkeyRanch

    Got a beautiful Bronze boy for my girls..... but..........

    Hens lay where they are comfortable. Mine laid in the attick of the barn so i had to close it off because the eggs could fall, or the newly hatched poults would. Let the turkeys run together and they should warm up to each other but it could take some fights. It also might prevent breeding for...
  12. KOTurkeyRanch

    Bronze/Bourbon Red Turkeys...

    Heres 2 buffs 1 golden narri 2 chicks and the red red bronze
  13. KOTurkeyRanch

    Bronze/Bourbon Red Turkeys...

    Red Bronze. ^^He was in rough shape. They basically look like bronze turkeys just an overall redder tint to their feathers. They will not breed true, you can get Bronze, Red Bronze, or Bourbon Red.
  14. KOTurkeyRanch

    Got my first egg of the year!

    Quote: hahah no i knew someone would say this, but hes a gobbler for sure. proven breeder.
  15. KOTurkeyRanch

    Should I get all males?

    Your reasoning is misguided, but no, there's no problem with getting all males. He said hes getting them for purely meat. Meaning he doesnt want eggs, so he could get all males.
  16. KOTurkeyRanch

    Got my first egg of the year!

    I got my first egg of the year. I wonder why my hen picked the coldest day of the year to lay it? It cracked when it thawed. But the weird thing is only my gobbler was in the pen with the egg. The hen must have fit in the tiny hole to the barn attick and dropped in the other side.
  17. KOTurkeyRanch

    Turkeys and chickens together

    Blackhead is a disease carried by chickens but fatal to turkeys. If its not in your area it wont be a problem. My turkeys are alive and well with my chickens. P.S. Heritage turkeys are not as big as the Broad Breasted turkeys, so if your going to get a hen i suggest a BBW or BBB.
  18. KOTurkeyRanch

    Narragansett or Bourbon Reds ?

    Both Nars and Bourbon Reds look great, ( I prefer BR), most claim the BR taste the best, BR are alittle better foragers do to their curious nature. Both are very friendly but that alost goes with how they are raised. If your getting them locally look at the parent stock and judge on how they...
  19. KOTurkeyRanch

    Frozen Water!

    id say give them some water midday instead of morning and when you refill always get the water as hot as possible as long as its a safe temperature for them to drink
  20. KOTurkeyRanch

    Frozen Water!

    Get a heated bucket
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