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  1. BeachMomma

    PLEASE HELP!! Blood in stool....

    Random blood droppings can be normal. However..consistently is not. Please please read this article on cocci With the new FDA regulations, Corid should not be effected and you should be able to buy it at feed stores. The powder runs about $25 not...
  2. BeachMomma

    Fowl Dry Pox: Suggestions-First Time Chicken Raiser Help!!!!!

    Dry fowl pox is manageable, wet pox is the more dangerous. Keeping everything clean will help them recover comfortably and help you spot anything new. The only thing you can really do for dry pox is provide some probiotics in fresh water daily for about a wk so it'll help boost em up. (Nothing...
  3. BeachMomma

    Hens or Roos? EE or Americaunas???

    I'm leaning towards pullets. In the next few wks keep an eye on comb color. Some say EE cockerels will have a different # of rows in the pea comb than pullets, that's not always 100%. I have 3 EE hens and there was 1 of them I truly did not know what it would be till maybe 3 months. She...
  4. BeachMomma

    Help to sex Plymouth Rock! This is a wonderful thread of advice for understanding cockerels/roos incase you haven't had one before. Good luck :)
  5. BeachMomma

    Hens or Roos? EE or Americaunas???

    Cockerels will start to show random rust/burgundy color feathers, from my experience, as well as the combs will get a darker pink to red quicker than pullets.
  6. BeachMomma

    Biosecurity advice greatly needed!

    Thank you @aart for that link. I'll have him get some of the birds tested. Better to do it either way just to see if there's something internal going on that I haven't seen signs of, etc. Plus with the new drug regulations he'll need to get set up with a poultry vet anyway for emergencies...
  7. BeachMomma

    Average pounds of feed per month for 11 chickens?

    Just a quick observation but @Blosing101 you mentioned using crumbles. Is it layer feed crumbles or is it an all flock raiser crumble? I ask because that would effect intake levels too with it being different protein lvls. Since flock raiser has the higher protein some flocks will eat slightly...
  8. BeachMomma

    Biosecurity advice greatly needed!

    His original flock he got about 2 years ago from different neighbors. There was only 1 problem chicken who turned out to be an egg eater. Which he successfully fixed with ideas from BYC In March he got 13 chicks he ordered from Southern States (it's like a Tractor Supply). He did proper...
  9. BeachMomma

    Biosecurity advice greatly needed!

    @Teila Thanks I figured on the changing of clothes and buying a cheap pair of throw away shoes. I'll definitely bring a mask I hadn't thought about that. I may just buy a painters plastic outfit to use so I can throw it all away lol. @CTKen I'm leaning towards possible overbreeding on a few. He...
  10. BeachMomma

    Biosecurity advice greatly needed!

    Let me start by saying I have a small very happy, healthy well maintained flock of 4 right now. (We lost 2 over the summer from extreme heat and humidity conditions) My flock security is my main priority compared to the one I'm about to describe. I have a family member who has a flock of 25...
  11. BeachMomma

    Frost bite

    You've done the best with treating him with the vaseline, I wouldn't bother with the vet tbh. Heated waterers in the coop overnight can cause moisture build up that can lead to frost bite. Our roo got frostbite a few years ago because he would get water before going into the coop and it froze...
  12. BeachMomma

    The girls are eating like no tomorrow!!

    Why heat lamps in the coop may I ask? There's no reason to use them unless it's to acclimate babies. (It's more detrimental to use supplemental heat on adult birds. They have down feathers to keep them warm and if they have a well ventilated proper coop they'll have no problem keeping warm...
  13. BeachMomma

    Needing advice RE new chicks and possible Cocci

    By which type of Corid, I meant did you order the powder or liquid. Sorry for the confusion! With regards to the vitamins, you don't give them the vitamins until they're done with the first wk of Corid treatment. The vitamins will help boost their system back up. When you start the 2nd round...
  14. BeachMomma

    Needing advice RE new chicks and possible Cocci

    Welcome to BYC! It sounds like cocci. It could be possible both sets had it separately. Unfortunately it's also possible 1 set had it and the other was infected at some point. Which Corid have you ordered and when should it be arriving? Treating Cocci is fairly easy it's just hard on their...
  15. BeachMomma

    Have the coop (sorta) but need the run!

    Have you thought of using treated landscaping timbers as your base around the run? As long as you put tiny hardcloth skirting, I think it's 1/4 inch, attached and buried down/out it could work. We had a similar issue when constructing our new run. The ground was just unsuitable so I used 8 ft...
  16. BeachMomma

    Commercial Coop Capacities

    That particular coop doesn't hold 3 full grown birds. The pitch of the roof is so low that it invites roof leaks. I could go in and on. Way back when we were new to chickens and before I found this site, we purchased one of those. After it was assembled I immediately did modifications. I had to...
  17. BeachMomma

    3 week Dominique

    X3 looks just like our Dom roo when he was young. Dominique pullets will be darker with the barring being smaller. Out of these 3, 2 pullets and a cockerel about 3-4 months old at the time, you can clearly see the difference I'm referring to.
  18. BeachMomma

    It was too HOT in North Carolina yesterday!

    Yep definitely time to start getting the frozen treats ready. The heat & humidity yesterday in NE North Carolina was no joke! We filled up 1 of the waterers with all ice to keep them cool.
  19. BeachMomma

    Easter Egger Sexing "tips and tricks" *Pictures Included*

    Thanks so much @Wishing4Wings!
  20. BeachMomma

    Easter Egger Sexing "tips and tricks" *Pictures Included*

    Need help with this 12-13 wk Easter egger. "She" is very skittish and doesn't act like a cockeral at all. Her comb has never been red, only gets a bit flushed after getting spooked or trying to grab her. The light brown on her wings just popped up recently and even though it's not red, lol I'd...
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