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  1. tess36

    Has anyone taken chicks from outside to put with single chick inside?

    Thank you for the reassurance. I did try to give the baby back, but she wasn't having it. I think it was just too far behind the others. I was second guessing my decision because they were very loud for a few hours, and I was feeling so guilty taking babies from the mama they'd imprinted on...
  2. tess36

    Has anyone taken chicks from outside to put with single chick inside?

    I took two, one week old chicks from a mama to put with a single chick (from same clutch) that's in a brooder to give it friends. Has anyone done this? Backstory novel for context: I had a Silver Hamburg go sneaky broody on me and she appeared last Saturday with six chicks according to my son...
  3. tess36

    Questionable malposition with external pip, let it ride?

    Today is day 20 on six Lavender Orpington eggs in the incubator given to us from a friend. The friend had apparently left eggs under the hens until the day before he passed them onto my husband to bring home so I have been worried about different development stages from the beginning, but I've...
  4. tess36

    Malpositioned chick.

    It's out! Thank you for all your help. I think it was fine all along, I just got nervous because it pipped at the wrong end. I'm really glad I didn't have to help it. Thank you all, again.
  5. tess36

    Malpositioned chick.

    Thank you! It has made even more progress since I posted the pic. Maybe it just took a long nap after that first pip to save up its strength for the main event. I will come back with the end result. I'm kind of in shock that it looks like I'm going to have 100% hatch rate on my first try. I...
  6. tess36

    Malpositioned chick.

    It's really trying on its own. You can see the progress it has made. The only thing I did was open up that flap at the top. It pipped through the membrane down at the bottom. I saw its beak when it did it, but I can't tell where the beak is now.
  7. tess36

    Malpositioned chick.

    I think I'm ok with waiting until tomorrow. As long as my humidity is high, having that opening won't be an issue, right? I would much rather let this chick do it on its own, if possible. I got worried because I realized it had pipped in the wrong place and didn't know how to proceed. Thank...
  8. tess36

    Malpositioned chick.

    Ok. This is what I currently have. I see no signs of liquid, the membrane was tan and pretty rubbery to pull open. My two videos didn't have the appropriate file extension, so they won't load. Here's a pic for what it's worth. I have chirping, I can see respiratory effort. Even when it...
  9. tess36

    Malpositioned chick.

    The pip was there when we woke up this morning. Two of my blues and the other Marans egg had hatched. That was around 0900. The remaining two blues externally pipped,zipped, and hatched in less than an hour apart and within about 45 minutes time.
  10. tess36

    Malpositioned chick.

    What if I can't see the beak? Should I pull open that flap of membrane so I can, or for now just go with peeping sounds? Thank you for responding!
  11. tess36

    Malpositioned chick.

    Hello. This is my first time incubating and hatching eggs. The eggs are from my own chickens. I had 6/7 fertile. Two BCM and four blue eggs (could be my Isbars, Legbars, or blue laying mixes). Obviously, the four blue were easy to candle and gauge development. The BCM, not so much. I was...
  12. tess36

    Day 23-25, broody still sitting, no sign of chicks?

    I'm just commenting to tie up the thread. I believe hatch date was 5/17-18. We cracked open an egg on 5/22. The contents were decomposing, liquified remains. Based upon the discovery of a fully formed, very wet, dead chick on 5/17, my theory is that humidity got too high at some point...
  13. tess36

    Broody mama on the ground (dirt), day 21, no discernable action

    I'm just commenting to tie up the thread. I believe hatch date was 5/17-18. We cracked open an egg on 5/22. The contents were decomposing, liquified remains. Based upon the discovery of a fully formed, very wet, dead chick on 5/17, my theory is that humidity got too high at some point...
  14. tess36

    *Trigger* (pic included) How to tell age of dead chick

    I'm just commenting to tie up the thread. I believe hatch date was 5/17-18. We cracked open an egg on 5/22. The contents were decomposing, liquified remains. Based upon the discovery of a fully formed, very wet, dead chick on 5/17, my theory is that humidity got too high at some point...
  15. tess36

    First time broody hen and first time human overseer

    I'm just commenting to tie up the thread. I believe hatch date was 5/17-18. We cracked open an egg on 5/22. The contents were decomposing, liquified remains. Based upon the discovery of a fully formed, very wet, dead chick on 5/17, my theory is that humidity got too high at some point...
  16. tess36

    Broody mama on the ground (dirt), day 21, no discernable action

    Thank you, I will. When hubby got home we went out together, and checked on her. He pulled her feathers and leaves out from behind her and didn't even see eggs, but he got growled at and pecked! Lol. He commented that smell he noted to him just smelled like "smelly chicken," not "bad," which...
  17. tess36

    Broody mama on the ground (dirt), day 21, no discernable action

    I don't think any hens added to it. She snuck off and made her clutch up under a zero turn mower in a pole shed. When I saw the eggs Sunday, they were all the dark brown a BCM would lay, and I'm getting eggs from the other two BCM in the coop. I'm not sure I can even get to her bottom to...
  18. tess36

    Broody mama on the ground (dirt), day 21, no discernable action

    Thank you replying. As of today, I still see no evidence of any hatched chicks. Broody is still all pancaked out, trance-like, seems committed still; but I hear nothing when I approach and stand there for a few. The dead chick was estimated at 19d on Sunday. That makes today 23d. It has been...
  19. tess36

    Day 23-25, broody still sitting, no sign of chicks?

    Hello. I posted over the weekend about my broody BCM we discovered sitting on 5/14 under a mower. On 5/17 I saw her briefly out to address her needs, I counted 12 eggs while she was off. A little later I found a dead chick. Members here estimated chick's age at 19-21d. She does not appeared...
  20. tess36

    Broody mama on the ground (dirt), day 21, no discernable action

    I posted a couple threads on Sunday afternoon/evening about my broody Marans. She went sneaky broody on me under a mower in a pole shed, on bare earth. We did not discover her until this past Thursday.. On Sunday, I actually saw her up eating mid-afternoon. I ran over and counted 12 eggs...
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