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  1. A Collection of Helpful Links About Various Topics

    A Collection of Helpful Links About Various Topics

    Oops, meant to save this as a draft. I keep doing this. :he Coop Construction Integration Ventilation Space Requirements Brooding Finding Your Way Around BYC Chicken Health Feed Heat, Cold, Rain, Mud, and Other Environmental Issues Sexing Chicks Genetics
  2. Camp Cockerel

    Camp Cockerel

    Those of us who hatch often have spare boys who need to be gotten out of the main flock because they're bothering the hens and annoying the Flockmaster rooster, I thought this quick-and-dirty build could be useful to others. Important Note: This is a medium-security holding facility for...
  3. Repecka Illustrates Coop Ventilation

    Repecka Illustrates Coop Ventilation

    Hello, humans. I'm Repecka and I'm here to teach you about coop ventilation. As you know, birds have very delicate respiratory systems. They could have used hens down in those coal mines but even the tiniest bantams were too big for those little cages. So one of the best ways to keep us healthy...
  4. Slowpoke, a Reality Check After an Assisted Hatch

    Slowpoke, a Reality Check After an Assisted Hatch

    I had no intention of doing an assisted hatch. I am firmly of the belief that the first step in maintaining a healthy flock is to never perpetuate problems. However, after discussing it with people who knew more than I do, it seemed that the late egg from my first hatch, the one that had spent...
  5. Over-Sized Isn't Just For Sweaters

    Over-Sized Isn't Just For Sweaters

    Everyone who has existed on earth long enough to experience more than a single fashion cycle has seen them come in and out of style, oversized sweaters with hems that droop to mid-thigh, sleeves that hang past the fingertips, and enough room in the body to hide a couple fugitive cats in there...
  6. How to Knock a Chicken's Socks Off

    How to Knock a Chicken's Socks Off

    I've encountered a number of people, online and IRL, who find the idea of eating chicken feet disgusting -- both on the level of squeamish emotion, because while most chicken parts cut up don't much resemble a living chicken but feet always look like FEET -- and because they believe that chicken...
  7. Hot Climate Chicken Housing and Care

    Hot Climate Chicken Housing and Care

    I live in North Carolina, the Steamy Southeast of the USA where from June through early September we frequently see 95-95 weather -- 95F and 95% humidity -- and summer nighttime lows may not dip below 70F for weeks. Most chicken-keeping advice is aimed at people in temperate areas with...
  8. My Newbie Questions, 10 Years Later

    My Newbie Questions, 10 Years Later

    I was looking at old threads as far back as 2009 and thought it would be fun to revisit my newbie questions in light of what I've learned. So MANY questions -- some having turned out to be critical and some trivial. I hope that you will find my trip down Nostalgia Lane will be at least...
  9. Run to Outdoor Brooder Conversion

    Run to Outdoor Brooder Conversion

    The only accurate word to describe this build is "Rednecked" -- but that's fine because while I was born a Yankee, rural North Carolina is where I really belong. I was given a group of 4-week-old chicks who came with some equipment, including a coop that was a repurposed temporary run from...
  10. Mini-Coop or Integration Pen From a Large Dog Crate

    Mini-Coop or Integration Pen From a Large Dog Crate

    Important! This is NOT a predator-proof build and should be used only inside a secure area. The 4, month-old chicks I picked up yesterday came with a 4x8 coop, but we had to take the tarp walls off for transport and it was starting to rain when we got home so I quickly set them up in dog-crate...
  11. Outdoor Broody Breaker

    Outdoor Broody Breaker

    I had a hen go inconveniently broody before the new, larger coop with the built-in broody breaker was complete. Since the Little Monitor Coop is only 4x4 I could not put a wire cage inside and had to come up with something that I could put into the run. I managed to come up with a large, wire...
  12. An Outdoor Shelter For the Feeder and Waterer

    An Outdoor Shelter For the Feeder and Waterer

    I don't like to keep the feeder and waterer in my Little Monitor Coop, which is only 4'x4'. They take up valuable space, are awkward to fill, and are prone to be knocked over when the chickens are pushing and shoving to get to them. Since the current run is unroofed, being 100 feet of electric...
  13. Using Deep Bedding in a Small Coop

    Using Deep Bedding in a Small Coop

    When first reading about chicken keeping a new chicken owner is certain to hear many claims that a particular method is the Absolute Ultimate in good chicken care. One of these methods is Deep Bedding. What is Deep Bedding? How is it different from Deep Litter? Why should you choose this...
  14. Family-Size Broccoli Mac and Cheese

    Family-Size Broccoli Mac and Cheese

    This is a midwestern, custard-style mac and cheese that can be cut into squares like lasagna. It's easy to put together and holds well in the oven when it needs to. It's also flexible to adapt to your family's personal tastes or to your available ingredients. Ingredients: 1lb elbow macaroni...
  15. The Little, Monitor Coop

    The Little, Monitor Coop

    Original Version Renovated (in it's temporary position) Interior This small coop, intended for 4 chickens, is a very good option for the US Southeast or any other hot, humid climate that’s subject to heavy rain because it’s extremely well-ventilated and has sufficient roof overhangs to...
  16. Go Ahead, Pick the Prettiest Chickens!

    Go Ahead, Pick the Prettiest Chickens!

    “What kind of chickens should I get?” That’s probably the backyard chicken newbie’s most common question and the hardest to answer. Yes, there are practical things to consider, but when you get to the heart of it the answer is almost always, “What kind of chickens do you like?” When you’re new...
  17. Feeders and Scoops From Recycled Bottles

    Feeders and Scoops From Recycled Bottles

    A simple, 15 minute project to make two things I've been needing. I had a feed scoop cut down from a milk jug, but it was flimsy and wobbly, resulting in spilled feed if I filled it too full and extra trips back and forth to the feeder if I didn't. When I emptied a jug of white vinegar I...
  18. Blocks, Bricks, and Pavers -- The Critical Chicken-Keeping Equipment the “Chickens 101” Articles Don’t Mention

    Blocks, Bricks, and Pavers -- The Critical Chicken-Keeping Equipment the “Chickens 101” Articles Don’t Mention

    As dedicated DIYers my husband and I have accumulated a collection of random concrete blocks in different sizes, concrete pavers, and bricks that I used both for my in-town flock and my new, country property chickens. First thing in their life-cycle, concrete papers under the chicks’ feeder and...
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