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  1. hyelaw

    keet down, legs getting stiff-what to do?

    A little Red Cell (horse vitamin supplement) in their water does wonders. And yes, I'd keep it separate from the others.
  2. hyelaw


    I feed mine chick starter and they do fine, be sure to treat and supplement with higher protein sources. Brewer's yeast, fish meal, meal worms, hard boiled eggs, etc. I also ferment my feed so it makes nutrients / vitamins / minerals more accessible to them and slightly ups the protein %...
  3. hyelaw

    Blackhead advice

    Very sorry to hear, hope it's improving. I'd keep up the cayenne and or habanero or any other pepper you can find. I'd also use garlic and oregano and thyme in the feed and/or water and apple cider vinegar in the water. Oregano oil if you can find it too.
  4. hyelaw

    My New Runs

    great idea!
  5. hyelaw

    Help! My Bourbon Red 3 day old Turkey can't stand up

    What are you feeding it and how are you brooding it? How many others is it with? What are you feeding it? It may be a vitamin or protein deficiency if it was okay at hatch. Make sure it keeps eating and drinking. I would supplement with Red Cell horse supplement (it's okay for birds too)...
  6. hyelaw

    Do turkey hens raise their poults

    My broody hen has been an excellent mother to my poults. Saved me from needing to brood them myself. I wasn't sure in the beginning, just keep an eye on them, if you feel like she's not doing well, take them away from her. I split the eggs, gave her half and half in an incubator. We were...
  7. hyelaw

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    Add a little more water, it will absorb it. As for it being too much, I really don't know, too many variables. It should be fine though, maybe get some kahm yeast on it. (stinky and looks bad, but harmless) The weather is too hot at the moment for me and fruit flies & mosquitoes are driving...
  8. hyelaw

    Sick turkey

    If they are broad breasted, they are meant for eating. You can try to keep them as pets, but in the long run it's not good for them (or you). Their bodies aren't designed for it. Not knowing the lineage of the birds, they could have genetic problems and that may be what you are seeing. Try...
  9. hyelaw

    Sick turkey

    Add apple cider vinegar to their water, and garlic, cayenne, and herbs to their feed, especially oregano (Oil of oregano is you have it), and thyme. Keep them drinking and eating. Same with what everyone else said, protein is vital to their health. Let them free range, supplement with...
  10. hyelaw

    My indoor pet turkey is suddenly sick!

    Might get a faster response if you linked the post here too... First things to do right away if the bird seems unwell are add apple cider vinegar to their water, and garlic, cayenne, and herbs to their feed, especially oregano (Oil of oregano is you have it), and thyme. Keep them drinking...
  11. hyelaw

    Changing feeds

    The flaw to this is you are setting the new feed up to failure. Yes, they can be very set in their ways. To make this work you need to make the change more even, put the new feed in the old feeder and the old feed in the new one. Or else they will stick with the old food and old feeder...
  12. hyelaw

    Blue Slates

    Do you have an incubator? You can get eggs through porters.
  13. hyelaw

    New turkey owner. Freaking out about blackhead.

    I put cayenne in my flock's feed too, no worries and no problems.
  14. hyelaw

    Blackhead, turkeys and cayenne!!!

    I've been using it on my birds since day 1. I've never had problems with them getting sick in any way, so it is a great preventative too. I also put apple cider vinegar in their water and garlic, ACV, and dried herbs in their fermented feed. You don't need a lot, especially as a...
  15. hyelaw

    Moringa Supplement?

    While I don't know how high the calcium levels are (never heard of it being a plus or a minus), I don't think it's that high of a protein source. I supplement my feed with mealworms, split peas, hemp seed, chia, hard boiled eggs, etc. I let my broody hen raise my most recent batch and they've...
  16. hyelaw

    Tips on telling hens from toms?

    My female self-blue has a beard also. She did develop it much later than my tom though. As for sexing them, I agree weight is a good way to determine it, before other traits start to show. Even as early as 1 week old, the males will be heavier.
  17. hyelaw

    Blue slate hen or tom

    What age is it? But yes, looks like a hen to me too.
  18. hyelaw

    Lone guinea survivor...

    I'm very sorry for your loss. The same thing happened to us a few weeks ago. I would have kept her, she would have been fine with the chickens. Our survivor was a broody turkey hen, her eggs are set to hatch any day now and the next batch of hatching eggs should be arriving in two weeks. I'm...
  19. hyelaw

    Growing fodder for chickens

    I like rye and buckwheat, red clover, anything that sprouts quickly
  20. hyelaw

    Help! Poults need more protein!!

    For added protein I used mealworms, black soldier fly larvae, and hard boiled eggs. I used a chick feed though, so the protein was even lower than yours. I'm sure they'll be okay. I also put apple cider vinegar in my water and cayenne / garlic in my feed.
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