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  1. Mortisha1010

    Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

    My husband works at Red Wind Casino and I'm a substitute for Head Start so I can work at pretty much any center if it's near by. We're looking towards Yelm, Olympia, Lacey, Rainier, Roy, ect. Pretty much anywhere within a 30 minute drive to his work.
  2. Mortisha1010

    Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

    Right? We've always been good tenants and have an excellent credit score but seems like pets always cause landlords to turn us away. When we moved out of our last house in CA we even found someone else to move in right after us so our landlord wouldn't lose money. Just don't understand... and...
  3. Mortisha1010


    I posted in my state thread. Thank you guys. How do I delete this one?
  4. Mortisha1010

    Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

    We're open to any options at the moment but have a few weeks to find them a place to stay. In the meantime we're looking for somewhere that will rent to us with them but its unlikely. =[
  5. Mortisha1010

    Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

    Hi. We just moved here from CA late last year and have been staying with friends while we go through the home loan process. Unfortunately it has taken too long and they're asking us to be out in a month. It's going to be impossible for me to find somewhere that will take us with our cats and...
  6. Mortisha1010


    Hi. We just moved here from CA late last year and have been staying with friends while we go through the home loan process. Unfortunately it has taken too long and they're asking us to be out in a month. It's going to be impossible for me to find somewhere that will take us with our cats and...
  7. Mortisha1010

    Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

    Is there a thread for Thurston County? I'm trying to find a home for my black crested white rooster (Yes he is an uncommon color!). Moved here before he started crowing. He started crowing before we could find our own house (currently staying with friends and still there), and just found out we...
  8. Mortisha1010

    the sultan thread

    Heres my Charlotte today at about 11 weeks. and here's her with my final 4 from 15 I'm keeping. Left to right is Charlotte, cruella (ella for short),jack my big gentle boy, and Sally who I hope is a pullet. I didn't think I'd keep aroo but jack is a big sweet heart and I can't stand the...
  9. Mortisha1010

    the sultan thread

    mine doesn't stay in all the time but she does go in the coop much more than my polish or silkie so idk
  10. Mortisha1010

    the sultan thread

    yep that sure looks like a sultan although I'm new to the breed. I got one from ideal hatchery and love her to death now.
  11. Mortisha1010

    the sultan thread

    new picture at 10 weeks old I believe. I was so positive the only sultan I got from ideal would be a he and now I'm sure I got a she. :) if the other 7 polish and silkies turn out to be roosters I'll still be happy because I got this one lol
  12. Mortisha1010

    the sultan thread

    Got some new pics! Almost 8 weeks and still no red on the comb area!not even pink yet. I may just be optimistic but I think my 1 sultan I got it a pullet. Meet Charlotte :)
  13. Mortisha1010

    Anyone else Breeding/ Interested in Black Crested White Polish?

    He's very pretty. I took some photos of my two. I got 4 but two were more black than white so they got a new home. The two I still have,have a lot of black in the body but right now they're only pets. Hopefully next year I'll be able to get more and work on the color. My phone is bipolar so...
  14. Mortisha1010

    Anyone else Breeding/ Interested in Black Crested White Polish?

    Oh Okay. I'm hoping to be able to start after we move and buy our own place. Right now I can only have hens because of city ordinence so hopefully ones of them is a girl lol. I have bcw and wcb polish. My bcw are like bulkier than my wcb. I have a couple for sure roosters in my wcb batch but...
  15. Mortisha1010

    Anyone else Breeding/ Interested in Black Crested White Polish?

    CA but moving to Washington by the end of the year
  16. Mortisha1010

    Anyone else Breeding/ Interested in Black Crested White Polish?

    I've got a couple BCW polish that are almost 6 weeks old. Not sure of their gender yet. Does anyone have pics of theirs? I love seeing this color of polish
  17. Mortisha1010

    Post pics of stock from Ideal Poultry please !!

    My phone has a hard time posting all the pics at once and won't let me post more right now. I'll try more later. Forgive my auto correct mistakes lol
  18. Mortisha1010

    Post pics of stock from Ideal Poultry please !!

    Here's an update on my chicks with lots of pics. All of them managed to live and are almost 5 weeks. I think I came out with 1 buff silkie, 3 partridge, and two black. My bcw polish aren't true to the picture ideal had but I wasn't expecting them to. Two of them look more like silver laced...
  19. Mortisha1010

    the sultan thread

    Here's a couple new pictures. Still no red on the beak so that's good. :) Hanging out with his polish and silkie buddies Another He poses and sits still when I take pictures lol
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