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  1. Coffee 1st

    A century of Turkey talk 2000-2100.

    Well sad day here today also, we put Porter in the freezer my husband went out to take him his daily leftovers and he jumped on my husbands back and his claws went through his jeans and poked a hole in his shin to the bone. So my dad immediately went and put him down it was so sad but I knew...
  2. Coffee 1st

    A century of Turkey talk 2000-2100.

    Super sorry about JJ,, if u need a drink I'm not far away,,, or if Judy needs to go shopping or needs to go to the spa let her know I'm available to spend the day doing that for her emotional support,,,
  3. Coffee 1st

    A century of Turkey talk 2000-2100.

    This is a little icky BUT kinda cool ,,, I've never incubated eggs before so I've been a little nervous , today is the 1st time I've checked the chicken eggs to see how they were doing and they all look fine, my mom wanted to see one and took it out of the incubator and OMG she dropped it on the...
  4. Coffee 1st

    A century of Turkey talk 2000-2100.

    Ralphie hope JJ is getting better, sorry to hear about him :( keep us posted ...
  5. Coffee 1st

    A century of Turkey talk 2000-2100.

    Super cute looks like he has bodyguards..
  6. Coffee 1st

    A century of Turkey talk 2000-2100.

    Hi All I have to make this quick, just running into town to use the Internet and now my phone is almost dead,, go figure,,, I just want to post couple pics of my new Beautiful Boy I got from Ralphie , I'm more then happy with his not so perfect didn't make the cut boys,, lol... to me they are...
  7. Coffee 1st

    A century of Turkey talk 2000-2100.

    Just in case u guys play the 1st post of the day,, I Think I WIN ,,, Lol ... good morning everyone... :)
  8. Coffee 1st

    Surviving Minnesota!

    Hey did I win ??? Good morning everyone...
  9. Coffee 1st

    Surviving Minnesota!

    Cleaned the chicken coop out today, guess the good thing about winter is the poop is so frozen it just rolls right down the board and into the bag and I didn't get any smeared poop on my hands or in my hair and none on my clothes :) so the freezing weather is a bonus for something..
  10. Coffee 1st

    Surviving Minnesota!

    Sorry MnChickMom about your son, hope he heals quick, Sounds like everyone was doing a lot of plowing today, I have to say I love hubby being on vacation he feed and wanted chicks and turkeys again today. The only time I left my house today was to check the mail :) and was super excited...
  11. Coffee 1st

    Surviving Minnesota!

    Fluffy Butts :) Congrads Ralphie,, is it that time of the year already??? Guess I should just give you a blank check this year... lol .. don't forget about my turkeys ,,, And yep Glad to be out of Anoka... and I'm glad to be back on BYC :) I can't wait till spring but with spring I know...
  12. Coffee 1st

    Surviving Minnesota!

    Well I almost shot my top EE rooster tonight I had gun in hand it took everything I had not to pull the trigger,, that stupid bird everyone else was in the chicken coop and I was waiting for him to make his way back but he wouldn't leave the turkey coop, so I was trying to shue him back but he...
  13. Coffee 1st

    A century of Turkey talk 2000-2100.

  14. Coffee 1st

    A century of Turkey talk 2000-2100.

    Couple girls getting some sun.
  15. Coffee 1st

    A century of Turkey talk 2000-2100.

    Wow did I mess up on commenting on that last post not sure what I did...but everything is all blended together,, sorry
  16. Coffee 1st

    A century of Turkey talk 2000-2100.

    Coffee is making me feel bad about myself. I procrastinated so badly this year that I was putting up clear plastic in the middle of that first snow storm we got nailed with. even DH was like forget it. My run still doesn't feel completely dry. Coffee's birds, however, were probably already...
  17. Coffee 1st

    A century of Turkey talk 2000-2100.

    OMG that's funny...
  18. Coffee 1st

    A century of Turkey talk 2000-2100.

    I must be sick,, so after a great morning then my husband says why don't u go shopping just take the charge card and don't worry about it,, :) OK,,, so I went to Joann fabrics ,1 of my favorite stores,, usually drop $200 because it's so far away and I'm a fabric addict,, but I left without...
  19. Coffee 1st

    A century of Turkey talk 2000-2100.

    I think they deserve a special treat,, good job...
  20. Coffee 1st

    A century of Turkey talk 2000-2100.

    Ohh plz just seeing what YOU have done in 1 summer exhausts me...
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