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  1. Freebird

    Can anyone help on Watering designs in the coop?

    Quote: I have a similar setup using the little giant automatic water bowls. I add apple cider vinegar to the barrel everytime I fill it up, about a liter per 55 gallons. The barrel stays pretty clean, as it is virtually opaque and situated in the shade, for the most part, and the vinegar...
  2. Freebird

    Now that you've filled the freezer, what did they cost?

    My test batch of Cornish X ended up costing me $1.51/lb of processed whole bird, including losing one bird the day I received them. Feed cost for 4 birds was just over $19 for me, at $12.00 per 50lbs. I processed them myself because I work cheap.
  3. Freebird

    Are my birds on track?

    I recently finished my "test" run with Cornish Xs and an 8x6 tractor. I butchered them at 7&1/2 weeks. Live weight at 7 weeks for one of the cockerels was 6lbs 12 oz. (didn't weigh the pullets), which I thought was a bit low. So, yeah, a live weight of 4 lbs at 7 weeks sounds low to me. At...
  4. Freebird

    adding 13 weeks old pullets to 34 week old pullets, bad idea?

    Quote: If you are feeding the main flock a laying mix and need to add some younger birds, you could switch to standard feed and provide free choice oyster shell as an alternative to laying feed, at least until the younger ones are closer to laying least that's what I've been doing.
  5. Freebird

    Scary! Yet another reason to raise and eat your own

    Quote: The real difference is that I raised them on grass with fresh air, not in a cram-packed chicken house without a stitch of grass. Their trip to the kill area didn't include being thrown into nasty, fecal covered cages and trucked 25 miles or more in 95-100 degree heat to a nasty...
  6. Freebird

    when can i blend the flock?

    I feel your pain. I have groups of pullets at two different ages because a hatchery delayed my order a month. I just added the 16 week olds to my main flock. I put them in a tractor next to the run for a week or so before putting them in the coop at night. They wouldn't stay on the roost...
  7. Freebird

    Looks like 2 roos and 1 hen, getting really attached., what do I do!!!

    If you can find someone to take them all, that may not be a bad way to go about it. Then you can get sexed chicks so you know (well, at least are fairly certain) you'll be getting pullets. There's nothing wrong with keeping the pullet you have, but you'll want to keep the current one seperated...
  8. Freebird

    Looks like 2 roos and 1 hen, getting really attached., what do I do!!!

    Quote: Not to be a downer, but I'd be surprised if you will be able to keep ANY roos in a subdivision long term. Roosters are ungodly loud. They will crow at all hours of the day. You have some very understanding neighbors if they don't end up complaining. Personally, I would sell/give...
  9. Freebird

    How long does it take a plymouth rock to get big enough to butcher?

    Quote: This is the second post I've seen about processing before they start crowing, so I'm confused. Sounds like an old wives tale, to me. About half of the roos I've had started crowing by their 8th week, which is WAY too early to process a non-hybrid meat bird unless you don't want any...
  10. Freebird

    Bloody spot in egg with no rooster

    As stated above, they are normal. They are caused by a ruptured blood vessel during formation of the egg. You will occasionally see them in commercial eggs as well, but less frequently because most commercial operations check for them by mass candling and remove the ones with spots. Again...
  11. Freebird

    Processed 4 Cornish X's this weekend..test run.

    We did a test run of Cornish X's in my tractor - only 4 birds. Worked out pretty good and gave me some ideas for modifications. We processed them on Saturday, brined them for 5-6 hours, and put them in the fridge. They were 7&1/2 weeks old and averaged 4.5lbs (pullets - 4lbs, cockerels -...
  12. Freebird

    Chicken Wire under Chicken tractor?

    1) I would be camping out to deal with the critter directly. Advantage - low cost, just ammo and time. Disadvantages - have to stay up until you kill the critter. Others may show up at a later date. 2) Your sig says you own two dogs. Stake your dog(s) out close to the tractor - they will...
  13. Freebird

    Housing meat birds?

    bigredfeather's looks much more predator proof than mine. Looks like they used some type of hardware cloth - much stronger than the poultry wire I used. Also looks like they have an apron of the same material around the base to prevent things from digging under. I used poultry wire because I...
  14. Freebird

    Housing meat birds?

    I agree, I think a tractor has got to be the best way. When you see how much poop they generate, you'll understand! I spent about $65, not counting the poultry wire (which I had laying around). Mine is smallish, only 8'x6'. I've just got 4 birds in it doing a test run:
  15. Freebird

    Male packers

    My latest batch of BR roos began crowing at 8 weeks, fwiw. In fact, almost all the roos I've had started about that time. Granted, they are more like "practice" crows, aren't very loud, and surely wouldn't disturb the neighbors at that point. It usually takes another month or so before they...
  16. Freebird

    Meat Bird Tips

    Quote: That sounds like the idea that inspired stock racing...everybody's got the same restrictions on their car (bird genetics), it's just comes down to how good you drive, how good your pit crew/engineering is, and how lucky you are.
  17. Freebird

    Is it worth it to butcher?

    Quote: What do you mean by nasty? Most of my young roos have started crowing around 8-10 weeks, and they aren't really worth butchering until around week 15+, which is when I hear a lot of people butcher standard breeds. None of mine certainly weren't what I would call nasty. I processed...
  18. Freebird

    What is your average?

    I know it's not dressed weight, but I weighed one of mine today, live. It was exactly 7 weeks old and weighed 6lbs 12oz. The darn thing crapped all over my leg as I was taking it to the scale, so it probably lost at least 4 oz judging by the mess on my knee. I can post a dressed weight after...
  19. Freebird

    50 Chickens in an 8ftX10ft tractor?

    Quote: You guys also might try fastening more poultry wire to the frame under the tarp to help support it (if you can get it tight enough without flexing the pvc)...not much weight added, but it may not be possible to stretch it tight enough with PVC to do any good, I don't know.
  20. Freebird

    50 Chickens in an 8ftX10ft tractor?

    Quote: That's about what I figured it to be as well, Kim. There are some advantages of the PVC over wood, though. Easier and faster assembly, lighter weight (which could also be a disadvantage depending on your needs), and possibly longer lasting. I ended up using treated 2x4s which I...
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