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  1. MissMonty

    What breed? Rural King...didn't know

    Looks like my EEs I got from RK a few weeks ago.
  2. MissMonty

    How many times a day do they lay and what happened to our Easter Eggers?

    I have a hen that this past fall she was pretty regularly laying two eggs a day. Its uncommon but possible. Often the eggs will be soft shelled or not quite right but in my case the eggs were perfect. I know it was her because at the time she was the only chicken (she got dumped on our farm)...
  3. MissMonty

    Lets talk nest boxes!

    Mine would all currently be internal boxes as I'm not sure I'm handy enough to make exterior ones in an existing building
  4. MissMonty

    Lets talk nest boxes!

    We have added a lot of a lot. :gig We have a huge coop (big outbuilding we turned into a coop) and we are dividing out to multiple coops but for the main egg laying flock we should end up around 20-30 hens we will end up keeping that will be in the main coop. I've only have 5...
  5. MissMonty

    Ayam Cemani - Take a guess? (6 weeks)

    He's a ninja....last time he pooed IN my pocket and I didn't notice right away......
  6. MissMonty

    Ayam Cemani - Take a guess? (6 weeks)

    I'll get some more! I gave up on photos after he poo'd in my hand....
  7. MissMonty

    Ayam Cemani - Take a guess? (6 weeks)

    That's what I thought as well. For the past couple weeks his comb has been bigger than the other chicks I have but I didn't have any other Ayam Cemani's to compare him to. I love the iridescent kind of feathers. I didn't know only the boys have them. Although come to think of it I don't think...
  8. MissMonty

    Ayam Cemani - Take a guess? (6 weeks)

    What do you all think so far? Is "Rex" a pullet or cockrel?! I have been leaning towards cockrel for a while now but this week I'm not at sure. He is right at 6 weeks old
  9. MissMonty

    My Ayam Cemani hatch-a-long!

    Sorry things got crazy around here! We had 9 babies hatch, all doing very well. We unfortunately had a bit of an accident with a kiddo who accidentally squished one so we are down to 8 now :(
  10. MissMonty

    Want to raise numbers

    Oh no! I'm sorry to hear that!
  11. MissMonty

    Interest in a Emu hatch along?

    Ahhh so jealous! I will totally be an avid reader of the thread but no emus here.....yet ;) We are planning to move to more land in the next few years and by then my kiddos will be a little older so it'll be a bit safer to have them around the farm.
  12. MissMonty

    12th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-Along

    Gah I still can't decide what type of chicken I want to hatch. We just like a variety...but since its an easter hatch its hard not to want to just fill the whole incubator with EEs
  13. MissMonty

    In May I am getting some more chicks and I'm getting ducklings for the first time!

    How exciting! I love ducklings...hate the mess...but love the ducklings! Make sure you keep the brooders separate for the chickens and ducklings. Your sanity will thank me later. The ducks are super messy, keep food and water on opposite sides of the brooder. Plan to at least clean out the...
  14. MissMonty


    This is what I used when we tried out sand. Its a coarse sand so not quite a fine gravel but coarser than normal sand. It clumps up pretty bad and packs down so I'm not sure sand is the best option for what you're looking for.
  15. MissMonty

    Want to raise numbers

    Sounds like you have a lot of plans this year for your chickens!! I agree with others in putting the pens near each other. If you're getting chicks you can always put the brooder in the pen with them so they don't see the chicks as a threat. I do this when my chicks get a little older and have...
  16. MissMonty

    Prolong runny nose in Chicken, no other symptom, not spreading

    To me it sounds like he may have an infection of some sorts possibly needing anti-biotics. Generally the infection itself isn't contagious but whatever caused the infection could be. If its been this long I'm not sure I'd still be worried about it being contagious. You probably will need to...
  17. MissMonty

    Chicken tunnel

    It really depends on what you're going for. If you are planning to leave them and let them stay in it you'll want to make sure its predator proof. If its just a tunnel between the garden you'll let them used when you're out there only then you can probably get away without them. If its a long...
  18. MissMonty

    Poll: Do you go on vacation? (In a non-COVID world)

    Yes I go every year at least once (even with COVID). We either pay someone or trade with other local farms. They take care of our animals while we are gone and we take care of theirs while they're out.
  19. MissMonty

    Struggling to Zip?

    I had two that did this. I ended up helping them because it had been so long AND I noticed they seemed to spin around and I stopped seeing their beaks for a while. I didn't want them to suffocate. I also have had many that did zip on their own after looking like this just fine. If you can...
  20. MissMonty

    Are your Cats afraid of Chickens?

    Yeah the cats around me have never been an issue. Now I wouldn't put it past them to snag a chick if I have chicks around. Our feral friends are all great mousers and then I also feed them kibble. So I really don't think they are desperate enough to go after a chicken.
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