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  1. L

    Is my Chicken Dead?

    Hello- About an hour ago, I let my hens out of their run to forage in my yard, like I do every day. The alpha in my flock came out, and I heard her fly. That is unusual for her, but once in a while, it happens. Then I heard a thud as if she had hit something. I found her on her back...
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    I have northern fowl mites and a broody on eggs!

    My experience with a broody hen is that nothing will break a broody hen once she starts brooding-no matter how hard I try. I actually don't think that will be a problem for you.
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    Old eye injury in new Amerucana Rooster

    So I have a hen right now who has an eye that looks almost identical to yours (after being attacked by our rooster). I had some really old antibiotic ointment from another bird years ago and have been using it sporadically. The cloudiness cleared up right away and she seems to be getting...
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    Rooster attacking aggressive Hen

    Yeah, I'm looking at my options now. I'm going to try keeping them apart for several weeks- he's been miserable in "jail." And my hen is just another hen altogether. She used to be so confident and feisty. Now she seems to be very timid and submissive, and she won't go anywhere near him...
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    Rooster attacking aggressive Hen

    LOL. That's the simplest explanation so it's likely the correct one.
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    Rooster attacking aggressive Hen

    Okay, so there's a new hitch here. I just discovered this on my Buff: She has spurs!! BIG ONES!!! I'm wondering if the Rooster thinks she's a he and is attacking her because of that? She's never tried to mount a hen, but her spurs are bigger and sharper than his. Is there anything I can do...
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    Rooster attacking aggressive Hen

    I did almost the same thing last night. I have a part of my run that has a gate to it and is completely predator-proof. I went and bought a small coop for him to stay in at night. I completely locked him in it last night (I felt a little bad because there really was no space for food or water...
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    Rooster attacking aggressive Hen

    I tend to agree. However, if there is any chance that he might be able to be trained out of it, I'm inclined to try that first. That being said, he might be more trouble than he's worth, but he's been really sweet since he's been in "jail." Even letting me pick him up and pet him (he's never...
  9. L

    Please help! Rooster attacking hen(s)

    Thank you. You have. I'll have to discuss with my husband about isolating the rooster from the hens. I have my hands full as is with all the critters on my property and I just think this will be too much. I'm not sure what I'm going to do with him. I was in his pen all day, and he was fine...
  10. L

    Rooster attacking aggressive Hen

    She gets broody and will often peck at me. As the dominant hen in the yard, she will peck at the other hens. But she has never attacked anyone. When the rooster would get aggressive with her, she would stand her own ground and he would back off. I thought he was fine because of that...
  11. L

    Rooster attacking aggressive Hen

    Thank you. I have locked him in a part of the run that he can't get out from. I had her in a crate in the garage while I nursed her wounds, but she seemed really depressed and her wounds do seem to be healing. So I put her out in the run with the girls. She made a b-line for the coop and is...
  12. L

    Rooster attacking aggressive Hen

    So what did you do with your rooster? Did you keep him?
  13. L

    Please help! Rooster attacking hen(s)

    Thank you. I'm afraid that's what I'm going to have to do.
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    Rooster attacking aggressive Hen

    Thank you. I would get rid of him before I would get rid of her. I have her isolated her in the garage in a crate to let her heal. She's the dominant hen and he challenges her but then he usually backs down. I'm not sure what I'm going to do. I might have to get rid of him.
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    Please help! Rooster attacking hen(s)

    I'm hoping someone here can help me. I've posted my issue on a thread called "Aggressive Rooster attacked aggressive Hen." I'm not sure if this is the same situation, as my hen is always fairly dominant and challenges the rooster. But she's pretty beat up (she still has her eye- so not like...
  16. L

    Rooster attacking aggressive Hen

    I have a Buff Orpington who is about 5 years old. She's always been fairly aggressive and broody, but she can also be very sweet. Last April we got 4 new chicks and in May we got 4 more. One of the chicks turned out to be a rooster and we decided to keep him. The rooster (who is a New...
  17. L

    Ameraucana Egg Laying “Schedule”?

    Thanks for clearing up about Barnvelders. I'm going to do some research about both breeds because they look so similar in so many ways. I'm willing to bet they originate from the same part of the world.
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    Many, many rats

    Did it work? I don't put it that strong. Just a little dab seems to do the trick for me.
  19. L

    Ameraucana Egg Laying “Schedule”?

    Oh, I'm so sorry about Kung Fu. It's so sad when we lose one of our extended family members. My Barnvelders are brown and black with varying degrees of each color. And the black on them has that iridescent blue sheen as well. I'm not sure if they come in all black, but I'm going off of the...
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