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  1. silkieluvr

    Where are all the Happy California Girls??

    Northern Bay Area here!
  2. silkieluvr

    BR Roosters or Hens?

    They are definately feathered and colored like hens though the one has a large comb for her age. at this point I would say both hens though!
  3. silkieluvr

    My new pair of Cayenne Fire Cornsnakes!!! [ new pics pg 3]

    Madison!! They're adorable and you didn't even tell me you got them!!!! How dare you!?
  4. silkieluvr

    Duckling Pictures, Breed ID needed! Check 6th post

    Also, should I be worried about mites or any other external parasite?
  5. silkieluvr

    Duckling Pictures, Breed ID needed! Check 6th post

    My dad works in Mill Valley california where the bay has a small inlet and where he works is literally 50 feet from the water so there are lots of different wild waterfowl around which gives me reason to think they are wild and weren't just abandoned considering how that area has few to no...
  6. silkieluvr

    Duckling Pictures, Breed ID needed! Check 6th post

    So today, my dad was at work when he noticed two TINY baby ducklings wandering around outside the dealership. He went out to see what they were doing and then noticed a dead duck, most likely there mother, though the poor thing was too torn apart to really tell male or female or even what breed...
  7. silkieluvr

    WTB- Show quality white or buff silkie's hens or roos

    I'm looking to increase my silkie flock because I absolutely love them! I currently have two silkie hens, one white and one buff but they need a boyfriend and some more girls to hang out with! I'm having a horrible hatch rate from shipped eggs, so if anyone has any silkies available let me know...
  8. silkieluvr

    Red comb and gender?

    If the red doesn't get darker in the next few weeks then most likely its a pullet, but right now I vote roo
  9. silkieluvr

    What Breed?

    Looks like an EE cross Rhode Island Red, very pretty bird and how lucky she lays the pretty blue eggs!
  10. silkieluvr

    6 week old ee's

    I'm going to say roo, though the EE's can be undecided on gender for a long time! Good luck and pretty bird!
  11. silkieluvr

    Can someone confirm? Are they both roosters?

    Blue could be a pullet, but the other one is definately a rooster
  12. silkieluvr

    Help Please!

    My silkie babies are hatching and right now I have 3 out. I had to help one out because it pipped yesterday but hadn't made any progress over night. Now it's out and in a separate brooder that the other two, but it is drying really strangely! Its not getting fuzzy like the others, instead its...
  13. silkieluvr

    Who are you rooting for in the super bowl?

    Woot steelers, and that last play was amazing!!!
  14. silkieluvr

    Name 3 Delicious Things You Ate Today

    crescent roll salad pasta
  15. silkieluvr

    My Chickens Photo2!~

    The japanese hen is adorable!!
  16. silkieluvr

    Well, Fifi has tired of motherhood...

    Awww! That's so adorable!!!
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