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  1. sdaikus

    soft shelled eggs

    I am having the same issue with my 2 yr old leghorn. Today I’m worried one broke inside her she’s my favorite girl. Idk what to do? They aren’t stressed, crowded, old, diet is perfect ... good luck with your chick
  2. sdaikus

    how to keep chicks' water clean

    You can try nipple waterers.. they are completely closed off so the water always stays clean!
  3. sdaikus

    New surrogate mom.. need advice

    Everything seems to be going well! It’s cold so babies mostly spend time under Mom.. the only issue I’m having is Mom keeps eating their starter feed instead of her layer feed.. is this ok?
  4. sdaikus

    New surrogate mom.. need advice

    Awesome! Thank you so much.. all great ideas!
  5. sdaikus

    New surrogate mom.. need advice

    Hello everyone! So I have a silkie who has been broody for a while now. I tried a frozen water bottle, picking her up out of the box frequently and putting her in a wire cage, elevated for days! She always goes back to the nesting box. I tried taking eggs away right away and she will still sit...
  6. sdaikus

    How to stop hens sleeping in nest box

    @Amz87 .. two of mine are still sleeping in there. I’ve given up haha I blocked off the boxes and they snuggled together on the floor (I should mention that they had roosted to sleep prior to this for over a year) so I just let them do what they want #chickmomfail
  7. sdaikus

    Concerned for broody hen!

    I have my two broody VERY BONDED hens in a crate in the coop right now.. it’s up on bricks, but it’s cold here.. about 20-30 degrees. Is that ok? I hope this works.. I don’t care if they lay eggs but they are loosing weight by sitting in the boxes all day!
  8. sdaikus

    Very weird poop..

    What is treatment and/or signs I should be looking for? So I can be prepare. I don’t care if she lays any eggs lol I just want her to be ok. Thank you again!
  9. sdaikus

    Very weird poop..

    Ok .. so her poops have been fine (that I can see) she is acting perfect, eating and drinking. She layed an egg this am (I know bc she’s the only white egg) and then about 30 min ago.. she squatted down like she was going to poop and put came this shellless egg...and it looks like there is...
  10. sdaikus

    Very weird poop..

    Lol it does look like that! They haven’t eaten anything out of the ordinary and I’m pretty sure it’s poop bc it came right after I let her out this am. I think I would have herd her puke? (I hope anyways) I called a couple vets and they can’t do anything until Monday. Thanks for the responses...
  11. sdaikus

    Very weird poop..

    I looked at the poop chart.. it looks like coccidiosis with out the blood?! Should I start meds?
  12. sdaikus

    Very weird poop..

    Thanks for always replying!
  13. sdaikus

    Very weird poop..

    I am 95% sure this came from 2 yr old leghorn .. she is acting perfect, eating and drinking and even layed an egg this morning. Any thoughts?? Thanks everyone!
  14. sdaikus

    How to stop hens sleeping in nest box

    Perfect! This is exactly my opinion. Thanks for the response!
  15. sdaikus

    Dreaded green poop

    I have no advise, but I hope he continues to improve. You sound like you’re doing an amazing job!
  16. sdaikus

    Hard egg shaped crop?

    Yes? It’s weird.. unless it was impacted but the soft food, plenty of water and not eating on her own cleared it and then she just happpened to lay an egg as well? I’m going to keep a close watch. Will do and good to know! Thanks for all your help, is much appreciated.
  17. sdaikus

    Hard egg shaped crop?

    It was an egg!! She layed her egg and is all better. I’m assuming the calcium from yesterday helped! Now the search begins on how to break a hen from being broody
  18. sdaikus

    Hard egg shaped crop?

    No it’s definitely to the right of her breast bone (left if you’re looking at her face to face) it’s just sooo hard and she so much smaller then my other chickens bc of her breed I get nervous. I will give coconut oil when I get home and buy grit on my way home. Thank you for your help.
  19. sdaikus

    Hard egg shaped crop?

    Tuna should be tums lol
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