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  1. kpramsey

    How many nesting boxes are suitable for this amount of birds?

    I have tons of nesting boxes and 15 hens, and all but 2 of them lay in the same nesting box. Sometimes they sit on each other! Go figure...
  2. kpramsey

    Why Do You Use Deep Bedding/Why Do You NOT Use Deep Bedding?

    I'm fairly new to deep litter, and I both like and dislike it. It does save work, and I've loved that this winter -- will probably pick DL method up again when next November rolls around. I have 2 tiny coops attached to a 32sf run most if them like to roost in at night, and my girls free range...
  3. kpramsey

    Blue egg mystery

    That's so cool...thanks for the lesson! It is kind of a head-scratcher, though, that we know for sure she's at least part silkie, right? My silkies always have always laid very pale beige eggs. So do you think that the light beige base color is enough, when crossed with a blue egg gene from the...
  4. kpramsey

    Blue egg mystery

    Hey, thanks for all your help on this! Yep, that's totally the same cross I've got going on! Adorable! Interestingly, the one who hadn't laid anything yet is now laying OLIVE eggs to compliment Harriet's greenish-blue eggs. I was surprised, because I was told the genetics of olive eggers is very...
  5. kpramsey

    Accidental crop injection?

    All the girls in my flock are mycoplasma carriers (most likely) thanks to a careless rescue last year. Everybody's usually fine, but 3 have a bit of a cold at the moment. They've been tolerating their Tylan shots beautifully and seem to be better. While giving them their last round yesterday...
  6. kpramsey

    Blue egg mystery

    Pretty sure, yeah. Olive's eggs have gotten smaller and browner every year, but they're hers! Color is not good on these photos--clockwise from bottom left are an olive, a brown, a blue (Tilly), and a mystery greenish-blue. In person, there's a noticeable difference, I swear!
  7. kpramsey

    Blue egg mystery

    Only one of the mystery girls is laying so far. I guess we'll see what pops out of the other one soon enough! I don't think they're both Tilly's (Ameraucana) doing, as it's happening several times a week. That would be a miracle chicken! 😂 Thanks for the ideas!
  8. kpramsey

    Blue egg mystery

    Okay! Here's one of the two oddball chickens, both pretty identical. My Ameraucana lays the one on the right. It's close to a robin's egg blue (not sure what my camera did to the colors!). The one on the left is my old olive egger. Getting browner every year! The middle egg is the mystery--a...
  9. kpramsey

    Blue egg mystery

    I have a mixed flock of various purebred hens. The gang includes one Ameraucana and one Olive Egger. I have several that have just begun laying eggs, and suddenly I am getting one olive egg and TWO blue eggs every day! From what i've read, it's not possible for Tilly to be laying twice a day, so...
  10. kpramsey

    Ayam Cemani??

    Got 2 mystery eggs in a batch of Cochin eggs. They are all black like Cemanis and clearly have at least one fibromelanistic gene (one has a tiny bit of red around her neck), but they both have impressive crests! No substantial comb under all that poof, at least that I can feel. Their size and...
  11. kpramsey

    Silver Duckwing Bantams

    Just curious how your Silver Duckwing Bantam(s) did over the winter. We have two tiny little girls, one a Mille Fleur OEG Bantam and one a Silver Duckwing OEG Bantam. They are so sweet and smart -- they have quickly become my favorites. I, too, am worried about them in the Virginia winters...
  12. kpramsey

    Chickens HATE Black Oil Sunflower Seeds!!!!

    Mine are the same way, and I'm bound and determined that they WILL finish that huge bag! I have found that they like them sprouted quite a bit (soak 'em, water them twice a day for about a week.) The shells come off that way, and they seem less daunted by the whole thing, plus they'll eat...
  13. kpramsey

    Do your chickens have a "best friend" within the flock?

    We have a threesome we call "The Hooligans" because they're always running off together and refusing to coop up at night with the others. They do everything together. It's hilarious, except that one of them is a Silkie who used to be very sweet and affectionate and is now a thug like the other...
  14. kpramsey

    Oxine vs. Vital Oxide for fogging chickens

    Is Vital Oxide an acceptable substitute for Oxine? Seems to be made of the same stuff, but I wasn't sure...
  15. kpramsey

    Oxine, anyone?

    Is Vital Oxide an acceptable substitute for Oxine? Seems to be made of the same stuff, but I wasn't sure..
  16. kpramsey

    New chickens, 1 sick. Need advice on how to handle existing flock.

    Well, the sick chick did, indeed, have MG. I had her and her partner euthanized, and now I hold my breath for a couple of weeks until they rest the rest of my flock to see if the "mingle" had disastrous results...
  17. kpramsey

    New chickens, 1 sick. Need advice on how to handle existing flock.

    About 70-75 yards. The well girls are on one end of our lot, the sick bay is at the other.
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