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  1. EggSighted4Life

    Predator-proof latch fitting question

    Small hasp type latches with caribeeners siilar to those seen in the following link have been effective for me. I have also used double "I" hooks with a caribeaner. ran through the middle to lock them...
  2. EggSighted4Life

    What could have caused this?

    The first one looks "slab sided". See following link for cool video and information..
  3. EggSighted4Life

    bare spot on chicks neck

    Hi, welcome to BYC! :frow Congrats on your babies! You'll wanna post a picture of what you're describing so we can see if it's normal or picking.. also a picture of your brooder set up along with a description of howw many chicks, heat source, lighting conditions, etc.
  4. EggSighted4Life

    2 roosters with hens?

    Sounds like he was being baited.. like come over here so I can get you.. and you should expect a fight.. Gifting something in the chicken world means.. I am dominant.. and the taker is the less dominant one. They'd not be "working it out" at this age for my flock.. though it may be possible...
  5. EggSighted4Life

    Roosting question

    They'll practice perching in the daytime first and then graduate to roosting at night.. give it time. All flocks will vary some.
  6. EggSighted4Life

    Babies three weeks old old what’s next?

    Great reply given in post 7. :thumbsup
  7. EggSighted4Life

    2-day old chick done look good

    Looks like a serious deformity more than a splayed leg.. I consider culling. Sorry.
  8. EggSighted4Life

    Babies three weeks old old what’s next?

    No you are bound to break her broodiness.. let them out with her and let her introduce them to the flock before she's done with them while she may still offer some protection. She will cut them loose on her own.. when she determines they no longer need to warm up under her and such.
  9. EggSighted4Life

    Best way to rehome 2 roosters?

    Craigslist farm and garden section.. renew the post every few days to move it back towards the top of that days listings where it can be seen. 2 of my local feed stores have posting boards. Northern Ca (coast) is a large region.. you might also be able to post on your state thread on here...
  10. EggSighted4Life

    Paint Silkie weird color

    Paint can be fun genes to work with and doesn't breed 100% true.. also creates holes in the melanin pigmentation or something to that effect. Post pics for better feed back please.
  11. EggSighted4Life

    Lavender Whyandotte ?!?!

    Not too popular in the US yet.. but they've been around for a few years.. I wonder where your farm store orders from.. I haven't seen them at any of the lower priced hatcheries yet. Cute babies. congrats! 🥰 Also sorry for your prior loss.
  12. EggSighted4Life

    Switching from crumbles to pellets

    If you wet them.. it will quickly turn into a mash.. not too much water and it's like moist crumble.
  13. EggSighted4Life

    Breeds for tiny flocks?

    Hi there and welcome to BYC! :frow My first small flock of 3 was a barred Rock, a Rhode Island Red, and an Easter Egger.. they were a lovely group and it was fun to collect the variety of egg colors as well as having a variety of eye candy (different colored hens) decorating the yard. Of those...
  14. EggSighted4Life

    Will these spastic chickens settle down?

    Hi, hope you're enjoying BYC! :frow Yes.. they will settle down.. like ALL juvenile animals. The integration in and of itself could be enough to cause some spastic behavior.. Let the older girls raise up that boy and then he may become a good flock leader. I LOVE the more mature birds.. once...
  15. EggSighted4Life

    Sick 12 week old chick, lethargic and emaciated

    I agreee with the first poster and would try treating for coccidiosis first. Sounds like you could have been dealing with Marek's. Juvenile eyes are grey before they start getting their color.. but grey iris and not reacting to light is not normal.. and may POSSIBLY be a symtom of Marek's.. as...
  16. EggSighted4Life

    Egg quality between flocks

    Yes I have some idea.. it's reproductive material that sloughs off during the formation process and is different than blood spots. There's a cool video in the following link which is informative. But also many symptoms can have separate possible causes and it lists disease for almost...
  17. EggSighted4Life

    Help choosing feed for mix age flock.

    Hi, hope you're enjoying BYC! :frow Flock raiser in our country (US) is usually around 20% protein and 1% calcium.. The grower (b) or starter (a) would both be fine choices. Some starter feeds may be "medicated" and may therefore not be a first choice. If this is not an issue feed "A" would...
  18. EggSighted4Life

    Egg quality between flocks

    The brown spots are called meat spots.. and are undesirable.. though safe and edible.. (a reproductive thing) Sounds like they keep dirty nests or dirty butt birds and maybe the birds are older.. hence the flatter whites.. BUT some of that can be genetic too. I'd not be buying eggs from place...
  19. EggSighted4Life

    Please help with gender and breed

    Hi.welcome to BYC! :frow I see some Easter Eggers.. and 2 cockerels (so far).. the blue cote one is NOT a NN.. his feathers are coming in. So that's either just slow growth or an injury. Looks like a fun group to have! 🥰
  20. EggSighted4Life

    Is this a male or female silkie?

    Hi, welcome to BYC! :frow It's a non bearded male. Do you know his age? Cockerel if under a year and rooster when over a year.
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