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  1. blairctchickens

    Rhode Island Reds in mixed flock

    I have owned both the RIR and Wyandottes. The RIR named Phil, became my head chicken and was not too aggressive with the flock. But she was just enough aggressive to make sure her placing in line was first. one of my silver laced Wyandotte, we happily named her Bossy, for she like to seek...
  2. blairctchickens

    Killed chicken and buried, mystery killer?

    oh they were relocated, farther than one could drive to. :)
  3. blairctchickens

    Killed chicken and buried, mystery killer?

    New update!! Installed a game camera next to my live trap an indeed the fox has been sniffing it out around midnight, but the bugger will not take the bait. :( I have used tuna, wet dog food, KFC chicken, raw hamburger and finally home baked chicken. But last night a possum got caught in the...
  4. blairctchickens

    Killed chicken and buried, mystery killer?

    Unfortunately my garden space would be a hamper to bringing the run forward. I am looking at shifting the whole operation to another corner of the yard. The movement of the coop will be the most challenging portion I face.
  5. blairctchickens

    Killed chicken and buried, mystery killer?

    Yep here is the tree I face with fencing around. All chickens good today, although a bit confused as to why the were lock up in the coop all day. Lol
  6. blairctchickens

    Killed chicken and buried, mystery killer?

    Well unfortunately it truly is a fox. :( I went into the coop after work yesterday and the fox was in the coop!! it had just killed my head hen that had gone broody. before I could react it was out the door of the coop and ran off. With a heavy heart i am using my lost chicken as bait in the...
  7. blairctchickens

    Killed chicken and buried, mystery killer?

    well as from the picture above you can see the large maple tree to the left of the coop that I am dealing with. LOL
  8. blairctchickens

    Killed chicken and buried, mystery killer?

    Well that would be quite the feat to frame around that tree, but could give it some good thought to see if it could be done. Definitely going to get some kind of electric fence.
  9. blairctchickens

    Killed chicken and buried, mystery killer?

    Update on my events! I have a the trap set up with a live mouse in a small cage secured in the back of the trap, with small dish with wet dog food and tuna mixed. Caught a large Tom Cat and a large opossum, which both have moved onto a better place. :) but between the time of trapping of these...
  10. blairctchickens

    Killed chicken and buried, mystery killer?

    Well my luck has run out on the run I have rolled the dice on. My run has a large maple tree in the middle which help shade the coop and area. Thus makes it difficult to make a secure run. The neighbors have a wood pile that backs up to one end of the run and that is where the fox gains...
  11. blairctchickens

    Killed chicken and buried, mystery killer?

    Well our dogs alerted us to a fox in the run last night :( the fox was not disturbed by my flashlight in its eyes. It sniffed the trap and went on its way. This is going to get interesting as I figure out how to get rid of it.
  12. blairctchickens

    Killed chicken and buried, mystery killer?

    interesting..........going to need more traps!! LOL
  13. blairctchickens

    Killed chicken and buried, mystery killer?

    Everything I have read about fox's MO i.e. pattern of procedure, states they will kill multiple birds and then take them away from the area and then bury them. Nothing about leaving them in the immediate area buried.
  14. blairctchickens

    Killed chicken and buried, mystery killer?

    Might have to get a bigger trap!! Well as long as it not much bigger than a large possum or larger cat.
  15. blairctchickens

    Killed chicken and buried, mystery killer?

    I have some friends tell me they have seen a bobcat in the neighborhood but mainly near where the farm fields are at. Guess will see what the trap catches and the mystery can be solved!
  16. blairctchickens

    Killed chicken and buried, mystery killer?

    the head is still attached, I live in North East Kansas in the suburbs, so I do not think it is a mountain lion LOL! I also shut the chickens in the coop every night.
  17. blairctchickens

    Killed chicken and buried, mystery killer?

    Doing my chicken count last night and saw I had a missing hen. After a thorough search of the run, I found her buried in my compost bin (yes in the run) with just her feet sticking out. I unearthed the hen and found her back tore out and the innards eaten. The head, neck and all the feathers...
  18. blairctchickens

    Comment by 'blairctchickens' in article 'Chickens getting ready to lay.'

    Rooster's will also help to identify when the time the pullets are about to lay an eggs. My Roo really pays special attention to the girls that are about to lay for the first time. As well the others older girls as well LOL.! But when one that has not been on the rooster radar and then all...
  19. blairctchickens

    Paralysis from Marek’s disease to cull or not?

    Thanks for your input. Well unfortunately once I got home and picked her up from her pen, she started to vomit all over. So with a heavy heart I knew it was time to let her go. Always hard to cull a bird you were looking forward being healthy.
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