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  1. jeaucamom

    Free Holderread's Ducks and Coop Lincoln, Ca

    I have 6 show quality Welsh Harlequin ducks, one male and five females and a female runner. We are moving to Alaska and need these guys in their new home ASAP. These ducks go into their coop everynight to be closed in and let out in the am just like chickens. I need whoever takes them to...
  2. jeaucamom

    My house smells like a barn!!

    Quote: You do realize that every cloth thing (couches and such included) in your house is absorbing those odors and it's going to next to impossible to get the smell out? Well right now my whole house is needing remodel and there is no cloth furniture The old livingroom furniture is gone...
  3. jeaucamom

    My house smells like a barn!!

    my gosh, I could have written this post, except substitute ducks for turkeys. Mine are just now 6 weeks and have all the supplies and the foundation made, but the duck coop isn't done yet, so these stinky buggers are still in my family room. We are changing the towels twice a day and the...
  4. jeaucamom

    We have to sell our alpacas :(

    If you know of anyone who is interested... just let me know.. I always hope my beloved pets go to byc families, because you know they will be loved and well cared for as opposed to craigslist. But my schedule is a nightmare right now and the sooner they go the better. I am in the LVN to BSN...
  5. jeaucamom

    We have to sell our alpacas :(

    Thanks. I am really hoping they find a loving home quickly. This was a really hard decision.
  6. jeaucamom

    We have to sell our alpacas :(

    It is just the wrong season in my life to have taken this on. I have the sweetest most beautiful boys and it is making me soooo sad... but between school full time and two jobs, being a single parent and all my other animals, I just can't do it anymore. If anyone is interested or knows...
  7. jeaucamom

    Good Bye BYC =(

    THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!! For serving your country and sacrificing to keep us all safe and free. My children and I appreciate it tremendously. May this time go quickly and well and for you . Stay safe. Blessings, Suz
  8. jeaucamom

    Trying to sell Alpacas

    Wondering if that is ok to do under "all other bst" if I have them on the backyardherds too. Or is it only byc? And can we offer livestock for sale on here?
  9. jeaucamom

    I have two WH that are keeping me guessing on gender

    So based on my snatch-n-quack....I think these two are males. These ducklings were hatched 4/25 so they will be 6 weeks on Monday. Although... several of my very obvious females are still raspy, but they are just now getting their voices. And their bills are just now starting to change. I...
  10. jeaucamom

    I have two WH that are keeping me guessing on gender

    way cool..... but you didn't notice a difference in your quackers by coloring?? Great.. I sense a massive duck snatching about to occur at my house LOL
  11. jeaucamom

    I have two WH that are keeping me guessing on gender

    hmmm haven't heard of the quacking difference... what is the difference between males and females in their quacking???
  12. jeaucamom

    Medical Treatments Recommended by BYCers

    Honey can go straight into infected wounds and covered and you won't believe how fast they heal! (this goes for people too!)
  13. jeaucamom


    Land lords have been known to soften tremendously to oodles of chickens when they get free eggs
  14. jeaucamom

    Head trauma or broken beak? Please Help!

    Does she have an open wound on her scalp where they were picking feathers? If she does put some antibiotic ointment on it. Is she able to move her lower beak? Maybe some Poly-vi-sol. A few drops (1 or 2) into the beak if she can open it, if not, then into the water to help her stay...
  15. jeaucamom


    from Northern CA... so glad you found us... You might as well have that hubby start building you a new coop to fit all the new chickens we will encourage you to get LOLOLOL... it's an addiction and we are enablers.... welcome to the craziness
  16. jeaucamom

    I have two WH that are keeping me guessing on gender

    The coloring is awful.. sorry Here is Casanova.. his coloring is brilliant and he is obviously male Here is Elwyn an obvious female: And then I have two that look like this. They are no where near as dark as my obvious males, but they are much darker than the obvious females. I do...
  17. jeaucamom

    Still need help with weak duck

    Nope flock raiser doesn't have niacin..
  18. jeaucamom

    Still need help with weak duck

    I have been giving them green peas every day. And all the other ducklings are fine, so I am assuming they are getting enough.. I just switched over from un-medicated chick feed to flock raiser (because the feed store was out) and I have my son checking the niacin... Would a niacin...
  19. jeaucamom

    why does my blue runner have spots?

    So why aren't these splash ducks? Is the genetics for getting blue in ducks different than in chickens? Wouldn't they still come out blue black and splash? Splash isn't a fault in chickenland.. why is it a fault for ducks?
  20. jeaucamom

    Son needs songs for school project that make no sense

    I CAN NOT believe no one has posted the llama song... Here is the video and here are the lyrics here's a llama there's a llama and another little llama fuzzy llama funny llama llama llama duck llama llama cheesecake llama tablet brick potato llama llama llama mushroom llama llama llama duck i...
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