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  1. pgpoultry

    Naked Neck/Turken Thread

    Thank you..... Ginge is a particularly tame little hen from an egg abandoned by a broody just at the time of 'hand reared'. She is low on the pecking order. The massive Artemis is very tolerant of her. Your wisdom,as always,Kev, (and anyone else who chips in!) is always SO useful...
  2. pgpoultry

    Naked Neck/Turken Thread

    I haven't been on here for ages,but still have all of my Naked Necks. My little splash,Ginge (so called because she has a ginger mullet) has taken to 'going under' one of my biggest roosters, Artemis. Anyone know what this is all about? She stays there for 30 minutes or so,then back to her...
  3. pgpoultry

    Naked Neck/Turken Thread

    Weather here is AWFUL....gales and rain on rain on rain. BUT....MERRY XMAS to you all from a soggy Wales.
  4. pgpoultry

    Naked Neck/Turken Thread

    Kassaundra....lovely pics. of a NN with chicks,thanks for sharing. I would say NNs are averagely broody,and I had two go broody last year (but I discouraged them). DDD your blue guy is very pretty.You have ducks,too!. Your handsome blue guy the same background colouring as my Gordon (Black...
  5. pgpoultry

    Naked Neck/Turken Thread

    Thank you, fosterson.....I will go ahead and see next spring. Gordon has a clean-necked black NN for a mum and a Blue Partridge Brahma for a dad. Ginger's parents are a bit more obscure.....I think her mum was 'blue' and her dad......who knows.....but it shouldn't have been Gordon. I'm...
  6. pgpoultry

    Naked Neck/Turken Thread

    I have just been reading the new posts for the last few days and note that several of you have roos who do the head shake stuff. My Gordon does it very regularly and I had thought it was just him as he is weird in many ways. Seems to me that only roos do this. Anyone know what the significance...
  7. pgpoultry

    Naked Neck/Turken Thread

    Whatever his 'pedigree' he is a 'looker' in my books....and quite a mover ,too,clearly. (And I am more than happy to ignore my neighbour's comments that I keep a flock of ugly b*****s with looks which could curdle milk). Variety is the spice of life AND of NNs.
  8. pgpoultry

    Naked Neck/Turken Thread

    Kev,that rooster with the 'finger' comb,two coloured neck and black and white mullet is a bit of a star......what EVER were his parents? The kind of bird I love. Flower......You are right.....a bit soft in the cerebrum,but well intentioned, I put coats on chickens and sweaters on...
  9. pgpoultry

    Naked Neck/Turken Thread

    Jordan is modelling a hand knitted version....too big for her,but it did the job! I knitted this one,but they are easily made from any good thermal material or even an old jumper. Miss Lydia.....maybe your roo would benefit from one (or a neck warmer!). They may look a bit eccentric,but I had a...
  10. pgpoultry

    Naked Neck/Turken Thread

    Sorry to hear of the chicken losses....... I thought you might like to hear about the scrawny little NN above (Jordan). In Wales we have a particularly horrible damp form of cold that soaks and chills. Currently our daytime temperatures are hovering at just over 40 degrees. I found little...
  11. pgpoultry

    Naked Neck/Turken Thread

    Thank you Kev. As always there are some lovely birds to be seen. Little Jordan has the same parents as my big Gordon,pictured below. Blackchops is in the back of these pictures.Poor Blackchops has had the worst case of bumble foot which I have ever managed. 6 months of gouging out...
  12. pgpoultry

    Naked Neck/Turken Thread

    I haven't posted here for a long time....but I thought you might like this pic. of my LF (yes I mean LF) Naked Neck Jordan who only stopped laying pretty large eggs 3 days ago. She is the best layer I have and lays eggs as large as the big Brahma girl to her right.
  13. pgpoultry

    Naked Neck/Turken Thread

    I think Kev's explanation is wonderful. NTF,I had a chick who had the same appearance with the upturned feathers on the wings and very juvenile look. She took a full year to feather out into a perfectly normal Blue Partridge Brahma. She is now aged 4 and very healthy. Her wing feathers...
  14. pgpoultry

    La Fleche Thread ~ PIC of my Black La Fleche

    I am really no expert on these birds, but I have kept them for a couple of years.None of them are what I'd call shabby. All the cocks seem to have nice even black feathers and good 'snouts'.Cock number 4 has asymmetric comb 'horns' and less white ear lobes, so I would not favour him. Cock 5...
  15. pgpoultry

    Naked Neck/Turken Thread

    They look like they could be Hermione and Winnie to me.....BUT........I've been VERY wrong before! Could you post pics. of their sides (showing wings and tails).....they will be developing saddle feathers by now if they are males.....sorry for anyone who read the unedited post which had...
  16. pgpoultry

    Naked Neck/Turken Thread

    It seems to me that if there is a 'y' in the day or the wind speed is greater than 1mph, that a hen will stop laying. To be serious, though, all of my hens go through phases of not laying for no apparent reason (winter 'shut down' due to short daylight hours and old age being valid reasons)...
  17. pgpoultry

    Naked Neck/Turken Thread

    I have a dog, 2 cats and lots of chickens and sheep. They all mingle freely and amicably.....nobody ever injures anybody else.....but I count myself as incredibly fortunate in this situation. Dog....Border Collie (in the avatar), cats....mutts....all VERY lively. I have to agree with pretty...
  18. pgpoultry

    Naked Neck/Turken Thread

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder....and NNs have a charm about them that many do not. Some folk like game bird chickens that look like they are about to rip each other apart.....but I don't call them ugly......if mine are called 'ugly' by anyone....I see "Beautifully ugly"...
  19. pgpoultry

    Naked Neck/Turken Thread

    Seems to me that folk either love or hare Naked Necks....I'm guessing that we all love them. A lot of folk have never even seen them. When I took a rooster of mine to the vets. (yes I take chooks to the vets if they need it), one lady came up to me and asked "What ever has happened to his...
  20. pgpoultry

    Naked Neck/Turken Thread

    Carrot tops quite often crop up in light birds. Light chicks with light (not yellow nor pigmented ) skin grow up to look like Ginger Nut here.
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