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  1. aryanromo

    Can't reintegrate chicken - get her new friends?

    I'm going on 9 weeks of this issue, and just not sure how to proceed now. The chickens got out 9 weeks ago, a neighbor's dog got into the yard and roughed up Lady. She wasn't bloody at all, no torn feathers, but clearly in shock. I separated her for a couple of days, then put her back in with...
  2. aryanromo

    Reintegrating a picked-on chicken with her sisters

    I've attached a pic of my coop set-up. I have 3 hens. About a month ago, they escaped the coop, and a neighbors dog broke into the backyard and roughed one of them up. She lost a couple of feathers and was in shock but otherwise was not hurt. That said, I moved her to the "emergency coop" -...
  3. aryanromo

    When gophers cause coop issues - lay down a floor?

    A major gopher problem - throughout my entire neighborhood, so not easily addressed - is causing coop to be crooked. It's not sitting evenly, which had led to some escapee chicken issues. Additionally, the ground is not terrible firm - it's basically silt with nothing growing in it. the...
  4. aryanromo

    Chickens fighting and not laying

    I had her in for 2 days, and the emergency coop is near - in seeing distance - of the regular coop.
  5. aryanromo

    Chickens fighting and not laying

    I have 3 chickens who have experienced considerable drama in their lives. We found a small flock of about 6 chicks, maybe 6-7wks old, about 18mo ago. No one in the neighborhood would claim them - even though chickens and chicks are quite common - so I took them in since I had an old coop and...
  6. aryanromo

    Too many pigeons!

    In addition to feeding our flock of 5, we are - apparently - also feeding a rapidly growing flock of pigeons. The chickens are free range in the backyard. We used to toss feed & veggies out for them, but the pigeons flocking are like something from The Birds. So, we started putting the feed into...
  7. aryanromo

    Aggressive rooster harming young pullets

    We don't know how old the rooster is. A neighbor gave him to us about 2 years ago (no idea why my husband took him) & he was full grown then. He's missing his Spurs & a toe, so I've also wondered if he was used in fighting. I have separated him from the rest & things are going much better.
  8. aryanromo

    Aggressive rooster harming young pullets

    Since they arrived, our rooster has been nothing but trouble for our now 9-wk old chicks. We have done everything right - we put them in a "toddler" room in the middle of the coop so our roo and chicken could see them & interact with them for several weeks. We moved them to a "teenager" room...
  9. aryanromo

    Rooster an issue in introducing new girls?

    We've done that. The chicks go into one part of the coop every day - a place where it's safe. The rooster goes crazy. He paces back and forth, he charges the fencing. We've also tried free-ranging them in the backyard (which is what the hen & roo do all day) and he tries to chase them away. Do...
  10. aryanromo

    Rooster an issue in introducing new girls?

    We have a rooster (unknown breed - given 18mo ago as a bizarre gift to my husband) and a Specked Sussex that we took over from a friend who was unable to keep her. Happy chicken couple. 4mo ago, she clutched & went broody. At 22 days, nothing was fertile, but hubby & daughters really wanted to...
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