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  • Users: Mare
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  1. Mare

    what time do your birds roost for the night?

    My 3 older birds who free range go to bed around 8 and when the 12 wk old girls who are in the run see them go to bed they start going to bed also.
  2. Mare

    How to keep eggs from breaking in nesting box

    I use the thick rubber padding that people use to stand on. At first I was getting some broken eggs and when I put this down it ended. On top of the rubber I still put bedding and they don't seem to mind at all and they haven't knocked it out.
  3. Mare

    Help, Please. Chick has possible dislocated leg/hip

    I have the same problem with my 5 1/2 week old chick so I know how you feel. Can't feel a break or dislocation but she can't stand on the one leg. I have her separated from the others cause they were walking all over her. Unfortunately I'm going away next week, so I have to leave her in my...
  4. Mare

    What are you planting in your Garden

    I already have my tomatoes and peppers coming up indoors. In the garden this year will be: tomatoes peppers green beans garlic corn pumpkins lettuce peas
  5. Mare

    Building our brooder!!

    I have until May to get everything setup for my chickies, but I'm already starting. Got the heat lamp and will have the search the closets for a Rubbermaid tote. I should have one thats see through and empty. The wait is sooooooooo long though. I had to get them in May cause we'll be going...
  6. Mare

    Chick Days are coming at the feed store!

    I'm going to have to somehow stay away from our feed store. I already ordered 5 chicks and thats my limit this year. Unless of course I can convince my hubby to expand the coop into the tool shed that it's attached to. I wonder if a batch of chocolate chip cookies will do the trick.
  7. Mare

    Do your chickens have a "best friend" within the flock?

    I have a Rhode Island Red and Barred Rock that are best of friends. They are always together. I don't know what would happen if something happened to one of them.
  8. Mare

    Chicken (Poultry) Addiction Anonymous *Chat Thread*

    Well today we went to a small animal swap meet up in KY. My husband is such an enabler. He kept on saying how about that one or that one, but I had to keep on saying I just ordered 5 chicks. The coop can hold no more since I already have 4 at home. So I told him if we are to get more he...
  9. Mare

    Just placed my chick order...

    Ohh I can't wait, I can't wait. I am so looking forward to my new chicks. I'll be getting 6 (hubby said only 4, but you do have to factor in the just in cases;)) I'll probably will be getting half RIR and the other half barred rocks, but then again.....
  10. Mare

    Straining to Poo

    I have a barred rock that is 1 1/2 yrs old and is straining to poo. She's eating and drinking normal and isn't acting lethargic. She is on break because of winter from laying eggs, however she is not showing any symptoms of being eggbound. When the poo does come out it looks normal. Could...
  11. Mare

    Crowing Hen (And she's a hen FOR SURE)

    When I first got my EE hen and went out in the morning to let the chickens out of the coop I also had a surprise. There she was crowing away in the coop . This was my first month in raising chickens so I didn't know what was going on, plus she hadn't laid any eggs yet. I actually contacted...
  12. Mare

    RIR vs. BR Dispositions

    I have 1 BR and 1 RIR. The RIR is the friendliest out all the chickens I have. She comes running up to the gate of the run to greet me and follow every. The BR, however, well lets just say we name her Nervous Nellie cause when you enter the run she just runs back forth and does not want...
  13. Mare

    Sun bathing birds?

    My EE scared me the one day. It was after lunch and I went out to put ice cubes in their water. As I was getting closer to the run I noticed Goldie my EE was laying in the middle of the run spread out. Usually I wouldn't think anything about since I knew they sunbathed, however it was 95 out...
  14. Mare

    confused hen or rooster?

    Well I feel a little relief now that I saw this post. I have had my "hen" for a week now and all of a sudden this morning she decided to crow. I am double checking with the person I bought her from to make sure she gave me the right bird. When I bought her the owner said she laid an egg that...
  15. Mare

    taking down the alpha hen

    I guess I'll have to do the same with mine. I have one aggressive EE hen that likes to pick on my RIR. Whenever I go into the run the RIR hides behind me the poor thing.
  16. Mare

    Ive got eggs!!!

    Congratulations!!!! I know how you feel. I just brought home 2 and one of them started laying yesterday. I know exactly how you feel. Hope you have another one when you get home.
  17. Mare

    My Very First Egg

    Congrats to everyone else and their first eggs too. Now if only the other 3 will start. I must be patient. I must be patient.
  18. Mare

    My Very First Egg

    Pictures will be coming soon. Have to wait for dear hubby to get it from from camera to computer.
  19. Mare

    what are the names of your chickens?

    The name of my girls are White Ameraucana: Betty (after Betty White) Brown/Blue Ameraucan: Goldie (after Goldie Hawn) RIR: Lucy (after Lucille Ball) Plymouth Rock: Nellie (for Nervous Nellie cause she's always running under the coop everytime a crow caws) It seems I have a trend for naming...
  20. Mare

    My Very First Egg

    This is my first time raising chickens so you can understand my excitement when I went outside and saw a beatiful light green egg that my EE laid. I had just gotten her this past Saturday and wasn't excepting one so soon. I know what will be for breakfast tomorrow.
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