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  1. deborah

    2 year old hen has stopped laying and is crowing

    I only have 2 olive eggers; the most green eggs we ever get are 2. The other olive egger had gone broody. We just broke her of the broodiness (We've already hatched 3 batches of chicks this year and didn't want any more). We got our first green egg in a while yesterday and I figure it is from...
  2. deborah

    2 year old hen has stopped laying and is crowing

    My 2 year old olive egger has started crowing. We have a rooster who crows louder and better. She is not a dominate hen. We first noticed the crowing when we had some 12 week old chicks and figured one of them was a cockerel, but after we sold the chicks, the crowing continued. That's when...
  3. deborah

    Wanted - Chantecler

    How do your White Chanteclers do in the Summer? I've read they don't take the heat well. I've been considering White Chanteclers, but I too am in Southern Michigan and am concerned how well they would do during the summer here.
  4. deborah

    Lethargic Rooster

    Thank you Eggcessive for the advice. I ordered Valbazen today; it should be here Monday. The rooster seemed much better today. Not totally his usual self, but not sleeping most of the day either. But our bad news is that one of the older hens (my favorite of course) died. We heard a...
  5. deborah

    Lethargic Rooster

    Our Black Copper Marans 2-year-old rooster hasn't been himself for 2 days. He is very lethargic. Sleeping with his head down frequently. This morning, he was the last one off the roost (very unusual). His comb is turning purple toward the back. I'm not sure if he is eating; we will check...
  6. deborah

    How to deal with bully hens; pullets are not laying yet

    3 leghorns. When I first opened the henhouse to take photos, 2 were on the floor and one was on the roost to the right. When I stepped in, the 2 on the floor went out into the run. Normally we put out 2 feeders. One in the run, and one outside that is taken in at night. Once we got the...
  7. deborah

    How to deal with bully hens; pullets are not laying yet

    Last evening 3 of the pullets had empty crops and the other one had about a marble sized ball. I'm concerned they are not getting enough to keep warm. There is a heater in the hen house that turns off when it gets above 32 degrees and there is a heater under the water. Our chicken coop is...
  8. deborah

    How to deal with bully hens; pullets are not laying yet

    We did a major cull of our flock this fall. Pending the cull, I sold 4 older hens and our 5 year old rooster. We had been thinking we might not have a rooster anymore, but once the rooster was gone, decided one was a good idea. We hatched 11 chicks this summer. 5 female and 6 male. In the...
  9. deborah

    Mother hen starting laying eggs, while still mothering her 4-week old chicks!

    Looks like she abandoned them today. Last year we had another 1-year old go broody and she abandoned her chicks around 4 weeks. She hasn't gone broody this year. I kind of hope this happens with Lacey. We have 3 older hens (4 and 5 years old) that have gone broody every year since they were...
  10. deborah

    Happy Day!!!!!!!

    Congratulations! Beautiful chicks!
  11. deborah

    Mother hen starting laying eggs, while still mothering her 4-week old chicks!

    Lacey hatched 4 chicks on 07/17/15. We put her and her chicks in a chicken tractor much longer than we usually do because we've had 4 broody hens this year and Lacy is only 1 year old; low in the pecking order. We wanted to avoid her getting into fights with other hens; especially other...
  12. deborah

    Broody hen needs fresh out of the incubator chicks

    I bought a dozen supposedly fertilized leghorn eggs to put under my broody hen. Today is day 22. One egg pipped yesterday, but the chick couldn't make it out of the egg. We've candled the remaining eggs and only 1 is fertile. But it hasn't pipped and I'm worried it won't. This hen starting...
  13. deborah

    Official BYC Poll: How Many Chickens Do You Have + How Many Chickens On BYC?

    I have 29: 8 Bar Rocks Hens 1 Americana Hen 1 Buff Orpington/Americana Hen 1 Easter Egger Hen 5 Buff Orpingtons Hens 3 Leghorns Hens 2 Black Copper Maran Hens 1 Black Copper Maran Rooster 2 Leghorn/Black Copper Maran (1 is a cockerel and we are hoping the other is a pullet) 1 Black...
  14. deborah

    Two excess roosters; never eaten one of our own before.

    How old was your Blue Andalusian when you butchered him mama24? We've hatched 4 chicks this year and can't have any more roosters When we let the mam hen hatch these chicks, I told myself we would butcher any roosters. So far, I know at least 1 is a rooster. They free range with the rest of...
  15. deborah


    Babigryl, put them under at night. The younger, the better. Not only must she accept them, they must imprint to her. We successfully gave our broody hen 4 chicks the night of the day they hatched in the incubator. Good luck.
  16. deborah

    Have Just Put Eggs In Tonight 9th August 2011, Anyone Want To Join?

    We too cracked open the last egg this morning. Our findings were similar to yours, Bantam Username, but it was a dark chick. We didn't take any pictures before disposing of it. It looked to be fully developed. Why didn't it pip? As far as I know the hen was diligent sitting on it; it never...
  17. deborah

    Have Just Put Eggs In Tonight 9th August 2011, Anyone Want To Join?

    We were going to pull our broody hen out of the brood box today and try to break her. We candled the 2 eggs first. One was just liquid rolling around; non fertile as I was suspecting. But in the other, about 3/4 is solid mass and the other quarter is an air pocket. We put it back under her...
  18. deborah


    Is anyone is Southern Michigan running an incubator with eggs due to hatch in the next few days? AND willing to part with 2 of the eggs/chicks? I have a broody hen who has been sitting on eggs for 23 days now. I think the eggs are NOT fertile. Evidently our rooster is not getting to everyone...
  19. deborah

    Have Just Put Eggs In Tonight 9th August 2011, Anyone Want To Join?

    Hi Princess Chicken, Thank you for replying. No local farm supply stores have any. I'm been checking Craig's list, without success, since yesterday. I called a gentlemen I knew who raised black copper marans and had some big incubators, but he told me he's in the process of getting out of...
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