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  1. kesrchicky16

    Clutch size?

    She isn't broody yet. I just remember her from last year. She has laid 10 so far and that was what I let her set last year her only lost last spring was 1 shrinkwraped baby. I just realized that I miss spoke she is 2 years old. Maybe I'll take a few for baking.
  2. kesrchicky16

    Clutch size?

    My 2 problems are she is one that buries up her sides with bedding and feathers so I can see if eggs are poking out. Also her gander will barely let anything near the coop when she is on there. So her hiding in the front corner makes even seeing her head impossible once she starts setting. He's...
  3. kesrchicky16

    Clutch size?

    I'm sure this has been asked and answered many times but I can't find my answer. I have Toulouse females 18 months old. Last year they did beautifully with sitting and raising the eggs I left them. I let the first broody one have her clutch of 10. She hatched 9. I kept kicking the other off the...
  4. kesrchicky16

    Who's the Mommy?

    Baby 1 10 days old Baby 2 10 days old Baby 3 3 days old Baby 4 2 days old My slightly more educated guess is saying 1, 2, & 3 maybe pure French. 4 definitely is hybrid African ×French.
  5. kesrchicky16

    Who's the Mommy?

    My flock consists of a French gander, 2 French Toulouse females (his hatch mate sister) and an African female. I have hatched 4 in my incubator and this morning mama French's brood has heads. Instead of shells. Yeah! Now here is my problem. All the pictures of French Goslings I have seen had...
  6. kesrchicky16


    Don't let him get lonely. I had a duckling get snatched by a crow. Ended up getting dropped. Washed and neosporined the punctures from the claws. Made sure it ate overnight and then gave it back to mama the next day. Grew up nice and healthy. It did take longer to mature because its growth was...
  7. kesrchicky16

    How dirty is too dirty to set?

    I would set it. Just don't get it wet.
  8. kesrchicky16


    In my experience, the males won't hurt the babies. Mama will make that clear. As far as turtles, I have no direct advice but I can tell you about my cats. I have 12+ farm cats. When they first heard my mama duck's brood, they were very interested! 1st attempt to get close mama ran hissing and...
  9. kesrchicky16

    Corn cat litter okay for coop or run?

    My only concern would be what else is in it. They are likely to eat some. My birds pick through and eat little bits of their bedding. Not a big deal for me since I use straw. I fret a lot about my hatchlings being in pine shavings since I see them pick at and try to eat them. So especially...
  10. kesrchicky16

    Tweety bird

    Gosling 1 and the 3 Ducketeers. I have one other goose out of egg and one more internally popped. Not much hope for the other 2 eggs.
  11. kesrchicky16

    Tweety bird

    Ok I've had peeping chicks and peeping ducklings. I expected peeping goslings. Why is it trilling/singing to me? It is a African × French Toulouse. There is another pipped egg in the incubator with it and 3 more unpipped eggs.
  12. kesrchicky16

    Three grown up ducks but only one egg per day?

    Good to know. I know some people have asked about eggs and they had boys. I for instance just hatched 4 ducks out of what I thought were goose eggs. I am finally getting goslings today.
  13. kesrchicky16

    Three grown up ducks but only one egg per day?

    Devil's advocate here. Do all 3 have a big loud quack? Do any of them sound like they have laryngitis? If they have no voice they will never give you eggs. :) But yes I totally agree spring is the time to mommy hormones. They will bury them in preparation for sitting.
  14. kesrchicky16

    Goose eggs????

    I look forward to seeing them side by side when the next pop hatches and this one moves to the brooder.
  15. kesrchicky16

    Goose eggs????

    Ok this one has to be a Gosling! Egg size comparison. Left is from the last quackery. Right is from today's hatchling. Baby
  16. kesrchicky16

    Goose eggs????

    4 little quacks. Pretty sure what happened is the Pekin eggs are just bigger then the other ducks so I got confused. 3 of them look just like their daddy and the 4th is either from a different mama or is showing effects of being premi because she is pale, smaller, and although she absorbed all...
  17. kesrchicky16

    Goose eggs????

    Ok good to know. What's done is done for now. I will watch better for the next set.
  18. kesrchicky16

    Goose eggs????

    At the floor if the incubator it reads 97.8 on top of a goose egg directly under the heater it is over 101 but I have been turning and rotating positions the whole time and the eggs that are hatching have been in a line from heater to non heater side and each morning the move from the front of...
  19. kesrchicky16

    Goose eggs????

    I will go check again. I use 2 "human are you sick" thermometers of different types.
  20. kesrchicky16

    Goose eggs????

    Now I have an excuse to put more goose eggs in. LOL. Husband said I could hatch enough Goslings to have a few for my flock and to try and sell enough to make back the money from buying their parents. Then I have to quit. I only get to hatch when other people want my babies. So 2nd grade chicks...
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