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  1. HalleBirdy

    Adopted a Guinea Hen

    She's doing great! I found her some friends and they're all happy together. They like to sit together in a clump. No issues integrating them at all. They're still confined for now because I've only had the new ones for a week. They were kept with chickens (both hens and roosters) at their...
  2. HalleBirdy

    Adopted a Guinea Hen

    Thanks! I've got a fully fenced yard (with extra tall fencing on the woods side) but I'm fully aware that Guineas can fly over. The hen I have now previously did well with 2 other hens and I believe they stayed out. She liked being around/in the barn at the equestrian facility. She is...
  3. HalleBirdy

    Adopted a Guinea Hen

    Thank you! I'll definitely check it out! I did actually go on Craigslist this morning and found someone close (enough) by that sells guineas, so I reached out about getting some from them i HalleBirdy Thank you! I'll definitely check it out! I did actually go on Craigslist this morning and...
  4. HalleBirdy

    Adopted a Guinea Hen

    That's not the route I want to go. I am interested in talking to people that have owned guineas; that's why I made this post. I want to have a conversation with other people in addition to doing my own research. I want to hear others' experiences that relate to the questions so asked. You...
  5. HalleBirdy

    Adopted a Guinea Hen

    The person who dropped her off is another rider at the facility. She got eggs from her. She was once kept with two others but this hen was the only one she had left. She has chickens and ducks as well and they got along fine. I live on a farm and have plenty of space, so getting more is not...
  6. HalleBirdy

    Adopted a Guinea Hen

    I just acquired a Guinea hen. I say acquired because it was kind of sudden. The hen was dropped off at an equestrian facility and the owner absolutely did not want her there because of the noise and the choices were either rehome or "remove". So I've been doing research about keeping Guineas...
  7. HalleBirdy

    Hen started wheezing

    Thank you! I posted this right before I went to bed last night and she is breathing normally this morning. I will continue to monitor.
  8. HalleBirdy

    Hen started wheezing

    One of my hens started making a strange wheezing sound. Best way I can describe it is a creaky door hinge or a rusty swing. The noise is in time with her breathing, so I wonder about something upper respiratory. I have tried to attatch a video, but I keep getting an error message. She is...
  9. HalleBirdy

    Show off your roosters

    I've got a Buff too! His name's Rex. I just posted a pic of him on here.
  10. HalleBirdy

    Show off your roosters

    Walk Walk fashion baby
  11. HalleBirdy

    Show off your roosters

    This is Rex, my Buff Orpington. I got him as a chick under the impression he was female, but surprise! He's a cockrel. He's 9 months old and has a bit of an attitude, but he's a good ol' roo.
  12. HalleBirdy

    Rooster keeps attacking horse

    So far, neither of my horses have kicked or spooked, though one of them started pinning his ears. They're used to the whole flock hanging out with them in the pasture. Funny thing, if you catch the cockrel in the act (turn the horse to face him or just yell "hey!"), he'll stop. Other than...
  13. HalleBirdy

    Rooster keeps attacking horse

    He's about 9 months old. And the only injury that has happened is to the rooster. The horse stepped on his foot the first time he attacked.
  14. HalleBirdy

    Rooster keeps attacking horse

    I have an interesting situation. I have a rooster that attacks my horses, but only when they're being ridden. It started when I was riding my horse in a round pen. The rooster began following us around and rushing across the pen, attempting to cut my horse off. After a few minutes of this...
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