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  1. pomnovice

    Unwell Gander

    Perhaps so, you might be able to find any number of issues with how that turns out. If it's runny, oddly coloured, and things such as that. Geese aren't prone to disease, but they can get one, so it's best to be careful and check every which way. Be sure he isn't losing weight, or having other...
  2. pomnovice

    Geese with some pink feathers

    The apple cider vinegar does improve health on birds, though a smaller effect on geese compared to chickens. ACV is not applied directly to the goose. Most people add in a few tablespoons into their water for them to drink, and the geese hardly notice the change. Yes, you can use normal apple...
  3. pomnovice

    Unwell Gander

    It seems that you're doing everything you can to help him! The wheezing might have been a respiratory issue, does he have deep enough water to dunk his entire head into? Your gander may be molting, and that's why he's preening at his chest feathers, since he's about the age that he's an adult...
  4. pomnovice

    New to geese, need some breed help

    I agree with Pyxis that a purebred would sell for the most, and it definitely is a great idea to have another gosling. However, they should be as similar in age as possible, to prevent any possible fighting and etc. Geese tend not to welcome each other when they're smaller. Even with my ducks...
  5. pomnovice

    Best Duck feed?

    Hello, and congratulations! As for your feed question, I think I'm speaking for most of us when I say we often use non-organic feed. But in my experience, feed combined with vegetation (such as vegetables in fodder) have made my ducks the happiest. Feel free to ask anything else, I hope this helped.
  6. pomnovice

    Broody Hen

    Hi! As I've stated on previous threads, I'm not as experienced with chickens. Recently, I've had a hen lay three tiny eggs, and then lay two regular sized. The chickens smashed the first regular egg, but she's been sitting on the others. I think I should remove the small eggs. I definitely know...
  7. pomnovice

    I Need Advice

    I own five geese that I love more than anything else that I could imagine, but my family may be moving, and we won't be able to keep them. Ignoring the chickens and ducks, I haven't an idea what to do with my geese, and I certainly don't want them to end up in the freezer. I live in PA, so there...
  8. pomnovice

    My 3 Dads?

    Do NOT put goslings in with them. It's dangerous, as they will often become aggressive towards younger members of their species, specially males.
  9. pomnovice

    Help sick 2 week old Cayuga duckling.

    Everyone else is correct to my knowledge; I used to have the same issue with my Rouen drake when he was younger. When they're cold, they'll seize up, because they're not old enough to produce the heat they need to swim. I'm sure he'll continue to be fine, but I recommend warm water if you let...
  10. pomnovice

    ID on my goslings

    From my experience, I'd say Roman Tufted, African, and Pomeranians.
  11. pomnovice


    Alright, I know a lot about my geese and ducks, but not so much about my chickens. I know that my rooster has been trying to mate, as he will climb atop a female. But, he'll fall off/ let the females yell at him to get off. Is this normal, or is he having problems? He has 22 hens at his disposal.
  12. pomnovice

    Lucy my pet goose

    Lucy is so adorable, and messy like all other geese! If you have any questions, feel absolutely free to ask.
  13. pomnovice

    First foray into ducks

    I can tell you that Pekins start off as that stereotypical yellow duckling that you see everywhere! My two ducklings that were brown with yellow were a Fawn and White Runner, and a Snowy Mallard. TSC has had mix-ups with Runners before, I assume it's that. My Fawn and White and Black Runners...
  14. pomnovice

    Ducklings For Sale?

    Have you tried Metzers? They have a minimum order of two ducklings, and IdealPoultry also has a small minimum order. However, they may have charges for too small an order.
  15. pomnovice

    HELP!!! Duckling is bleeding

    You should not tamper with a duckling that is bleeding, I heard that to be an important rule. They're attached by membranes to the egg shell, and when these membranes rip, they cause bleeding on the duckling. That's why people will tell you not to meddle with hatching, but it's sometimes alright...
  16. pomnovice

    Is there a good way to sex 1 month old ducklings ?

    Those tail feathers won't be telltale until you wait a few months.
  17. pomnovice

    Is there a good way to sex 1 month old ducklings ?

    Well, you'd still be able to eat any eggs females lay, so I don't think that would be too much of an issue!
  18. pomnovice

    3 diff age goslings, how do I get them outside?

    Mine still cuddle, even though they're older! They can't see at night, you'd be right in assuming! I bet they're doing beautifully.
  19. pomnovice

    What kind of gosling???

    He is! If he develops a knob, he's a Chinese, by the way. I see there might be one forming.
  20. pomnovice

    Drake feather on 1 month old?

    No worries, I'm just as impatient on mine! Drakes with colourful markings often get them around fifteen weeks, but judging by that photo, he won't have any of those.
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