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  1. crj

    Sebastopol geese - selecting breeding stock, color genetics, and color improvement

    Thank Ruru but I am going to sell the baby geese. I'm not happy with the 8 month old boys because they have now kicked out the male sebbie and that's just acceptable.... I didn't expect any eggs last year since the geese were so young. The male sebbie couldn't quite figure out how mating was...
  2. crj

    Sebastopol geese - selecting breeding stock, color genetics, and color improvement

    Ok, I get you. I can see what you mean. If I were to breed for a different color then I would be better off with something like an American Buff since the characteristics are closer to the Sebastopol then an African. Luckily my African has a very small dulap and not such a huge knob, thankfully...
  3. crj

    Sebastopol geese - selecting breeding stock, color genetics, and color improvement

    Aspen, they are all beautiful! Wow, I guess they wanted out...... lol. Good luck with them.
  4. crj

    Sebastopol geese - selecting breeding stock, color genetics, and color improvement

    Why is this not recommended? I didn't breed them they free range during the day and are penned together at night. It just so happened that the young male found the African attractive. All the adults but 1 are 1 1/2 yrs old. I didn't realize the African geese lay more often then the Sebbies. My...
  5. crj

    Sebastopol geese - selecting breeding stock, color genetics, and color improvement

    They are very beautiful! I think you got a very good price for them.
  6. crj

    Sebastopol geese - selecting breeding stock, color genetics, and color improvement

    Here are pictures of what they look like right now. I wish I could have gotten better pictures. The first bird looks a bit gray but in fact he's pure white and so are the others only with splash of colors. They wouldn't stay still this morning when I was trying to take pictures.
  7. crj

    Sebastopol geese - selecting breeding stock, color genetics, and color improvement

    Thank you everyone. Yes, that helps a lot. Ok, my next question is. How do you get pure breed Sebastopols that have color? I thought they are all white. How do they pick up color? I find all this so interesting. The geese in the beginning of this thread almost look like American Buffs or...
  8. crj

    Sebastopol geese - selecting breeding stock, color genetics, and color improvement

    Hi, this thread is just what I was looking for. My male sebastopol mated with my African goose and I hatched out some very pretty "splash" geese. They are around 8 months old now. Are they considered Sebastopols or are they a mix? I'm trying to upload pictures but I don't know what's...
  9. crj

    Peachick help needed.

    Hi everyone, Sad to say the peachick just died. I have no idea what was wrong with it. I had been tube feeding it and it seemed to help for a while. Tonight I came home and found that it was leaking flem (looked like clear snot) from it's mouth. I noticed yesterday the peachick was going...
  10. crj

    Peachick help needed.

    Thank for all the info Casportpony. No way of getting to a vet. The poop was brown this morning and wet. Thicker then water so I figured it was not to bad. I did add Duramycin to the water. The chick is looking a bit better today and I have to say it loves grapes.... lol. I put the powdered...
  11. crj

    Peachick help needed.

    Thanks, I will definitely keep that one in mind. I doubt it poison though.
  12. crj

    Peachick help needed.

    Thank you New 2 Peafowl. This bird is actually my friends bird but I will care for it. It is with chickens but not very much. It does eat grass I'm sure. No other symptoms. I know what blackhead is and one of the reasons I started the Metronidazole with Praziquantel. The bird looks fine other...
  13. crj

    Peachick help needed.

    I have a peachick that is about 3 months old. At 1 month old I saved it from drowning in a horses water bucket. It stunted growth a bit but it's been doing fine. I was shocked when I realized it was a live and gave it mouth to beak after I shook the water out of it. Now it's doing something...
  14. crj

    What kind of duck is this?

    I would imagine a barnyard mix but if it were Cayuga wouldn't it have at least beetle green colors in her feathers? She's just plain black ALL over...... lol. She's a nice duck and a bit bossy once in a while. ha! thanks.
  15. crj

    I rescued a hen beginning of August with a horrific, moldy, gangrenous wound...*Graphic photos! and

    Well done! I find chickens to be amazing animals. I too have seen some pretty bad wounds that were not to far off from what you had and they too healed. Who would have ever thought? Don't under estimate the healing of a chicken..... EVER! They will surprise you.
  16. crj

    What kind of duck is this?

    It does't have the beetle green color and is bigger.
  17. crj

    What kind of duck is this?

    I know this duck is a female and she lays a pretty blue/green egg. She was a rescue that came with 2 male mallards, 2 pekin/runner mixes and 2 female runners. I'm sure she is a mix but of what I have no idea. Thanks in advance.
  18. crj

    How and where for shots

    Hi, I'm hoping someone here can help me out. I have to give my rooster a shot everyday but I don't know where to give it. I was told in the blood feather and another time in the breast. If you have a picture I would love to see how it's done. I can view a video since I sadly have dial-up...
  19. crj

    Crossed beak Sebbie

    I wish I had a picture of the poor goose. Right now it seems happy enough. I just worry that the goose will become worse and that's not good. To bad it's not something that can be spotted right away or treated.
  20. crj

    Silkie Hen Has Bloated Butt!

    I have a hen that seems to have the same problem. She is doing fine behavior wise. She is naked in some areas of her butt. I picked her up and massaged her but nothing came out. It was very soft so no eggs stuck. I would really like to know what's up as well.
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