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  1. catinthecoop

    Broken feathers?

    Ok, thanks. I just didn't want this to be something that went from 'oh that's odd' to 'omg now something is REALLY wrong.'
  2. catinthecoop

    Broken feathers?

    She molted over winter, but I don't know if she did a full molt, she was the last of the three that did. Is it possible she didn't do a full molt and these are 'old' feathers? It has been pretty windy, and while we tried to take advantage of the pine trees as a wind block, we couldn't get the...
  3. catinthecoop

    Broken feathers?

    So we have 4, one year old hens. A few weeks ago we noticed some broken feathers on our Silver Laced Wyandotte. They were all located above her tail, now she's got them on her chest too. There don't appear to be any missing feathers, just these broken off ends. Today we are seeing some of...
  4. catinthecoop

    Nipple Waterer

    I put one of those lids on my feeder and it leaked water every time it rained. You don't actually want the bucket tight closed with the waterer anyway because then there will be a vaccum inside the bucket. I put small holes under the rim of my waterer to keep it from forming even with the lid on.
  5. catinthecoop

    Nipple Waterer

    If it's new it ought to function correctly for sure. However, I used that style nipple waterer, that I bought the nipples and made myself, for a while in my brooder. I noticed that there was some bit of 'learning curve' for the chickens during which it was wet underneath. I think it took...
  6. catinthecoop

    I hate pine shavings!

    @aart that looks more like what I would call 'mulch' but I imagine you wouldn't want something dyed or treated, what exactly is it?
  7. catinthecoop

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    2 eggs from 4 hens. Best part is this is the first day of getting eggs and we got 2!
  8. catinthecoop

    I hate pine shavings!

    I've been using the TSC yellow bag (fine) shavings in my coop. They work ok, I think primarily because I have 4 chickens in a 6x6 coop. I put a little PDZ down with the shavings, haven't noticed a smell, everything seems fine. I clean once a week in there. In horse stalls? I hate the stuff...
  9. catinthecoop

    Automatic Door Openers

    I've only had my Ador1 for 2 months but so far I love it.
  10. catinthecoop

    ISO Silkie Hen, any ideas?

    I've got a two Wyandottes (a Silver Laced and Gold Laced) a Buff Orpington and an EE. My Silkie would hang mostly with the Orpington and EE, but they all grew up together.
  11. catinthecoop

    ISO Silkie Hen, any ideas?

    @SueT thanks! I never even thought of that. I know our closest fair has passed but there may be more up coming, I will check. Yes, I plan to read up some more and make sure we can set thing up as best we can before bringing another one home.
  12. catinthecoop

    ISO Silkie Hen, any ideas?

    Our silkie chick that we raised ended up being a rooster, we are not allowed to have roosters and of course that was my favorite chicken. We found him a new home but if I can I'd like to find a hen to replace him. The rest of my flock is standard sized, and we are restricted to to five total...
  13. catinthecoop

    Getting them to use roosting bar

    I went out and put them up on the roosting bar, after dark. I think it took 4 nights before all of them were up there by themselves. I only had a bright flashlight, but I set it in the corner facing up, I was as quick as I could be about it and they all stayed put.
  14. catinthecoop

    Help, clean waterer

    I've got 2 gal buckets with horizontal nipples and really like them so far. I use 2 of the 2 gals for 5 hens and they're half full still when I dump them. I do dump the buckets 2x a week but everything seems clean when I do. Opaque buckets keep the algae from growing in my experience.
  15. catinthecoop

    Review by '' on item 'AdorStore ADOR1'

    This thing went in easily to our newly constructed coop, it looks nice and has performed reliably since install. We have had to operate it manually a few times to keep our young chickens in the coop and out of the rain, otherwise it opens and closes like it should and our chickens have been...
  16. catinthecoop

    switching from ground waterer to hanging nipple water

    Especially if you have freezing weather you want the horizontal nipples. However, my chicks had a difficult time with the horizontal nipples at first. I ended up getting the vertical ones and using those for a few weeks, then trying the horizontal ones again and they picked them up in about 10...
  17. catinthecoop

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Yep, I saw frost on the lawn this morning, both pear trees and one of my apple trees is blooming....
  18. catinthecoop

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Checking in on the Cheesehead thread, nice to 'meet' you guys. I can report that I did in fact see some blue sky this evening, maybe we can have a few more days of it? I want to get going on the coop, girls need to go outside! Speaking of, any tips on cheaper lumber or what-have-you needed...
  19. catinthecoop

    7 week old chicks food

    I give mine freeze dried mealworms as a treat, they love them.
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