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  1. littlebanty

    Hens not laying!

    I have about 25 hens between 1-2 years old. All have just stopped laying in the past month or two. I get maybe 4 a week. They are getting 16% layer and have always laid good. They are not molting and don't seem to be stressed. I'm not sure why. They laid through the winter well and as the...
  2. littlebanty

    Breeding OEG bantams

    I just purchased a 3 month old ginger red cockeral. He will be be used for breeding. I am going to be looking for a pullet/hen to use with him or purchase some chicks in the spring if I can't find anything between now and then. My question is should I go with a ginger red female or can I go...
  3. littlebanty

    Serama 18...1 pipped and leaking?

    I have a chick hatching at this very moment! Looks like the only one out of 12 that I had shipped.
  4. littlebanty

    Serama 18...1 pipped and leaking?

    Definatly was a bad one. Just rotten yolk.
  5. littlebanty

    Serama 18...1 pipped and leaking?

    My seramas are on day 18 under a broody. Yesterday I noticed a hair line crack on one. Today that crack is larger and starting to get larger. It is oozing yellowy yolk like stuff and has a slight smell. I swear it moved yesterday and I heard a couple little clicks or chrips in there today...
  6. littlebanty

    Crop issues in pullet

    No grit. I did get her to drink quite a bit and I massaged her crop. She pooped a very bright green poop. And I did get her to vomit. Her crop is empty now. Should I give her some sort of something to treat the sour crop fungus? This is my first ever issue with crops.
  7. littlebanty

    Crop issues in pullet

    Thanks for the info. Im not even sure what she ate. She is on crumbles and at the moment I have her and the others caged as I dont have an extra coop and run. So she couldnt have eaten grass or anything else. I will bring her in tomorrow and keep her close and try to get that dislodged. I...
  8. littlebanty

    Crop issues in pullet

    I have a swedish flower hen pullet that has had a full crop. I noticed it yesterday. Checked to see if she emptied it today and she didnt. She wont walk, eat or drink. I can get her to drink if I take her to the water. She tries to wiggle her crop to empty it herself with no luck. I tried...
  9. littlebanty

    Another sick pullet.

    No other signs at all. I actually picked the scab off. I havent gotten what was left in her mouth. Im gonna get that in the morning. Both hens have different things going on. None of my others are showing anything. I went out tonight and none were rattley sounding at all. Even the sick...
  10. littlebanty

    Another sick pullet.

    There is some yellowish material in her mouth. I think you can see it in the picture I posted.
  11. littlebanty

    Another sick pullet.

    Is it possible for just these two birds to be sick and the others to show no signs at all? Its been about 5 or 6 days when I noticed the first bird with bubbly eye discharge. The second does not have discharge at all but her one eye is closed and she has that bump showing in the picture with...
  12. littlebanty

    Another sick pullet.

    I posted the other day about a hen with a bubbly discharge in her eye. It seems to have gotten better but definatly no worse. Ive been giving la200 injections and dimethox in the water. I noticed yesterday one of my cream legbars has one eye closed. Slight discharge and dried pus like...
  13. littlebanty

    Bubbly discharge in hens eye.

    I put terramycin in her eyes this morning. Dimethox in the water. Should I treat her with the LA200 and can I give it orally? How much? None of my other birds are showing any symptoms.
  14. littlebanty

    Bubbly discharge in hens eye.

    I did not notice a smell. I do have LA 200. Would that work? Or should I just get the tylan. I do have terramycin for eyes. About 5 years ago I had an old english game bantam that had the same thing. She died. No other birds got infected and I never found out what it was. And didnt know...
  15. littlebanty

    Bubbly discharge in hens eye.

    Would gentimycin drops work?
  16. littlebanty

    Bubbly discharge in hens eye.

    I found my hen with a bubble like substance in her eye. They are itchy and she has been rubbing them. I started all of them on Dimethox. Not sure if its the right treatment. But its better then nothing.
  17. littlebanty

    Very sick pullet!

    Quote: No, another hen now has a lesion and Im pretty sure now that I have a fowl pox outbreak.
  18. littlebanty

    Very sick pullet!

    Looking further I saw a red spot on her head as shown in the pic.
  19. littlebanty

    Very sick pullet!

    Quote: I took pics let me see if I can upload them.
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