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  1. pugspigchicks

    Coccidiosis question

    I’ve never dealt with coccidiosis and I’m unclear if chickens are born with a low level in their gut or if they get it from the soil. Would 3 week old indoor chicks in a clean hatching time brooder(has poop tray) get coccidiosis)? I have one acting lethargic and eating less and I’m trying to...
  2. pugspigchicks

    Visceral Mareks

    Does anyone have solid information on the incubation and development of visceral Mareks? I know there are several forms of Mareks and various presentations, but I was told visceral Mareks takes much longer to manifest. A vaccinated hen was purchased from a well known breeder and died 4 months...
  3. pugspigchicks

    Silkies/sizzles in Austin, TX

    I bought eggs from Marsha’s Silkies and Sizzles and Sheri Minkner. These are high-quality chicks. Hatched 20 days ago. I have a few left. The naked neck is no longer available.
  4. pugspigchicks

    Mareks vaccine day 3?

    hi all. I’m assuming the Mareks vaccine is given on day 1 to help provide protection before any exposure. I have chicks in the incubator and some are due to hatch next Saturday and others on Monday. Can I vaccinate all of them on Monday or is the day 1 recommendation important for other reasons...
  5. pugspigchicks

    Sick polish

    I have a 10 month old Polish that has acted completely normal until yesterday until I noticed head shaking last night. And she was roosting too early. Full crop yesterday. I thought Wryneck so started the standard treatment. Now not walking-keeps ruffling feathers and tail down. Keeps standing...
  6. pugspigchicks

    Please help. Vet has no idea

    12 week old polish started with sudden onset of ataxia with neck twisting and jerking 6 days ago. Progressed to sitting to straight spastic legs. Wings work fine as she tries to fly. Legs are hypertonic. If I prop her chest to force her legs in the correct position she tries to run and move them...
  7. pugspigchicks

    Reposting in ER thread. Silkie chicken with neuro issue.

    I'm new to owning chickens. I brought home a new Silkie that was 2-3 weeks old yesterday. It did some kind of weird seizure like movement and went limp and I thought she was dead. She overall recovered. She was still wobbly but after electrolytes she was eating on her own and walking and alert...
  8. pugspigchicks

    New silkie chick.

    I'm new to owning chickens. I brought home a new Silkie that was 2-3 weeks old yesterday. It did some kind of weird seizure like movement and went limp and I thought she was dead. She overall recovered. She was still wobbly but after electrolytes she was eating on her own and walking and alert...
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