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  1. mark1guy

    Down Feather being Picked From Around Bums

    Thanks. That's a good read on winter conditions. While it typically does not get extremely cold in the winter the humidity is typically high. Unless we get extreme cold. I have my dry winter shavings in a super sac covered with plastic so I can added more dry shaving as the winter proceeds...
  2. mark1guy

    Down Feather being Picked From Around Bums

    Hi all, Can anyone explain to me why my birds are picking feathers from only certain birds. 4 of 12 birds have some feathers missing from around the bum area. They are getting a large aluminum pie pan of cooked fish once a week along with dried kelp. 18% layer is available anytime they want...
  3. mark1guy

    Canadians check in here....

    Hi there, I live in Newfoundland and I am trying to find a way to get some a hlaf dozen Americonas or Easter Eggers. Does anyone have any idea how I could get such a low number of birds or eggs? I know of a shipping company that sends livestock around atlantic Canada and Newfoundland? Any...
  4. mark1guy

    Help - Need Feedback to care for one hen

    Thanks. I'll try that.
  5. mark1guy

    Help - Need Feedback to care for one hen

    Any feedback would be greatly appreciated I have 11 hens and 1 rooster. The hen house is 8' x 10' and 1.5 story. The hen run is 10' x 12'. The problem is my barred rock, which is probably my biggest hen is having feathers picked from around its bum and above its tail feathers. The main feed...
  6. mark1guy

    how to make fish meal?

    I usually just fry up 15 capelin whole, mush the fish and give to 13 birds twice a month. The capelin spawn on the beaches every summer by the thousands.
  7. mark1guy

    When can I add the pullets with my layers

    How old do my pullest have to be before I can added them with my layers. I have 5 layers with one rooster that just started laying last week. The pullets are about 6 weeks behind the layers but they are in a smaller pinned area. There is no feather plucking going on with the pullets but I'm...
  8. mark1guy

    PVC Feeder hole size?

    I find I have to give mine a few gentle kicks everyfew days so it fills back up. Now that being said when it does get really low it will gravity fill itself.
  9. mark1guy

    Feeding Bok Choy to Hens and Pullets

    Is it ok to be feeding my Hens Bok Choy on an all you can eat basis? I have Bok Choy gone to seed in my garden and rather than just compost it I have been feeding it to my hens and just recently starting giving it to my 7 week old pullets at treats. I offer 2/3 of a grocery bag twice a day and...
  10. mark1guy

    impacted crop and managing it

    I think one of my pullets has an impacted crop as well. They are 11 weeks old. She is still feeding and has no lack of appitite. Pellets are available but when I dropped off a bunch of carrot peels and weeds she went savage for it. Can you provide any insight on what I should do? She has...
  11. mark1guy

    4 week old chicks are driving me nuts!

    My 9 chicks are 4 weeks old today and I moved them to a big brooder box in the hen house. The gables are open in the roof but they are out of the wind and have the heat lamp a foot above their bedding. At night it drops down to 35° - 37° F but the chicks appear to be doing fine. I boxed in...
  12. mark1guy

    Table Scraps

    My 5 week old ckicks can't get enough dried kelp. I went down the beach and picked 6 buckets and have been drying it and they love the stuff. I'm afraid to give them to much as they are still quite young. Anyone have any thoughts on this?
  13. mark1guy

    Canadians check in here....

    Another Newfoundlander present. Not the Islander that you are referring to, but still another Islander. Hello all. Not ready yet but looking for a few Easter eggers down the road. Any east coasters out there that may have some eggs to sell later? Cheers all
  14. mark1guy

    Its a MINK? UPDATE! page 4 GRAPHIC PIC

    Thanks for the update on weasles but that still doesn't help how to predator proof the coop in an effective manner. Still need to come up with a method to keep what we call mink (black/brown critter that swims in the brooks) versus what we call a weasel (Little brown in summer, white in winter...
  15. mark1guy

    Its a MINK? UPDATE! page 4 GRAPHIC PIC

    Based on the discussion of mink and weasles and teh fact that I live in Newfounland the three main predators are Mink, Weasles and Coyotes. I am in the process of installing my pin. How would someone reccommend I critter proof this pin. I intend to install a larger pen the birds can roam in...
  16. mark1guy

    Temp Spike

    I had 9 eggs hatch and in the confusion for the first time hatching the temperature increased to ~103°F, maybe a little higher than 103°F. I opened an egg today and it was dead inside. I am afraid that I have cooked my remaining eggs. This is day 22 and most started hatching on day 20. I...
  17. mark1guy

    My first incubater chick .

    Hi all, Bought 28 eggs from an individual down the road. The eggs are a mix of RIR, he called top hat ( I think they are golden comets) and one batam hen. Of the 28 eggs 10 have hatched, one passed away while it tried to peep out of the shell. The 21 days was today, Friday April 10th. The...
  18. mark1guy

    Help - My eggs are hatching and the chicks are rolling the other eggs

    Thanks everyone. Great information about the egg carton. It's the first I heard of it. I have a feeling it is going to take several days for the eggs to hatch as the guy locally I got them off of said the eggs were mostly RIR but could be some bantams in there. Also he started collected the...
  19. mark1guy

    Help - My eggs are hatching and the chicks are rolling the other eggs

    So far of my 24 eggs, 8 have hatched and are drying off in teh incubator. At present the chicks are causing the remaining eggs to role around in the incubator. Are there any concerns to the remaining eggs. I'm anticipating some of the other eggs to hatch as the remaining eggs are larger birds...
  20. mark1guy

    Year's first wild dinner for the girls this morning...

    While slighty different a friend of mine. His father has layers. One one occasion they supplimented the calicum component with lobester shells. Apparently it made the yoeks a reddish orange color. I'm looking forward to trying it myself. When I do I'll post pics. He didn;t comment on...
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