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  1. GilligansGirls

    Texas chicken owners - we need your help!

    Why can’t they just make it across the board and include existing HOA’s? That’s like saying “new cities only”!
  2. GilligansGirls

    Ended Official BYC Caption Contest - 10/23/2017 - Pic by RoostersAreAwesome

    You really think you can out stare me?!
  3. GilligansGirls

    Ended ENDED - WINNER ANNOUNCED - Official BYC Caption Contest - 10/09/2017 - Pic by Faraday40

    I hope you have an EMPTY egg carton. Cause you're going to need it!
  4. GilligansGirls

    Chicken Shaming!

    The lighter terra cotta one on the left. The darker is Gingers (RIR) and the bluish one is MaryAnn's (Americuana) I was starting to hope she was not really Mr Howell. :)
  5. GilligansGirls

    Chicken Shaming!

    Well I'll be darned! Went out this evening to hang after the rain had stopped and SHE DID IT! I had to come in and check with the two I got this AM and we do have one of each color! Mrs Howell is Now Lovey!
  6. GilligansGirls

    Chicken Shaming!

    NOPE! The other two are producing like clockwork and Mrs Howell is still just demanding meals and drinks! She has started doing the submissive thing and is actually much more friendly. So I'm hoping the time is coming.? :fl
  7. GilligansGirls


    Hi aa! Welcome to the group! I'm a newbie myself and can't imagine doing the Chicken thing without this site. Hope things turn out to your liking!
  8. GilligansGirls

    Chicken Shaming!

    She is emulating alright. She also has claimed her own "suite" and sleeps in one of the nesting boxes. (Probably because she does not really know what it is there for :rolleyes: ) The other girls have to wait for "house keeping" to come and clean the rooms before they will go in and lay. I saw...
  9. GilligansGirls

    Chicken Shaming!

    Lit or unlit? :lau
  10. GilligansGirls

    Chicken Shaming!

    Uh, did I mention that Mr Smoker is a BIG GREEN EGG! :eek: Do you think she will get the connection? :)
  11. GilligansGirls

    Chicken Shaming!

    This is Mrs. Howell, her two friends, Ginger (RIR) and MaryAnn (Americuana) have been laying daily now for a month, they are all 5 months old. Shame on Mrs Howell! But she thinks she is TOO good and important to lay eggs for us. We won't call her Lovey until she lays. Tomorrow I will introduce...
  12. GilligansGirls

    Sometimes the help is not so helpy

    I do believe they wanted to post something here from THEIR perspective for a change! :D
  13. GilligansGirls

    HOA Laws Are Changing To Allow Chickens- MUST READ

    Yep same here. We never thought about chickens 12 years ago. Now we have been looking for 2 years for some place to move to. Oh we can actually move into the city, you can have chickens there, But you can't have horses! And no land! Unless any one out there has roughy $1,000,000. They would...
  14. GilligansGirls

    HOA Laws Are Changing To Allow Chickens- MUST READ

    There was quite a bit of discussion on this in the Texas thread when Texas "almost" passed a bill allowing backyard chickens. However, it took us a while to realize that the language used did not include HOA's! But we got 3 anyway. Two are now starting to lay and one does so quite noisily. If we...
  15. GilligansGirls


    Isn't it exciting! We got our first egg the end of of August, from our RIR, Ginger. Then a few days later we got one from our Americuana, Mary Ann! We have been getting an egg a day from those two! Now just our spoiled rich B Mrs Howell the BO is holding out. All I can say is it had better be a...
  16. GilligansGirls


    Well like most things I would say it also depends on your budget, which would equal to how much land you can get. A lot of places allow horses but no poultry or "farm animals". We are still in the process of looking all over the area and that is what we have been running into. Also the...
  17. GilligansGirls


    That is great! We have a Passion Vine that is OUT OF CONTROL! We just now started letting our girls free range some and they have been digging through the vine hunting and will occasionally grab a leaf. We don't have any fruits yet but I will start looking. I'm just hoping they can trim the...
  18. GilligansGirls

    Tiny Chicken Coops

    In reading through this thread I wanted to put in a quote from most all y'all. Like most everything on this site I would like To see it be informative, not negative. This is our first "adventure" into a life with chickens and we used this site as well as the book for trying to figure out what...
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